• It's crazy, sexy, awesome and unrelenting. I love love love this show. I watched the entire season twice and it was better the second time.

    I wish there was there was another season or even a spin off...the characters are great, there was never a full moment.
  • I love the show...well, most off the show. I cannot stand that stupid character Zoe. Why on earth is she around? Why on earth is he in love with her? She's annoying, lame, no attractive and she tries to rob him. Ugh...weak story arch here, makes my ears bleed when she talks.
  • "You'renot my dad!"

    "You don't know how it feels!"

    Ugh. Long, dark (literally no lighting), slow....didn't like it. Also, this Batman isn't very smart. Maybe he should turn off the Nirvana and study more.
  • I love this show. I was looking for something similar to Banshee and this fit the bill. The show is so fun to watch, we have enjoyed every minute of it. I cannot wait to get more!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A lot of people love this adaptation of Jack Reacher, I am not one of them. Its been a few years since I read the books. But I feel they changed the tone of the first novel quite a bit.

    They changed some fundemental things about Reacher. He does not have the soul of Reacher. He isn't cocky, he's confident. He doesn't show off - he doesn't need to. Also, the fights are inconsistent (stupid pipsqueak fight and alley dude that had his arm broken twice). Reacher isn't the Sherlock Holmes as he was in the books, rather a jock that just figured out how pythagorean theorem worked and couldn't wait to tell everyone.

    The story is incoherent, much more incoherent than in the books. You get muddled with names, cow feed, cities, etc... a big mess. The showrunners are not very good. They had 8 hours to adapt a facinating thriller and failed. This is what sets them apart from the great Christopher McQuarrie, who crafted an awesome Jack Reacher story in under 2 hours.

    The scene where Joe and Jack visited their mother for the last time, they reversed the roles of Jack and Joe if I remember correctly. I think that event occurred in "Night School"? It was one of my favorite, they didn't have to change it.

    A big 'Meh'. I hope they don't make a season 2. If they do, I hope they hire better writers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show has gone off the rails.

    Master Sargaent Frances Neagley does not appear in this novel. She does not want to talk about 'feelings'. She is a stone cold killer, even Reacher is afraid of her. She definitely does not say "Don't mess with the special investigations unit" like some kinda bush league mantra.

    Its good to see them try to give us a new Reacher adaptation, but this series can no way compare to the Tom Cruise movie. That movie was written and directed by a mastcraftsman. That movie had four Oscar nominated actors. It really shows.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved the books, so I was very excited to see a new Reacher adaptation. This series is faithful, but there are major significant changes:

    • Finlay isn't the tired, burned out detective like he was in the novel. He was more than happy to hide from the action. -1.5 stars
    • Roscoe is different, the character was not as strong as she is portrayed in the novel - 1.5 stars
    • Reacher is dead on as far as the phyical attributes and the violence. - 0 stars

    Please do not change the books, why? Millions of people love these books. Why change it? Why change it to fit some social commentary? Amazon already did this with Without Remorse... don't do it to this one too. I hope the writers read "Jack Reacher's Rules" before writing the script for the show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Planes exploding from small arms fire. Castillo, absent for nearly the entire episode, flying out of nowhere as his favorite detectives are about to quit. Gina and Trudy have a total of 1 minute screen time. Crockett and Tubs get into suicide situations for no explanable reason except because the script calls for it.

    Some series get better over time, but not this one. Do yourself a favor, only buy seasons 1 through 3.

    Seasons 1 through 3 = awesome. Great writing, great direction, great cinematography.

    Season 4 = Crap on a hot Miami afternoon, Dick Wolf sucks.

    Season 5 = Better than season 4, but to little, to late.
  • Wow, that episode was utter garbage. The dialogue was stupid, the plot was stupid, the script was stupid.

    Duck Wolf sucks, he is no Michael Mann. Never liked Law & Order, never liked the X-Files...this episode is a mash of the two with an extra dash of stupid.
  • Stupid episode. I could've cared less about any of these stupid characters. All the wonderful episodes, I guess they have to throw in an awful one. Benicio Del Toro is asked to ask as dumb as you can.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is not very good. Not as bad as a Zack Snyder, but few movies are. What made the movie hard to watch:

    1. Not the same Michael Corleone. Subdued, meticulous, and vicious...not this character. Loud, bombastic and apologetic, the real Michael Corleone would have given the order to feed this Michael's heart to the fishes without reluctance.

    2. When Michael and Kay laughed and had a Sicilian holiday, were they reminiscing about the time when she aborted their child and wanted to kill off his seed? With Michael using her face as a sandbag?

