
IMDb member since April 2017
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    IMDb Member
    7 years



Good idea, bad execution
The idea was so fresh and promising! But the execution.. make it rough! Those people are blind and don't even know what it means to be able to see! Their world looks too good for a blind people world, they dress to well and they even color their clothes. It makes it boring and the initial idea is completely wasted.

It seems like the screen writers completely disregarded the blindness in the second season. So now it's just an ordinary medieval show, so it's easy to compare it with other shows of that sort. I'm just waiting for a dragon to appear.

And I agree, that the queen and Haniwa are sooooooo sooo annoying!

Purple Hearts

So predictable...
So predictable and the acting was so bad.. The main female character is very annoying arguing all the time and being so dramatic with no reason.

And please please spare me from her bad music.

Also it's too obvious that the movie had no budget at all..

Good on Paper

Waste of time
It's so bad, I don't even know where to start. Acting is awful and the script is worse.

It's not funny at all. It's embarrassing. And those parts where she is doing stand up are really painful to watch. Haven't seen anything as bad for a long while.


It's ok, but a bit slow
This could easily be 1 movie instead of 13 episodes show. They added too much drama on top of the leading story.

I also don't understand why Mercedes was obviously the same age as her father in law. That was very distracting. It seemed to me that she was a telenovella actress who by accident appeared in this show.

Girl in the Picture

Men fail to stop a man who is repeatedly abuses girls
Such a terrifying story! All these man in the documentary telling the story, how they were investigating it.. as if it was about them. Meanwhile I just see it as a story of a male repeatedly abusing girls, and a bunch of men is failing to protect those girls, women and children using the justice system invented by males.

He was a convicted child abuser, and still he could walk out and continue his doings..

The Shrink Next Door

Maybe the cast is brilliant, but the plot.. it's painful to watch one person abusing another one more and more with each new episode. It's not funny, and it makes me feel terrible bad for the main character.

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