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One of the best movies in a while
I loved Bob Odenkirk in Mr. Show and Better Call Saul and he has truly outdone himself with this movie. I would have never believed he could be a bad ass action hero but I'm a believer now! This was a very enjoyable movie with a lot of hard-hitting fight choreography (reminded me of the Daredevil series). Great job Mr. Odenkirk!!

Star Trek: Discovery

I don't know which show everyone that hates it is watching...
I'm a lifelong Star Trek fan and I absolutely love Discovery. Season 2 is amazing. I'm sorry you guys don't like it but a lot of us do.


How did this get a 6.2???
--- Spoilers below (I guess?) ---

I continued watching this with the hopes that it would eventually make sense and turn out to be a good movie.

I was wrong.

The characters all had unrealistic psychotic tendencies that weren't funny or even shocking -- it was just bad. Don't get me wrong, I think the actors made the best out of the crap they were handed, but the awful dialog followed by sudden dark character twists reminded me of watching bad improv comedy that bombs on every attempt at a joke.

If you watched the trailer then you saw most of the scenes with the monsters already. The rest is really odd character development that drags on for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Don't waste your time on this one.

Bad Batch

Didn't like it
This seemed like a first attempt to make a movie similar to Kevin Smith's "Clerks" (which was a really good movie!) This is an example of having a good movie idea then executing it poorly. I can kind of see where the director was wanting to go with this but it was very boring to watch. I thought that the actor's performances were good but the story just wasn't funny.

The synopsis on IMDb states that this movie is "a mix of ultra-realistic vérité and stoner comedy." None of it was realistic and stating that its vérité is misleading. This movie was "real" in the sense that it covered some real-life situations but it made me feel like I was in a waiting room watching a looped public-service announcement. I didn't even get a chuckle out of anything anyone said or did. Calling it a comedy was a bad choice of words.

Stoner movies are usually off-the-wall and goofy because face it, most people like watching these movies while they're high. I can't even recommend it for that quality. There was nothing enjoyable in it at all and when I thought it might start getting funny the movie ended.

I hate writing negative reviews but when I saw the rating of 7.8 I had to say something.

Fast Five

Can I have my 2 hours back?
Definitely in the bottom 3 movies I have seen. I'm a Vin Diesel fan all the way back to Multi-Facial. I liked Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick along with just about everything else he's done. Even the first Fast & Furious was a good action movie. Hell, I even liked XxX! This one was pretty bad.

I try to have suspension of disbelief when I watch anything but I just couldn't enjoy this movie due to all of the strange character development and plot holes. I know a lot of people really like this movie (including my brother who said it was one of the best movies he's seen -- gonna have a talk with him) but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

If you like the F&F movies then you should see this one. If not, then move along and find something better to watch. When I checked IMDb for this movie prior to getting it the rating was 7.4. This is one of the rare times that IMDb's ratings have let me down.

Overall the acting was horrible, the plot was bad, the action sequences were hard to follow, and the characters really weren't likable. I saw on IMDb that they're making F&F6... Why? Were there that many unanswered questions from the first 5? Make Riddick 3 or Iron Giant 2 instead!!

District 9

Worth watching but Prawns might be offended.
I went to see District 9 yesterday. It was not what I expected, but that is a good thing nowadays. When just about every movie twist and turn has been done before, it's nice to be surprised. My only complaint about this movie was that they did not do everything that they could have done with it. It should have been 4 hours long or split up into two separate movies. They could have made a series out of it and blew a lot of the garbage out of the water that is being shown on prime time TV.

Overall I really enjoyed the story and the characters. I left the theater feeling like I got my money's worth for the movie. I'll watch it again when it comes out on DVD for sure.

United States of Tara

Not for everyone, but a very good show
I am a huge fan of this show. I watched the first episode on-demand just to see what it was about. I ended up watching the whole series over the next couple of days.

The main thing I enjoy about the show is that the characters all have normal human weaknesses. Brie Larson (Katie) plays a very convincing teenager. I hate it when movies and TV show portray teenagers as dumb, naive kids. Brie's character is a believable teenager trying to grow up in a difficult situation.

