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Big George Foreman

It's kind of like someone who took notes during Scorsese's Master Class directed a Tommy Wiseau screenplay based off a dinner with a nostalgic George Foreman.

It's 3 act structure as we've always seen it and I'm sure the man's life probably had a lot more in it we could actually connect with, but this movie connects less than cellphones in Alaska. I'd love to believe life is that surface-level for someone, ever... but it just isn't. Comic book movies are more convincing these days. The story reads like something from a barstool at 1:30am that's most likely rooted in fact but has been hit heavy with the nostalgia paintbrush and glosses over everything that makes a story real. I did zero research to check if I'm right, I just doubt anyone making this movie did either... but I'm sure if you watch it you'll see what I mean. The dark night of the soul can be something more than a trope we've heard 10k times that also secretly makes the subject good about themselves.

Night Sky

It's just OK
I'm not saying it's not worth a watch, J. K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek are always worth a watch. To say it's about space is maybe true on multiple levels. Mostly, it's about space as in too much space between events to make it interesting. The pacing is turtle-snot slow making it clear the writers may not have it all figured out yet and are trying to drag out an idea for multiple seasons when maybe they should have just come out with a bang and made it more fun. Instead the show is just vague, paced excruciating slow, almost insulting viewer intelligence by trying so hard to create mysterious suspense that it just comes off as work to watch. For example: far too many times scenes soak up time with nothing more than digging for something, then find something then cut to next scene, or a long drawn out chase. Last but not least the entire plot and suspense relies on people not acting like people. The characters are so thin they don't even seem familiar and the suspense, mystery and the pacing all hinges on lack of communication, like frustratingly so. As if a husband wouldn't inform his wife before he walks off into purposed danger that the last time this happened the walkie-talkies stopped working. "But here's a walkie, Honey. Let's keep in touch on this while I go look for the last guy I lost touch with on the walkie." To quote Irene from the show itself, the show kept me saying "Just say something... anything!"


A Truly Gripping Binge
I don't usually get roped into political thrillers but this one had me hooked and searching when/if there will be another season. It's not all politics but the bit there is may seem familiar. It is a political/action/mystery/drama thriller with a dash of romance sprinkled on before they capped it with the kitchen sink. Richard Madden (who knocked it out of the park) called the writer "a genius" and I can see why. It was notable to me how genuine the characters were written, they behaved like humans do which is satisfying to watch (especially between Budd and Home Secretary Montague). Each episode had great thrills and twists that made six episodes too short for me, but it was a great ride. It is a story with enjoyable characters you can identify who are faced with edge-of-your-seat problematic mysteries that are resolved in brilliant ways in a story that runs deep. Loved it and hope there's a season 2 of equal quality and a higher episode count. It's one of those things you watch that afterwards it still affects you, so I drove my wife to work feeling like her bad@$$ PPO ready for anything.

Swan Song

Like a study in behavior
It was really great. Every scene was gripping and left me a little shaky. Benjamin Cleary might be new to film making, but an old soul in writing for others.

Station Eleven

It gets better, just wait.
I tried to watch this twice, succeeded once. The first time I got three episodes in and dismissed it as extremely self-indulgent, pretentious, taking itself so seriously it's tone is preachy (just not sure about what... Shakespeare? Art?) and most of all BORING. However a few days ago I caught an article on CNET claiming the same thing but to hang in there. I had only given it to episode 3 before I made a farting sound and changed shows. This series sinks it's hooks around episode 7. There is a lot of groundwork, backstory and character building that contribute to a pretty stellar ending that gave me soggy eyes. Completely unexpected from the theatre nerd porn I took it as in the beginning. Thanks to that article I gave it a second chance and saw it through, it takes a lot of building but it speaks to a lot things most of us go through... and it's not drama class.


Highly entertaining and thoughtful
I loved this show and kind of put in the category with Maniac (especially), Russian Doll and Black Mirror. Another retro-futuristic alternate evolution of technology set design that is very artistic and interesting. The whole thing is imagination food, but not junk food. It's clearly a statement for how our culture meets work culture and (if im not mistaken) a metaphor for higher-power faith-based belief systems and religion. This was one I never got tired of, was not just smart and nice to look at but as funny as it was scary. I really hope to see more as they leave you on a cliffhanger.

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King

Too long for what it is
I think the real scam is that this documentary was worth watching until the end waiting for some revelation... I want my 1 1/2 hours back!

Was formatted like there was going to be some big twist or reveal at the end and the story just isn't that deep. Should have been a straightforward short news story. I could retell the whole thing in few sentences and not miss anything. However for everyone in the reviews saying this is why you shouldn't use crypto I disagree, as long as we have media such as this to hold people responsible, checks and balances. Gerry Cotten ran an exchange, so that's like saying don't use the dollar because what Bernie Madoff and his investment firm did. Thanks to the blockchain private citizens interviewed in the film were able to see and investigate transactions. This documentary does show that you should do due (doo doo) diligence before buying crypto and via what platform. This doc should spur an investor to do research before spending. Of course there is fraud any place a devious-minded person can exploit, always been and always will be there.

