
IMDb member since March 2017
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


Turks & Caicos

Words fail me
It is not often that the sheer dreadfulness of a movie can keep me glued to the sofa, but this nonsense did.

It started badly, went downhill then like a firework spluttered to a end. There is not a line spoken by any of the leading actors that looked like it was not being read off a teleprompter, a finer example of dreadful direction & waste of acting talent is rarely seen, I would go so far as to say that each of the 'stars' look like they were trying to get over a monumental bender, & the beyond wooden acting is almost a joy to behold. The few shining moments in the movie are only evident in those actors who are playing the locals.

I couldn't bring myself to give this a 1 rating, but this has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

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