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Dang It
I have been looking forward to this one. I thought it would be in the line of the Kingsman films. It is not. I LOVE Sam Rockwell. I LOVE Henry Cavill. I LOVE Samuel L. Jackson. I thought it would almost have to be good. But I was wrong- it is not- it is ridiculous. And while I have liked her in some movies- Opie's little girl was miscast in this for certain.

It had potential and not sure who should hold the blame for it not living up to that potential. Writer. Director. Who gets the blame when a film goes "South"? I am sure I dunno. I do know I am disappointed though.

I have nothing else to add. Trying to get enough words that they will allow this review.

The Brothers Bloom

The one thing that always gets me
It always bothers me (to no end) when films don't care enough to properly cast a character or cast a child who could possibly grow up to look like the adult actor. Like brown eyes don't EVER turn light blue as someone ages, etc. It totally messes up the entire movie for me.

Same goes for this one. The child actors playing the brothers were perfectly fine. The younger one could have very easily grown up to look like Mark Ruffalo. The problem is that is not how they did it. They had that child grow up to be Adrien Brody????!!!!! Seriously??!!!

I guess my OCD is doing what it does because them not "fitting" is all I can think about now- Grrrr.

Darby and Joan

Hmmp- Never heard of it before
Just happened upon it as I was looking for something to watch. Not a big fan of the Australian accent any more for some reason. Dunno why. (Unless it is coming from a Hemsworth. Ha!) But I thought I would give it a shot because I like the two leads. And honestly I was just tired of looking for something to watch.

It is entertaining enough I guess. Bryan Brown is good. He usually is. I have always liked Greta Scacchi as an actress and found her interesting as a person. However, bless her heart, she is not so great in this in my opinion. Bad acting? Over acting? Not sure what it is exactly but it is sort of painful to watch. For me anyway. It is almost to the point of being campy. But not in a humorous way.

Agatha Raisin

I started out really liking this. It was light hearted and nothing to get very bothered over. Just what I was looking for. By the middle of second season my feelings were waning. By the end of the season and going into the third it has just gotten completely ridiculous.

I began watching because I liked Ashley Jensen in Ugly Betty and always wished she had a larger part. So as the lead in Agatha Raisin I thought my wishes had come true. Unfortunately at this point she is pretty much slap stick silly. It is not even remotely humorous to me now. Not even sure why I am still watching to be honest. I guess I am just bored.


This is a question
I have just started this one but I already have a question- I realize the chance might be slim- but did anyone else notice the house where her dad's ex lives is the same place where Kerry Washington's 'Scandal' dad lived?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Delroy and will pretty much watch anything he is in. I was not a big fan of 'Scandal' but ended up watching every season thru repeats. Got hooked obviously. So I do like Kerry too.

As others have mentioned, the first thing I did notice was that once again Kerry is playing a character that refers Caucasian men. At this point seeing her with a Black man would seem almost weird I think. But then again- The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants. Does not matter to me one way or the other.

Also I so wish this site would allow you to post a comment without requiring it to be the length of a short story!

The World to Come

What year is it?
Honestly I was so distracted by the repeated thought "they have EXTREMELY LARGE houses!!". For the time period and area......yeah got that one wrong guys.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

I know I missed a couple Marvel movies prior
But I do not think seeing them would have helped this AT ALL for me. I truly thought it sucked. And I was really looking forward to seeing it. Had to wait until it was free on streaming. I did not even finish it. My son watched it separately from me, not knowing my opinion, and he had come to the same conclusion. He did not finish it either.

The Lost City

Granted it's silly
But honestly you know you only watched it because of the people who are in it. I know I did! I will watch pretty much anything with Sandra, Channing or Brad. Just cuz.

I do have to say this- Channing can play stupid fairly well but not even he can stop his "hunkiness" from coming out when he gets near a dance floor! And he can't hide his natural protective nature nor gentlemanly ways. The hand on the small of her back (even while swimming) or the way he reaches out his hand to take her's. MmmMmmMmm

Also this belongs to "Goofs" but at the end when they're talking on the beach- Channing's character has a freshly shaven head. I guess it's possible there were clippers on the island but......???

Gentleman Jack

I love her!
I am just beginning the second episode of Season 1 but so far I am loving it. The actress is so brilliant in the part that it is hard to believe she is straight. I have laughed out loud a few times already and as I said- I have just started watching.

The King's Man

Nothing else going on today so why not?
I do so love Gemma but she could NOT stay in one accent to save her soul. Kept returning to her posh English. Which is fine with me, like I said, I love her, but in and out of what I think was to be Irish became annoying.

Truthfully I am giving this review far too early in my watching of the movie but just thought I would share this much.

The Gilded Age

I'm actually disappointed-
Had high hopes. But it just doesn't quite cut it. It's like watching a Play. The actors, while some are long time favorites, are just so stiff and one dimensional.

Just doesn't work for me personally.

The Witcher

I'm watching but...
Having no idea of the books nor games I came to it with nothing more than a like for this type of show and Henry Cavill of course. I like it so far (still watching first season) but why do they keep jumping back and forth so often???!!!! Someone is dead- then they're back- then dead- then back. It's extremely confusing.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Absolutely Perfect!
For me anyway.

I truly loved this film.

It may not be a "perfect" film in the history of films. It may not be for everyone. But for me, it's absolutely perfect.

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

Did I just see....
Portia de Rossi??? I've seen this film many times. I do love it. Watching it again just now....and isn't that her with the short red hair who asks for cigarettes?? I can't find her name anywhere though. Somebody else watch out for the scene and let me know??!!


I hate you have to leave me!
Just watched the last episode of my beloved show. I've been with them since the beginning. I was worried because I had heard The Powers That Be were going to make Sherlock and Watson into a couple. Really didn't wanna see that. Would have cheapened their relationship in my eyes. But the way they did do it was perfect I thought. Somehow it made me less sad. I love JLM. I watch him in everything he does. And I adored his Sherlock. Thank you for the years of entertainment. I Will Love You Forever

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