
IMDb member since October 2005
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Rim of the World

Can't like anything here
The first 10 minutes made me cringe. It showed you a quick rundown of 100% unlikable characters. Stereotypes were running rampant in the dialog, plain and simple. It contributed nothing to the movie. You hear references made by characters way too young to notably quote.

After the cringefest, the movie becomes 100% predicable by-the-books action/science fiction story. Nothing new is brought to the table, but taken from other tables. It's as if Stranger Things, Independence Day & a few others were quickly copied to wrap things up and call it a day.


Second rate Suspira
This movie was made in 1987, but with the terrible film quality(at least on Amazon video), opening song, dated fashions & other visuals, you would have thought it was made in 1981. Maybe Europe's style was a few years out of date. A "Top Gun" poster showing Tom Cruise however disproves it was sitting on the cutting room floor for years.

This is basically Carrie from a hospital, but with the ever popular girls' reform school that's in EuroAmerica. People die in gory ways, doors magically become locked behind them, & nobody seems to piece it together. A predictable slasher film.

Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters

Way smarter writing than I expected
Two women are wrestling, each pronouncing "Uganda" differently, and arguing over it. This is like watching a Rifftrax or MST3K episode with the original dialog completely removed.

Being a Troma film, I had little to no expectations on this. But this time, none of the filming was done by them. So no sped-up Benny Hill-style footage, a bunch of people piling into an apartment and having a party, just an Indonesian action film.

This film pleasantly surprised me. The comedy writing is REALLY sharply written, reminding me all too many of the jokes of MST3K or Rifftrax. "Surf Nazis Must Die" was mentioned, so the original film was in 1982, but this was re-dubbed after 1987.

The audible magic doesn't end there. In one scene, a woman is walking around in an office, but with added sloshing sounds to give the illusion that there's standing water. Electromechanical pinball sounds are playing for no reason during a match.

Just watch it. It's a pleasant surprise from Troma.

Stripped to Kill

Part of the HBO Starter Pack
If you are wondering what the most typical type of movie HBO aired in the late 80s, it's this one.

A good deal of this film is padded out with 1980s stripper scenes, but I'm not complaining. Big hair, classic heels, g-strings and fishnets pepper this film about a serial killer killing off the dancers one by one.

The acting is pretty terrible. There isn't much for character development, as you will find the typical cardboard cutout types here.

The sleaze factor in this movie isn't hidden, and probably falls into the undocumented mythical "hard R" rating HBO would have. Sure, it's rated R, but for some strange reason(probably all the nudity), you could only catch this movie at 2am.

Arabia Motors

Fire Nadia. No, fire this whole show
I'm 10 minutes into this show. It follows too much of the tired cookie cutter show of reality shows. It looks like an episode of Pawn Stars, with similar fonts and about 10000 shot cuts per episode.

Nadia needs to be fired. She contributes nothing to this show. She admits to knowing nothing about cars, with her only expertise being in social media. So why do we need that for a TV show? Shots of her taking pics with an iPhone and asking which one's the clutch pedal contributes nothing.

I would rather watch USA Top Gear than this, and that's saying a lot.

The Video Game Years

Just like VH1's "I Love the 80s"
If you enjoyed the VH1 series of "I Love the xxx" shows many years ago, you'll enjoy this. It's the exact same format, but all video games. Well-known podcasters & YouTube self-made celebrities give their overview on various video game releases by the year. They occasionally hit the obscure stuff, which is a treat.

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