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Russian Doll: Matryoshka
Episode 7, Season 2

Lyonne the genius!
Season 1 was one of the best shows I had seen in a long time when it came out in 2019. I was worried season 2 would be unnecessary due to season 1 having a satisfying ending. Alas I did enjoy season 2 in all its completely trippy beauty and I do hope we have a season 3 to look forward to. Natasha is a unique gem of the industry and deserves serious recognition!

American Horror Story: Blue Moon
Episode 9, Season 10

Oh dear
I actually enjoyed this episode to start with. It obviously wasn't the best but I had some interest in it for the first half. It all went downhill when it went back to the pregnant group of friends. The two males are one of the most cringeworthy couples i've ever seen and their acting, particularly the blonde haired guy was so bad. The whole thing of them wanting to start a family and acting like them being pregnant was ok and normal just felt like woke crap being forced down our throats. This is not the American Horror Story I fell in love with. I worry about the future of this show now. Honestly this season should've just been 10 episodes of Red Tide and not two separate stories in one.

Demi Lovato: Melon Cake

Trippy & Fun
Firstly this is a great song, one of the best on the album! If you know Demi Lovato you know this song touches on a serious a personal topic however that doesn't mean the video can't be fun and colourful. The outfits and set are on point and the whole video shot really well!

American Horror Stories: Game Over
Episode 7, Season 1

Over murder house
I had low expectations going in as I had seen the reviews beforehand. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting in all honesty. Yes I am sick of them doing murder house over and over, in my opinion murder house isn't even the best season, Asylum is way better. I would've liked to have seen more of Noah Cyrus as what I did see from her was promising for future acting roles! Overall American Horror StorIES didn't live up to expectations. Three of the episodes were pretty good but the others were disappointing considering how amazing American Horror Story is.

American Horror Story: Pale
Episode 2, Season 10

I am genuinely blown away. Even without the GOAT, Jessica Lange, this season is brilliant. I liked this episode better than the first as the acting from everyone was just first class. I am so happy to see original returning actors, as well as the newer ones from previous seasons, it just feels so great to have this cast together again!! Ryan Murphy you are a genius!! I swear you are a user of those black pills ;)

Cooking with Paris

Fun viewing
Lighthearted, silly, funny and easy watching are a few ways I would describe this show. It actually exceeded all my expectations. Each episode was enjoyable but I particularly enjoyed the one with Demi Lovato.

Cooking with Paris: Italian Night with Demi Lovato
Episode 4, Season 1

Lighthearted fun
Thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Both Paris and Demi are hilarious and I didn't want the episode to end. Easy watching, lighthearted fun tv. Exceeded my expectations!

Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil

The most open and honest celebrity doco!
This documentary is honest, raw, brave and shows how open and real Demi Lovato is. It shows the struggles she went though leading up to July 2018 and also explores her ventures after and where she is today.

His House

Wanted to like this movie a lot!
The first 20-30 minutes of this movie were engaging. Different from your average horror I thought this movie was going to be quite enjoyable and entertaining. I was wrong. It dragged on and got very confusing and all over the place. This movie could have been better and had a lot of potential, however it just ended up a bit of a shambles.

Happiest Season

Great Xmas flick
Firstly Clea Duvall is a great director. She already proved this with The Intervention and this movie is no different. Well shot and acted, this film deserves recognition and praise!


Mr Murphy & Sarah Paulson
Mr Murphy & Sarah Paulson are a match made in heaven. We already know this from American Horror Story and now quite clearly with Ratched as well.

Ratched is a wonderfully shot, colourful, campy creation that keeps you captivated and wanting more from the opening scene and throughout. Just like AHS, Ratched has a plethora of wonderfully unique characters. These characters are acted and portrayed so well by the cast and it's an absolute delight watching them.

I can't wait for season 2!!


Not my go to movie type, BUT
Really enjoyed this movie. The humour and realness was great to watch. NATASHA LYONNE fabulous as always and as usual a joy to have pop up in any movie! Didn't expect to like this movie as much as I did. I commend the writing and acting and honestly cannot fault it. Great!

You: Love, Actually
Episode 10, Season 2

Victoria Predretti / Love
All i want to write while half way through this episode is how much i cannot stand Love. She is insufferable, annoying, her facial expressions are grating and its been like this in every single episode. I didn't mind Victoria Pedretti in The Haunting of Hill House but I cannot stand her in You.


