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Family Guy: Tales of Former Sports Glory
Episode 20, Season 19

stop trying to make the cleveland show happen. it's not gonna happen.
What's that? Cleveland's story revolves around a historical feel, jokes about the failure of the cleveland show and relying on the nostalgia associated with his morgan freeman-esque voice? Quaqmire's story revolves around sexual innuendos and his LGBTQ parent? And peter's story revolves around him being a complete and utter idiot? The flanderisation of the characters of this show is beyond laughable at this point, and this episode is a perfect example. Please either follow in the suit of american dad and develop the characters into some new, absurd story points, or just retire the show completely. I will watch new episodes for as long as they are released, but this is one of maybe 3 modern episodes where i have been actually bored in the runtime enough to mentally tune out. There's not one thing noteworthy or commendable about this 20 minutes of runtime, which is a sad thing to say about a show that was once one of the most refreshing and enjoyable shows on tv.

American Dad!: Stan Smith Is Keanu Reeves as Stanny Utah in Point Break
Episode 5, Season 11

Stan smith-centred episodes of american dad prove that stan smith is the worst character on american dad

The Last Man on Earth: Point Person Knows Best
Episode 14, Season 3

generic person drama
There's nothing about this show (or this episode) that's about people surviving the apocalypse anymore. it's just about a group of people living in the same house. if i wanted to watch that i'd watch big brother. or jersey shore

American Dad!: Demolition Daddy
Episode 15, Season 14

The writers must really be running out of ideas if they're resorting to secondary characters for the A plot. I don't understand why this episode couldn't have been written with Steve in Snot's role, i.e an uncle having a past as a derby driver or even just Roger's character. I would have been much more entertained and invested in the story if it revolved around characters I actually like

Family Guy: Send in Stewie, Please
Episode 12, Season 16

I'm a big family guy fan and usually watch the episodes as they come out, but this is the first episode I couldn't finish. Stewie is a great character but can at times border on pretentious to the point where he's unlikeable, a quality that's made bearable by the contrast of his interactions with other less intelligent characters. When he's left to rant on his own though as in this episode his constant showing off how different and smart he is just gets annoying. I've seen people have compared this episode to the ep with Brian and Stewie stuck in the safe, which although is not my favourite episode works because the repertoire between the two characters is entertaining. In contrast this episode has no bantering or dynamics. I think this episode concept would have worked as an episode segment lasting for example 6 or 7 minutes. At full length however it's overambitious and frankly, boring. I don't condemn Seth Macfarlane for trying new things with his characters and episode structure, to be honest if he wasn't doing that after 16 seasons I would be disappointed, but this is one risk that didn't pay off. Hopefully the last few episodes of the season will be a return to form.

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