Reviews (53)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This horror/ thriller movie is refreshingly original. It has one of the best exposition sequences ever, according to Quentin Tarantino and I agree with him 100%.

    It Follows is a movie about a seemingly unknown curse. It takes the shape of a human that follows its victim around at a walking pace until eventually catching up to them and taking their life. The only way to break the curse is to sleep with someone and then the curse passes onto them.

    The film has a good feel to it, never getting boring and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. The scenes are shot beautifully and the editing is superb. There are no cheap jump scares or unnecessary loud thuds from the sound design.

    When I watched this on its release, I didn't get it and lost interest. However, upon second viewing, this is hands down one of the best horror movies to be released in last 10 years. Maybe it was ahead of its time. Almost perfect.

  • This film was appalling and I'm being lenient. The past three from this franchise were amazing and I am a huge fan. However, what those films had that this one lacked is the marrying of the human world and the ape world.

    This movie felt more of just an ape movie and therefore I became CGI fatigued. The "heart" of this movie feels forced, it tries way too hard to make the audience love these characters, unfortunately it fails spectacularly.

    There are no new angles and the plot is boring and I didn't care about it at all. An Orangutan is a goody, the gorillas are foot soldiers .. well surprise surprise! Not!

    I don't recall one memorable fight or battle throughout.

    I would avoid this at all costs and proof that when big corporations get involved it all goes bad.

    It gets one star because some of the effects are okay.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the best British horror/ thriller movies you'll see. Great atmosphere, scenery, performances & story.

    Calibre basically centres on two friends embarking on a hunting trip to Scotland that takes an unexpected turn. When one of them accidentally shoots and kills a young local boy whilst hunting for elk, their world is flipped upside down. There on in, we as the audience are the only ones who know the truth and it feels like we too are trying to hide what has happened. The suspense is real and makes for uncomfortable viewing as the two protagonists navigate their way through a difficult landscape lying to locals and appeasing to their customs. The film always stays grounded throughout and never feels like it's getting silly, predictable or unbelievable.

    I have seen this movie five times and it has never disappointed, delivered every time.
  • I hope this is the last of these type of horrors. We are officially done. Think Midsommar, Get Out, Nope, Us... etc etc. The Menu is late to the party and unfortunately the whole thing feels like it's trying too hard.

    The movie itself will mildly entertain you, but nothing more, but that's only because it literally treads the exact same path of movies gone before it, so was hardly going to be a total disaster.

    There is no point talking about the acting, script etc because it's just all a bit meh. It does a job, but nothing more. Anyway, I really wish this will be the last of these Black-Mirror-esque movie clones.

    We want something new, something meaningful.
  • Where do I start??? This movie was absolutely trash from start to finish. Probably had a budget of $20. All they needed was a car park, restaurant and a few cars. The plot is so childish and not believable for a second. Acting is worst I've seen, not to mention the script! It's like the director and the studio have no standards, no respect for themselves or their loved ones to make this. I can understand from Don Johnson's perspective, just take the money and run, but the Director?? You just ruined your career. Don't watch this movie, unless you have nothing better to do with your life.

    It will be two hours you'll never get back.
  • I watched this not knowing anything about its plot.

    Generally, I'm not a fan of soldier movies, but this was different. It was more about family ties, honour and friendship.

    After initially starting slow, the plot picks up and we are drawn into the lead character's life. Chris Pine's acting is solid throughout as are all of the supporting cast.

    Only negative is that, there is A LOT that could have been done with these characters, but I guess time did not allow.. especially the back story with his father etc.

    Overall, a decent movie. Recommended.
  • I enjoyed the original from way back when so I was excited, but skeptical when I discovered this. However, right from the start I was engaged! The casting is actually brilliant and they all do a great job.

    The effects and photography are actually very well done and rarely feel cheesy or cheap.

    Overall, it won't change your life or be Breaking Bad but if you enjoyed the original and don't take it too seriously, you'll enjoy it.
  • I wasn't expecting anything from this. Horror/ thrillers these days are usually always terrible. This was a surprise, I was hooked from the very beginning.

    The acting is brilliant from everyone especially the lead actress. This movie is genuinely scary. It's a very believable story which I guess helps. Anyway, very good movie if you're into this genre.
  • This movie won't change your life but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

    Easy to watch and the running time flies.

    Good performances all round although the lead actress could have had a little more intellect.
  • A beautiful, haunting and original film. Alex Garland is a national treasure.

    Acting, casting, pace and photography are all superb. This film will leave you thinking about it for a few days.
  • This film raises lots of questions about growing old, dating, intimacy and how social media has manifested meaning into our lives.

    A brilliant film, beautifully paced and photographed. Binoche is superb as are the rest of the actors who are perfectly cast.

