
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


Love Island Norge

let's make something better, CBS
I honestly got turned onto this show while watching Big Brother 21, and I am SO disappointed with CBS...Here we go:

The hand-full of women and men that are chosen to be a part of this show are all extremely beautiful to look at.... But that's it. Unfortunately, I watched the first episode of this season and I'm still unsure as to what or how the elimination will allow success to other "couples" (I don't even know if elimination is the right word...?). "Apparently" all of these "contestants" are between the ages of "21 and 29"..............................HAHAHAHA there is NO WAY. At least naturally--especially for the 21 year-olds that "are so done with being single" and that they're "biological clock is ticking".

I am disgusted as to how TV has evolved in this kind of trash.

What are we teaching our children with this?? You can only find love if you're caddy or mean to other women? That there is always some type of competition going on between us girls?

This is what is wrong with women in society and as a popular culture--we are constantly comparing ourselves to others (especially in the media), degrading each other, fighting each other...over all, we become in competition with each other...about what? Getting a man's approval? His notice? Or just some kind of recognition from all of the other women that we can get a man?

All of this seems like some form of patriarchy that I am not cool with. We don't need to have more of this kind of media getting to our kid's brains about their self image or image of others. Can't we come up something better to watch while also giving younger viewers better images of themselves instead of comparing themselves to these "21 year old" girls that are in a size 2 swimsuit.

Get it together CBS.

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