
IMDb member since September 2005
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    18 years


Savannah Smiles

Perfect family movie
I saw this when it first came out and enjoyed it. My oldest daughter , now 20 ,enjoyed it so much she named her favorite doll Savannah. Now my 3 yr old is in love with Savannah. Every morning she wants to watch Savannah as she eats breakfast, she has gotten to the point of reciting lines before they appear. It's a wonderful movie, fun, entertaining and you fall in love with Savannah and her 2 buddies; the gruff Alvie and clueless yet sweet Bootsie. As you watch this notice the changes that take place in the main characters, very heart warming. The music scores support the story. I find that I hum or sing them throughout the day. My 3 yr old asks me to sing the end song as I rock her to sleep each night. There are overtly funny scenes but you have to appreciate the clueless comment of Peter Graves' character.."I've heard that voice before."

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