    Watch this before it's remade for the American market and probably ruined.

    A must watch!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is nothing short of atrocious. The acting is diabolical. The whole thing feels like a student's end of year film, just amateur hour. The acting in this is the film's achilles heel. You don't care about the characters because they're just hamming it up every scene and you want to laugh. The creature almost scary, but not quite nor nothing original. Overall, it tried but let down by cast.
  • Why do I hate everyone in this show? What was the writer trying to do? Is this supposed to be satire? Is this a poke at White America? A poke at Millennials? Gen Z? The characters are just vile, boring, fake and unrealistic.

    Overall, the writing is awful. Especially the voiceovers. No one speaks like this. Also, Joe thinks he's God's gift to women but why?? He's not particularly masculine or attractive, so don't get it.

    Season One was okay, the rest are just terrible.

    I have no empathy with any of the characters at all. That is not good if you're supposed to be invested in watching a series. That can't be the writer's intention, which leads me to believe that they're just not very talented writers.

    Watch the first season. Avoid the rest especially the 3rd series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What's with all the hype??

    My biggest problem with this are the characters. I just don't care for them, very two dimensional and not very well drawn.

    The concept is nothing ground breaking. Seen it done before and better. Also don't bother with the dubbed audio, you'll end up laughing.

    Found myself bored in quite a few of the episodes also.

    Overall, I just didn't care, not the worst thing I've ever seen but nowhere's near worthy of the hype it received.
  • Films like this are very hard to get right, mainly because they play out more like theatre than a 'movie'. Just two people confined by their words. However, I think the director manages to keep us, the audience, engaged with a great script, fine acting and striking black and white cinematography. This film explores the Art vs Soul vs Human interaction that many artists struggle with. Literally consumed by their art to the point of destruction. Malcolm is a man devoid of any empathy unless it revolves around the limitations of his art, whilst Marie is his sponge, an entity for him to feed on. Underneath their exterior are two people madly in love, struggling to recognise one another's qualities because they're consumed by finding meaning and/or recognition in their art. Malcolm and Marie is a complex movie. It challenges you to listen. It wants you to feel its rhythm. It reminded me of once being a young person who took art way too seriously. It also made me want to eat mac and cheese at 2am! Overall, refreshing cinema that has restored my faith in filmmaking.
  • This film is weird, funny and unique. Recommend it. Won't see anything like it.
  • The film takes a while to get going, but kinda worth it in the end. Good use of music and direction. You could do a lot worse than watch this, better than most Netflix movies.
  • If you're looking for a thriller/ drama/ horror movie for grown ups then look no further. Hold the Dark is a moody, tense, beautiful slow burner of a movie. The cinematography keeps the movie alive. The acting is excellent but be warned this film does deserve your concentration to keep up with the multi layered angles within the plot. Watch it and let the atmosphere surround you.
  • Good acting. Gorgeous cinematography. Gripping and harrowing in equal measure. Recommended.
  • This is a brilliantly written comedy. Makes you laugh out loud one minute and sad the next. Honest performances throughout. A breath of fresh air. Go watch!
  • Sets and production = horrible Acting = horrible What is this trash? Nothing makes sense and the whole thing is completely unrealistic. This plays out like a poor man's 'insert a better crime drama here'. Just avoid.
  • This is so disturbing - but why did I just laugh throughout? Basically sums up this movie! You won't forget this film that's for sure. It reminded me of so many films yet still unique in its own way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The CGI and makeup are just awful. The main problem is Freddy. You can't see his mouth move when he talks, due to the terrible makeup effects, so what happens is, you get a very wooden performance. You don't feel scared because he looks hampered. Such a shame because this could have been great.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A documentary which highlights the depths some authority figures would sink to protect their lies, prejudices and careers. The Avery family are obviously hated by the local law enforcement authorities and are targeted by a Sheriff with a personal vendetta against one of the sons, Steven Avery. After a woman is raped, Steven Avery is seen as the prime suspect and subsequently serves 18 years in prison. His imprisonment is a sham and is subsequently released following advances made in DNA technology. What then follows is a huge lesson in man vs state. As he advances to seek rightful compensation for his losses, he is stopped in his tracks by a fresh accusation of murder. In my opinion, framed by disgruntled officials who don't want to see their careers and integrity torn to pieces by Avery's lawsuit. It is a travesty that people could frame an innocent man and still sleep at night. The documentary leaves lots of questions unanswered but hopefully a third instalment could re-examine some of the revelations unearthed in Season 2. A brilliant yet harrowing docu series.
  • This is more than watchable. Okay, its not the original but I found myself enjoying It all the way through. Good performances and the horror is just right. A very good effort.
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