Pam & Tommy

I feel bad saying this, but this was very enjoyable and entertaining. I was in grade school when this happened and this teacher seemed to tell a very thorough account of what happened. Of course seeing the great makeup on the leads and their acting was impressive, it seemed very accurate. It did a good job of depicting how differently the scandal effected Pam compared to her husband. It had just the right amount of comedy to lighten up a sad story, and then compassionate enough to make you real bad about it.

The Tourist

Great cinematography and actors but the rest is ehh...
I thought the premise of this story was pretty interesting, a guy loses his memory while seemingly vacationing in Australia and there is definitely something big, bad and scary going on... just not sure what. The first episode sinks a good hook in ya, but after that you kind of start to feel the main characters pain. It is almost painfully slow to develop. Some of the characters are being tortured and sometimes it feels like you're one of them but they get the point across. It goes from painfully slow to about 1/2 to 3/4 through just completely unbelievable. I'd say it's a writing issue because everyone else did their job damn well, it was beautifully shot, edited and acted, I think it had a few good ideas just not enough for an entire series so was filled in with junk. Maybe would have been a better movie.

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Episode 1, Season 1

This show is very well done. The underlying plot is nothing new but all the details set it apart. A lot of thought went into this. It's funny and well thought out. I love when writers take their time to speculate about the future and it evolves in a believable way. Tons of little Easter eggs and details make this show a fun watch. Good job 👍


Refreshing Good Story
Was so glad to see this after a huge 12/22/21 let down. Such a well written, well acted, well delivered story. This one will stick with you awhile. Humans actually acting like humans. Every line was believable. Watched it with my best friend, a "hafu" from Tokyo and it got him too. Binged it straight through. So refreshing to watch a story with meaning again. It's about family, culture, love, restraint, addiction, the truthfully blurred line between good or bad choices and the pain of life's decisions we know all too well which transcends culture and is just part of the human experience. Wether they're speaking Japanese or English it doesn't matter, it's beautifully well thought out in either.

So Netflix doesn't renew it... SMH.

The Matrix Resurrections

Another Cookie Cutter
Seems most of what comes out of Hollywood is just flexing how woke they are, this too... kind of punny. It really had an opportunity to break the mold again, wish they ran somewhere different with the story at the beginning but nope... The Matrix: Regurgitations.

Being the Ricardos

Could have been, SHOULD have been better
I grew up watching I Love Lucy on Nick At Night. At least 2 generations that watched this show and at least 2 generations that waited for this story to be told. I thought it was really disappointing. The cast could have worked but the script was a mess. I don't think it needed flashbacks, or interviews with actors playing dead people, it's hard to follow and a lot of scenes were just a flop, boring and unnecessary telling a story that was anything but boring. It would have been much better with a better written, straight forward chronological script. There was no great reveal at the end. We all already knew the ending. Such a disappointment. The any stars given were for the effort to tell the story at all. Should have been done, just better.

House M.D.

Great Binger
People might not always tell the truth but the human body doesn't lie, it might just be difficult translate.

That's what I got from the long-running show. My only complaint was the glaring formula (although not a terrible one) that is ever present especially in the early seasons (i.e."It's far to early in the runtime for this diagnosis to be right!" and the overused House stare off into unintended revelation or Freudian Slip) but the world wouldn't be the same without House. It desperately wants to be lovable, and it just is.

The Power of the Dog

Original Story
Watching Benedict Cumberbatch do an American was like watching David Copperfield disappear The Statue of Liberty for some reason.

I left this movie feeling it was remarkably without repeated dull characters making 2D decisions to drive a tired story, which doesn't happen often anymore. Its does drag on a bit at times. It's cinematography is beautiful and it's story does not give many clues as to where it will end up and it's resolution left me a devilish smile inside.

James May's Cars of the People

Another Well Done Show From Tom Whitter
The director seems to have a certain feel that goes well with James May and together they pumped out a interesting, funny and thorough documentation of European history through the rear view mirror of the automobile. As in Our Man In Japan, it is fun to watch, great camera work and a high quality Top Gear production. I mention Whitter as it's more recognizable as his work than a Top Gear special.

Clarkson's Farm

Genuinely Entertaining
At first glance I thought Clarkson had figuratively bought the farm when he did this show until I started watching. Very binge-worthy, entertaining and even sometimes educational this show took me by surprise and I've watched it over, three times now and counting. Great work!

The Grand Tour

They're Back!
It was such a beautiful thing knowing Top Gear didn't kill the infamous trio. While the show is obviously trying to find its place and format while tip-toeing around the (probably foaming at the mouth) BBC lawyers and recapture the magic of their own creation for Top Gear without being Top Gear, it is another high production value show with The Three Musketeers bringing the humor and fun to a car show, or motoring show. I now imagine the present TG staff as an overweight jealous ex who didn't age well that now lives unwanted in a trailer grumbling at their exes success. To me the entertainment has always been these three friends playing off each other naturally and situationally in a show that captures the fun of driving. It doesn't always have to be a car. I thought Seaman was a great and hilarious episode, I've watched it at least three times showing it to others. I think the best part of Top Gear was always the specials so I think the new format of filming specials only is getting to eat just the icing off the cake. Although it was clear Clarkson missed the live audience, it was never the live audience that made Grand Tour or Top Gear fun and funny- it was Clarkson, Hammond and May so please keep them coming!

