
IMDb member since March 2017
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    7 years


The Heroes

Very good animation to teach kids about morals.

I recommend you watch it at least once or show it to your kids.

The characters are morally good and the villains are very interesting.

What If...?: What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?
Episode 1, Season 1

Great visuals, awful characterization and pacing
It had good animation (some mouth movements didn't line up) but awful characterization and pacing, this episode turns Steve Rogers, an American hero into a useless burden and Peggy carter into a unlikeable hero.

The Suicide Squad

The real suicide squad
I really didn't think they could make polkadot man an interesting character but this film did it! It hits all of the right notes and manages to be engaging, horrific and emotional at the same time.

Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two

A perfect adaptation of the comic
It was absolutely amazing, great plot twist, even for fans who read the comic, and an improvement to Harvey's character.


One of the best movies in these few years and 100% Oscar worthy

Joaquin Phoenix delivers one of the best performances I've ever scene

Swamp Thing: Darkness on the Edge of Town
Episode 4, Season 1

Just like usual
Another AMAZING episode as usual for the amazing tv show known as swamp thing

Swamp Thing

The best thing ever
I have watched many marvel/dc shows but this one stands out with amazing music and up to standard cgi and beautiful practical fx and an amazing storyline dc finally did justice to the character after years.

Amazing for a superhero show.

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