
IMDb member since January 2017
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Great series
Firstly I have to say the zombie genre is not a favourite of mine,but the two seasons of this Netflix is just fabulous. Yes some of the acting by the lesser cast is a tad wooden,the main players are spot on. From everything from the myriad storyline to the wonderful visuals it's definitely worth a watch,& as I say I don't like zombie films,but that is only half of the plot lines. It's also about a battle against good leaders against evil leaders. Warning,there's a lot of blood letting involved but surprisingly it doesn't seem gratuitous. The end of series 2 leaves it all open fora series 3,I hope that is in the pipeline

Cuatro estaciones en La Habana

Great adaptation
A very good adaptation from the 4 series of books by the same name,Conde is how I'd imagined him as are all the other characters. I've never been to Cuba but this does also how I imagine it,you can almost feel the heat during the night scenes. Not a long review but if you like Montalbano and detectives tv of that ilk you'll enjoy this too. A bit more X rated than Montalbano tho

Ghost Stories

I'm not a horror fan
Firstly I must say I rarely,if ever,watch horror. I find them boring tbh,but as this was a low budget British film I thought it was worth the effort,often you get some real gems. Is this one of those unexpected gems? I'd say yes for non horror fans,it has a lot more substance than the normal slash em up movie. There is a subplot that comes back to you afterwards,without spoilers,it's been done before in films but what film hasn't had parts lifted from other films? Very good performances from the main characters... definitely worth a watch,probably more for non horror fans if that makes sense!!

Too Late

Interesting for those who like films
Low budget indie films are something of a treasure,and this one is most definitely worth a watch. Moving from one time frame to another isn't a new trick but it's done rather well here. There's a reveal very near the end which explains a lot. John Hawkes will probably never be a Hollywood A lister,but what he always gives is an A list performance.. the dialogue during the scenes can seem a little forced at times,maybe with the reveal at end it makes more sense. The final scene shot is not the end of the story,with the switching back and forth over a 3 year period(tho most happens over 3-4 days) you can lose track,which again clicks into place at the end. Quite a clever indie film,I enjoyed it

Once Upon a Time in Venice

You have to wonder where the Bruce of 12 monkeys,Unbreakable,sixth sense,sin city to name a few, has gone. This is truly awful,not sure if a vanity project or something just thrown together at the last minute. Can't think of a single reason anyone else should have to suffer this,I've done it for you. Wise cracking guy loses his dog to a drug dealer,has to get said drug dealers stolen drugs back to get dog back. Various other characters involved,one being Bruce's junior PI partner/trainee who is also the films annoying narrator. That's basically the plot,I like some of Willis's work,every now and then he plays a blinder,this isn't one of those times.

Wind River

How films should be made
I don't write long reviews,so a short synopsis follows. A brilliantly filmed,thoughtful film. There's a lot of deep sorrow that's heightened by the cold snow filled landscape,superb camera work. This in my opinion is Renners finest performance,he's either perfect for the role or he's an excellent actor( I judge the latter) It maybe slow paced for some but it's the sort of film that doesn't need to be action packed,it's that good.

Bad Day for the Cut

Unexpected find
Found on Netflix and wasn't expecting much but more than pleasantly surprised. Fine acting from the leads,especially Donal. Unfolding back story that makes the film,well worth a look

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