
IMDb member since February 2017
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Ripped Ripley
What they did was using a B&W version of a classic story well filmed with the best cast possible is not compelling enough to surpass the Talented Mr Ripley. All three characters just falls short to present a engaging game of manipulation, deceit and intense thriller which is the underlying foundation of the story.

With the aforementioned story filmed in Positano which demonstrated the allure and beauty of an Italian town was perfecto for the original story. Then they tried to shoot Ripley in Atrani with an equally quaint setting but fails to capture the story using B&W only. I struggled to find this captivating in the first three episodes. You can try shoot the blue of ocean as hard as you like but you'll never capture the azzura of the blue Italian coast using black & white. You can clearly see the difference when equally shown how it was done with The Eqauliser with Denzel Washington and Fanning shot in almost exactly the same location but in colour. Even the white of the settings aren't as well done.

However from episode 4 it starts to make sense when city shots in Rome and the various architecture in the big cities presented the dramatic story and the darkness of Tom Ripley. But it still didn't come across as convincing as the Matt Damon. The three just didn't gel for me in Ripley.

Italian cast and cinematography in big cities were excellent in most scenes. I really just wanted to see the ending by this point and hoped it was just a "who done it" crime story but no, they leave you hanging a bit for perhaps season 2.

The Brothers Sun

Humour for teenagers and plot is weak
I couldn't watch more than 4 episodes. With weak plot, terrible script and unconvincing characters and poor acting just doesn't entice you to binge watch this series. Except for Michelle Yeo most characters were poorly acted. The awful sugar candy humour felt like the Directors purposely only want to target only teenagers and have endless American Asian and East Asian cliches. Perhaps the churros were the appropriate symbol that runs throughout the series just tacky cinnamon coated humour. The fIght scenes were ok. The show just gets progressively worse from episode 1. Clearly the directors has done zero research about Taiwanese gangsters. The main character endlessly tries to bring in the mafia way of "family means everything" which fails miserably.

Unknown: Cave of Bones

Cave of assumptions
A well made documentary with great production and storytelling that's captivating enough for an interesting subject. The feature of just one burial throughout the "dozens of bodies" in the cave isn't compelling enough for the entire documentary. What happened to the other bodies in the eight years they spent excavating ? Where are the scientific facts of what age they were etc? Those details would've made it a lot more interesting. Could the entire cave be a completely different environment over the last 300 000 years ? If you think a tool is amongst the most important thing to have ever been found with a Homo Naledi surely you'd carefully extract it and find out and not assume. Finding one bone of an animal does not equate they cooked in there. Too many assumptions not enough hard evidence.

MH370: The Plane That Disappeared

Shameful conspiracy theories for the victims
How can Netflix make conspiracy theorists to make-up the majority of this documentary? All for fame and money. Why even give them the time to express their non factual findings. It's a complete disrespect to the victims and their families. I doubt the relatives of the interviews of the families even realise the documentary was based on baseless conspiracies, otherwise I doubt they would've agree to do the interviews. This was a waste of time. Don't watch this if you would think that there was any truly investigative journalism that's in-depth and compelling. There are some interesting parts in episode 3.

Somebody Feed Phil

It's too much about Phil.
After watching the first episode it quickly started to irritate for the reason that this show is more about the host rather than the food. It's very put-on, and overly Americanised - the format seems to be very much of - "Hey everyone! Look at me I'm putting on a SHOW here!" The production value is pretty good as food show goes. I'm not even sure if Phil's a real foodie, his description of the food he eats is way too loose. I don't get the passion and the taste of it as a viewer. Somehow he tries to balance this out with his sense of humour or lack off. He does get to some interesting places though. Which is probably the only educational thing for me.

Svart krabba

Mediocre story. Great production.
The story is weak but the visuals and production is good. Too many plot holes spoils the story. Why would you not properly attend a wounded soldier to stop the bleeding? Why did the older couple start shooting? How can a subordinate soldier disobey orders? The survival tactics were unbelievable and all the weapons had zero suppressors in open battle field? Tactical weapons with zero camouflage gear were completely unsuitable for ice fields. And no bullet proof vests? Plus too many to mention. That being said the production was good with great cinematography. I'll give it a miss unless you've stuck indoors with nothing better to watch.

Mai Neim

Predictable, Soulless, no where near Squid Games
At first I thought this is quite a good storyline of revenge and thriller. But then after the 3rd episode it becomes really unbelievable and predictable. The leading actress is far too weak for us to emotionally connect with to her. She's too one dimensional to pull off this role. Not to mention the unbelievable strengths she gains in every scene and episode. How is it when you get stabbed in the gut with a 8 inch blade and still able to fight back? That's in every episode which becomes completely overkill pun intended. There's some merit in the cinematic scenes but it doesn't fill the cracks as the series progress into further twist and turns and ending up with a truly cliched scene of good and evil.

Behind Her Eyes

Good start. Weak ending.
Great acting and the slow pace made you wonder what's around the corner in the beginning episodes. It had the classics ingredients of intrigue, psychological thriller and motives for a story. But then!!! W T F. Astral travelling with some funky neon lights.

It's worth a watch but failed to be anything plausible towards the end.

Nowhere Man

Where is the plot?
The cinematography wasn't bad but there's such a lacking in storytelling. There's no flow in the story and the poorly character build-up makes it really confusing and lacks any sort of depth. The only thing I can see is the director wanted to make some nostalgic piece of film. I watched the first episode and couldn't bring myself to watch anymore. It had lots of potential but it needs to go back to the drawing board to make it even watchable.

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