
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


Til Ex Do Us Part

Possibly the worst movie ever made
Started watching this because I thought the director was Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire). Seconds into the movie I realized that either Danny Boyle was slumming it (no pun intended) or there are two directors named Danny Boyle. This hot mess of a movie was in fact, directed by Danny J. Boyle, not Danny Boyle. But the worst thing about this movie isn't the directing, it's the godawful script that seems to have been written by a robot being fed Harlequin Romances and Hallmark movie scripts. We were transfixed by the awfulness of it. Skip it. Do literally anything else with your life, but do not watch this movie.

A Dog Year

So boring
If you've always dreamed of watching Jeff Bridges brush a dog's teeth, then by all means, watch this movie. Otherwise, take a big, big, pass. So dull and clichéd. A writer with writer's block. A midlife crisis. Wise rural folk. The only reason I gave it a two instead of a one is that it has some visual appeal -- Jeff Bridges and lots of outdoor shots of high summer in a place that looks like Vermont, maybe? New Hampshire? One of those New England states. Or a Canadian province. But that doesn't make up for the life I wasted watching this from beginning to end. I kept thinking: If Jeff Bridges is in it, it must be worth watching. Nope. Nope, nope.

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