    3. Even Tom Hagen couldn't save this mess. RIP Tom.

    4. Stupid, convoluted Vatican plot... I still have no idea what that was about.

    5. Vincent went from reckless street thug to Don in a matter of months. Bada bing! Frankie's brother had more impact than this person.

    6. Poor Sophia... some people are actors while others are writers and film makers, she was not the former. It shows.

    I wish I never saw it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Magnum accuses Higgins of being Robin Masters. If there was any logic to this, why didn't Magnum think that the 'real' Robin Masters just fire and kick him off the estate immediately, instead of "one of us be removed from the estate"? Also in the last 6 years Magnum has helped Robin and have been with him in person, Magnum being in Naval Intelligence and a great investigator never found any information on the man he is paid to protect? Stupid concept, stupid episode. Magnum P. I. deserve better than some cheap gimmick.
  • Everything frustratingly stupid you can think of happens in this movie. It is straight up so stupid that it will frustrate you. The characters give long stares when they should be in a hurry. There is a romantic story in the middle of everyone dying.... add family drama to the mix.

    I hate this movie so much, it belongs in hell.
  • Without Remorse was one of the best Tom Clancy novels. This movie has the same title, but the only thing similar to the novel is that the protagonist has the same name. That's it. The movie is lame. The novel is awesome. Enough said.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Best part of the movie: James Franco has about 1 minute worth of screen time

    Worst part: Any scene with Danny Mcbride

    Second best part: Almost everyone dies
  • I love everything about the show, except for one thing: Holden. He is a self righteous, egomaniac, tool. The show would be a million times better if this character died on Eros.
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    Why does the show focus so much on Ivar? Hard to root for him or the seasons where they made him the central focus. Yeah yeah, he's cripple, he's conquered with a disadvantage, but who cares? He is still a dick. They gave him a honorable death, seriously?

    Also, the final season was a PC/PG, watered down version of a great show. Barf.
  • Bruce Wayne is too wimpy looking. He looks like a total beta. Scenes with him and Harvey... Dent drawfs him.

    The story and the graphics are awesome though...I do like the showdown mode more than the classic mode.
  • I loved this movie. It is not PC, it is not sugar coated. People think and react how you would expect them to react, there are no saints, the characters are flawed as normal people are flawed in everyday life.

    I am a huge fan of this director/screenwriter, I have loved Bone Tomahawk, Brawl on CB 99, and now this. He is shaping up to be my one of my favorites. I love a good crime drama regardless of how long it is, if it's done right... much like Heat, The Godfather, Taxi Driver... etc.
  • Overacting. Plot holes. Characters that behave stupid to fit a stupid story. What a disappointment.
  • I keep hoping that with every new Batman animated feature, it would have the same character, charm and smarts as the Batman:TAS. Even with Bruce Timm involved, this movie is kinda dumb.

    Some really annoying things:
    • Batman/Bruce Wayne is awesome ...when the plot needs him to be and is a total wimp ...when the plot needs him to be. There is no reason otherwise, which is annoying. Is he fully trained Batman or is he Year One Batman???

    • Batman is a detective, but his 'detective' skills did not account for squat. Is he the worst detective in Gotham? Cause this film makes him out to be...

    • The animation is crap... instead of Gothic noir, airbrush... we get run-of-the-mill cheap animation noir. Its drastically different.

    I hated this movie... but not as much as I hated Batman and Harley Quinn
  • The character redesigns are great. The animation is better. The stories are as good... "Never Fear", "Old Wounds", "Sins of the father", "Over the edge" are just a few episodes that make this series so great.

    This is BATMAN: TAS steamlined by the master team of Timm, Dini, Burnett and company... so much fun to watch. I wish there were more.

    The newer movies... not so much... ugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I finally got the chance to see this series. It was overall very good and it included a lot of DC heroes you normally would only see in the comics. However, the love triangle with Hawkman, Hawkgirl and John Stewart was awful. Why? Because it made John and Hawkgirl some of the most terrible people ever. Let me get this straight... Shayera (spg?) cheated on her soulmate/husband because he wanted to bring peace to the world? Not only that she did it with his best friend? As for John Stewart (the Eygptian version), what kind of friend are you? You are not noble, not worthy of the power ring at all!

    They really made John and Shayera to be dogsh*t people... and on top of that, they trampled on the Golden Age origin of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. John Stewart was one of the greatest GL's... but they made him dishonest and untrustworthy. Terrible.
  • This was probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen from some of the creators of Batman TAS. Its dumb and its terrible. I would rather sit and listen to Kevin Conroy read a phone book than watch this garbage again.

    I can't believe Bruce Timm actually produced this... please give Mr. Conroy better material... he is a treasure to all Batman fans.