
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


The Time Machine

the original time-traveller.
An absolute gem of a movie. Some aspects have dated, but at the core is the most wonderful characters and storytelling that transcends time.

Probably George Pal's finest work.

Unique for its day, and never bettered. The visual effects were ambitious and cutting edge for the time, but as the years go by, I sometimes wish they'd gone further. Some of the painted backdrops are marred by visible matte lines, and a few of the miniatures betray their scale. But I only single these out for criticism because just about every other aspect of this film is so perfect to me. And they don't get in the way of the story; they exist purely to convey it in the most direct way.

Rod Taylor has never been better, but for me the most memorable performance in the film is Alan Young as Filby. I consider him the heart and soul of the picture.

Revisiting this movie is a total joy.

It just gets better every time.

September Storm

Sunken Treasure
Surprisingly good adventure film featuring Joanne Dru, as captivating as ever. Actually she's even better than usual.

An old-fashioned treasure hunt in a Mediterranean setting. Perhaps I have a soft spot for this largely forgotten film because it takes me back to vague childhood recollections of vacations spent in and around the Ballearic islands. Watching it now is like taking a holiday back to those simpler days.

A few twists and turns in the plot keep things interesting; some are variations on familiar themes and story lines, but ultimately September Storm takes on a life of its own. Let down somewhat by a few of the special effects, but if you can suspend your disbelief somewhat, you'll find a film that could have used some extra finesse, but is essentially well put together.

Gorgeous settings and underwater photography have been poorly cropped by pan and scan and as a result the action doesn't read as well as it should. Much better than expected overall. A very pleasant piece of escapism.

You have to see it to believe it!

First Men in the Moon

Magical Retro-Science Fantasy
One of Harryhausen's most undersung productions. This movie is perfect in so many ways, it's a shame the fantastic stop-motion selenites are let down by their mis-matched live action counterparts. The stop-motion is top notch as usual; if there's a disappointment it's that there isn't more of it.

But not fatal to the film. It's one of the Harryhausen films that's very well made on its own terms, and not overly dependent on animation sequences strung together with padding in between.

Nicely complemented by bookend sequences that tie in to the space race.

Loved every minute!

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