Why people should watch foreign films!
The movie Parasite is one of the many films that reinforce why people should give up this ridiculous thing of not watching foreign films. People are so scared of subtitles that they are missing out on some of the best films ever made. After 5 minutes of subtitles you get used to it and don't even realise you're reading.

Anyway back to this movie. Parasite is a fantastic film that really has no set genre as you will experience a drama, thriller, romance and horror all in one! Unlike most films you actually can sympathise with 99% of the characters even if they are seen as more of a villain. I wont give anything away but I will say that Parasite is a must watch and one of the best movies of 2019!

Orange Is the New Black: Here's Where We Get Off
Episode 13, Season 7

Thank you for an unreal 7 years!!
This show is simply the best show possibly ever. The characters, stories, award worthy acting really cannot be matched by the majority of other tv shows around. With an even mix of comedy, drama, romance and intense heartbreak I can't thank the writers and actors enough for giving us Orange is the New Black. I will keep rewatching this show for the rest of my life and recommending it to anyone, who for some unknown reason has not done themselves a favour and watched it yet!!

Orange Is the New Black: The Hidey Hole
Episode 9, Season 7

Beautifully Directed
This episode was one of the best directed episodes of OITNB I have ever watched. Skipping right ahead to the ending where Lorna is running through the prison hallway while flicking to that heart wrenching flashback was a masterpiece. I was so drawn in and captivated during the whole episode and by the end of it I was a blubbering mess. Yael Stone is such an underrated actress and deserves more recognition for the character of Lorna Morello. Last but not least, Natasha Lyonne is not only a gem as Nicky Nichols but she is also a very skilled and amazing Director! Thank you for this episode!

Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

Sad to see it end
Thank you to everyone involved in making the most amazing tv show of all time. There will be critics and not everyone can be pleased but we will always remember this show as ground breaking, breathtaking, heartbreaking and forever memorable!

Game of Thrones: The Bells
Episode 5, Season 8

Best shooting and cinematography ever
This episode has the best shooting and cinematography ever in a tv show. Nothing has ever compared to this. Absolutely fantastic viewing!!

Our Planet

Incredible Viewing
As soon a started watching the first episode I genuinely got a bit disappointed because I didn't want to watch something that was animated. I thought surely David Attenborough wouldnt have been a part of an animated wildlife show. I literally went to google and asked if Our Plantet was animated and it was then I found out for sure that it wasn't. The high definition quality of the animals and nature in this show are truly unbelievable and I've never seen something so real as though I was actually there myself. Everyone needs to take the time to watch this masterpiece. It will leave you in awe, in tears and inspired to help make Our Planet great again!

A Star Is Born

So much emotion
Great movie, great acting and amazing songs! The songs alone deserve recognition, particularly Shallow and Ill Never Love Again. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga both put amazing performances!

Stranger Things

Love it but overrated
I think that Stranger Things is an awesome show. It keeps you wanting more and its a breath of fresh air to have really talented children as the main characters in a show that is not necessarily aimed at younger viewers but adults as well.

I do however think the show has been so hyped up and slightly overrated when there are shows which don't get the recognition they deserve and are just as good, if not better than Stranger Things!

Black Mirror

Outstanding, mind boggling, crazyness
This show is one hell of a ride. I definitely enjoyed some episodes more than others but I cannot say that I disliked any of them. All of them are unique and disturbing in their own way and I was glued to the screen throughout the entire series.


I enjoyed it but...
Overall a decent tv show. It kept me wanting to know more, however some things i just couldn't let slip. Joe was hiding basically in plain sight when stalking Beck. It was so unbelievable that she wouldn't have seen him watching her. Also from about episode 1-5 the show was pretty slow and boring at times. It got better in the second half and kept me interested until the end, however I truely did not find any of the characters all that likeable particularly Joe and Beck who are the focus of the whole show. I may watch the second season just to see where it goes, however it wouldn't phase me too much if I missed it.

The Intervention

very enjoyable
Loved it. Natasha and Melanie were hilarious as always and Clea is an outstanding director!

Orange Is the New Black

Amazing Show
I love a lot of tv shows but this is my favourite. I cant put in to words how much I love this show and how I have looked forward to each new season for the past 6 years. I will be sad to see it end after the seventh season!!

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