Top Gear

WAS Iconic until 2015
This was hands down my favorite show for years and learned so much about motoring across the pond from it, got so many laughs and so many hours of solid entertainment. The Three Musketeers: Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond had a wonderful seemingly genuine and hilarious chemistry that I guess people like Andy Wilman knew how to capitalize on masterfully, especially the specials. It was the best car show there was and it did so by being much more than a car show. It had everything from dreamy super cars to clunkers and blue-collar classics. It had great skits and pretty much set the bar for production quality. The road trips and excursions really made (especially poor Hammond) earn their paychecks like no other TV presenters. It had 399 great episodes, even in the beginning before Hammond while they were still working out the format. Its rewatch potential is unlimited until the 23rd season began. Then it was dead in the water, seemingly scrambling for car-Hollywood scraps hoping to recreate perfection. Chris Evan's with a face for radio and Matt LeBlanc... huh? I'm almost sure there was a deeply regretful moment when that production team came to horror realizing the formula was not nearly enough to earn the title of Top Gear and same for the other iterations. The formula was nice and also what kept a car show. It was excellent for us who wanted to endlessly explore and compare cars. However, the specials are what made it universally interesting and what made the specials special- the Trio. So great until Jeremy apparently punched a producer named Oinkson and the show failed to back the show pony. The sound of and instrumental rendition of Jessica and The Stig will forever hold a place in my heart for this great show, RIP. The ten stars are for good years, it ran its course and, to me, is pretty much over after 22 long, wonderful seasons.

The Great Escapists

What a (expensive) let down
I was so excited for this and had high hopes to see these two together. By the second episode it felt like work to watch. Richard Hammond is one of my favorite humans and I loved Mythbusters, however Richard was playing a characture of himself while they tried to make the most of these droll, half-baked, nonsensical and obviously wildly expensive setups. It's like the Grand Tour production team had a huge budget budget but only 10 minutes to write skits for a recently born idea of a scenario. (I didn't bother to look up if it was the same folks, just felt like their high-quality camera work.) Like a Grand Tour, Top Gear special, Mythbusters and Survivor soup that didn't have any flavor. I don't even know how that's possible! Gave it a star each of Tory and Richard but all the missing stars are for the writers and producers. The only Great Escape I wanted to make was from another disappointing episode of this show. It could have been so much better.


Season 1 was ok... generic sleep medication after
Season one was ok and a fairly original story. 2 and three were basic formulaic copy and pastes where laziness in writing gets ridiculous and almost insulting to the viewers intelligence at times. Like "Nirvana" spelled backwards? Get outa here. Reuse the cage prop in all three seasons which he "rebuilt on the fly" even though something like that weighs literal tons. C'mon. Two and three were nap material, I'd miss a few episodes snoring and not even need/want to rewatch. Just became a endurance marathon to finish what I started. Season 3's entertainment did a great job of conveying how annoying marriage a baby crying can be. 👍 🤜👎

The Man Who Saved the World

A Great Reminder, But We Didn't Do Our Best
A man who saved the world from itself. What a great and well done documentary about a man we can thank for keeping a cool head and not blowing our planet to bits over more faulty Russian tech. In one scene we roll out the red carpet for the man as he meets Robert De Niro and Matt Damon, however and infuriatingly, when it comes to the man's own field in Cactus Flat, SD We greet him with Ranger Chris Wilkenson. This scene is both embarrassing and infuriating watching Chris's inability to read a room and representing all of us Americans as weapons-crazed loons bragging about our ability to blow "half a world away" while looking him right in the eye. This a man who had found himself in that very situation and spared us, setting Wilkenson straight although I think it went right over his head. It was cringeworthy watching the ranger condescendingly put his hands on the man as if he were better than him and talk down to him only because in this particular situation SD was able to stack it a little higher. I wish we had someone a bit more suited to discuss the situation with Petrov, standing beside an American nuclear missile. At least Petrov had made the trip to see and speak to the counterpart, it is my vote that the tour guide, especially when speaking to a native of a country we've had friction with be someone with a bit more tact and has also made the trip to see the other side and speak to them. Behind that glass is the power to destroy a nation and our planet, it's tour guide should be cognizant of that and understand a bit of diplomacy, not everyone coming to see it actually WANTS to see it. It's like bragging about death count in a car accident.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Very realistic, great acting
Very realistic and touching. Should be required curriculum for every teenage boy before they think of touching a girl.

Wild Wild Country

What happens when the "internationally" stupid meet backwoods 'murica stupid? A wildly entertaining hurricane of stupid. Watched wide-eyed and rolling in laughter from beginning to end.

Halt and Catch Fire

Brilliant until Season 4 which is pretty much wholesale fan execution. Stop at the end of Season 3 unless you're ready to be dropped of a 3-season-high cliff for hours.

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