At first I thought this was going to be the typical multiple personality disorder show. Normally the character with D.I.D. hams up the performance. Toni Collette portrays this disorder with a certain class and dignity, even when she is one of her more "over the top" personalities. During one scene, I caught myself thinking that one of her personalities was a completely different person. She also has one of the best cans on TV :) One of the ancillary characters that I really enjoyed was Nathan Corddry (Gene). I think everyone has met someone like him at one point or another in their lives.

I am looking forward to seeing all of the actors in the cast in the future. There are no bad actors on this show. I notice a lot of neutral and bad reviews about United States of Tara. Watch the show and form your own opinions, I think you will be glad that you did.

Lakeview Terrace

Samuel L. Jackson makes the movie!
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! I think Samuel L. Jackson nailed his role perfectly. I have never felt more sympathy for such a blatant control-freak jerk. I think the anti-racism message came through loud & clear. I walked away from this movie feeling like I got my money's worth. I loved it from start to finish.

Patrick Wilson was pretty decent in this film, although his performance was overshadowed my Mr. Jackson. Kerry Washington was stunningly gorgeous as usual. Wow, she is just incredibly sexy and a great actress.

There were no bad actors in this film. Even the extras were great. If you are wandering around Blockbuster and you are looking for a really good movie to watch, pick up Lakeview Terrace. You won't be disappointed!

Max Payne

I want my time back
One of the truly bad movies I have ever seen. I have loved everything Mark Wahlberg has done until now. MAYBE if you are a hard core Max Payne fan then you will like this movie, but for me it was slow.... very slow. I would love to get my time back that I spent watching this movie. There were some really good actors in the movie but the plot was thin and the movie just seemed to drag on forever.

If you have seen every other movie out there and just want something to watch, or if you are a big fan of the game, then this may be a good pick for you. For me, I wish I had selected something else.

Mila Kunis was super hot in it though.

Estate of Panic

Very entertaining! Great hosts!
I have seen two episodes so far and I really like it. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows on TV. The host (Steve Valentine) is slightly evil and the butler Rupert is the creepy silent type. I like Steve Valentine's insane heartless millionaire performance for this show.

Just when I think I've seen it all, this show surprises me. Even though I know its a game and the rooms are carefully constructed for the show, I can't help but to be impressed with how scary they have made everything. My hat is off to the set designers!

Another big plus for me is that the contestants seem down to earth and real, which is something that appeals to me when watching a reality show.

I look forward to seeing the next episode!

Fool's Gold

Suspension of disbelief...
I tried watching this movie like I do most movies. I don't expect reality and I keep an open mind. It is a fictional story, so my "suspension of disbelief" was in full-force. I guess it would be an acceptable date movie, but just don't expect to be wowed by anything.

A very predictable plot, shallow characters, over-the-top overacting and a series of coincidences reminded me of the movie Sahara. Donald Sutherland was good but even he couldn't save this movie.

If you've already seen everything at the video store and you want a mildly entertaining movie to watch, pick this up. Don't expect a treasure hunt adventure movie like Indiana Jones or even National Treasure.

When the movie was over I felt a mild sense of disappointment and was even a little angry.

If you want to re-watch a good movie that you've seen about 10 times, get that instead.

Meet the Spartans

Awful movie
This was by far the worst movie I have ever seen. I approached it expecting low-brow humor and parodies but it really wasn't funny at all.

Not only did they have to point out every attempt at a joke, the humor was just not there. I wish I could have my 90 minutes back.

If I would have wasted my money in a theater to sit through this crappy attempt of a movie then I would have asked for my money back after the first 10 minutes.

To be fair, I could see a whole theater full of Jerry Springer guests whooping and hollering.. so if you fit in that demographic by all means enjoy this trash-terpiece.

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

Brilliant movie
I have loved Tom Kinney since Mr. Show with Bob and David. This movie is just brilliant with something for everyone. Even if you've never seen a Spongebob Squarepants episode before, this movie will make you start watching it. Easily the best children's show on television.

If you have never seen Tom Kinney in Mr. Show then you need to go out and rent Mr. Show with Bob and David right now. He is an excellent actor and comedian.

I hope there is a sequel to this movie soon. My wife and I are loyal Spongebob fans even though we are in our 30s.

Keepup the EXCELLENT work guys!!!

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