
IMDb member since April 2017
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Michael Jackson: Beat It

This song brings back memories and makes me smile
Every time I hear it... I start to hear the lyrics to Eat It by Weird Al Yankovic!


ANOTHER cheesy crime show
The only thing that was remotely interesting, was if Buffalo Bill was the same actor from the movie or somebody new...spoiler alert it's somebody new.

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

DCU tries so hard to be like MCU
I watch this movie and don't know how much time had elapsed and I still was unsure of what the plot was? There was no Zack Snyderish cinematography just over-the-top Charlie's Angels Style woman ass kicking to men. Talks of a diamond that have a secret code in it, oh yeah and and Ewan McGregor. Not much more a times the movie reminded me of Deadpool... I would rather be watching Deadpool.

Captain Marvel

Is it over yet?
Captain America the First Avenger remake. Only this time it's a lot more boring, and there's hardly any character development. The special effects are subpar, in fact they're a little annoying. We get to see how she gets the name Marvel but I'm still uncertain is where Captain comes from, which goes to show that the only Captain in the MCU is Captain America. Skip this film you won't be missing anything.

Get Out

Yawn... Another remake
It seems as if Invasion of the Body Snatchers has to be recycled every few years, Mister Peele has tapped on that with this time a very unsettling & uninteresting cast the acting is very poor and you can't really tell if there are elements of Horror or humor. The plot, well if you seen any of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers movies and there are many of them, that's the plot of this movie.

Star Trek: Discovery

Decent science fiction
This is not Star Trek, it doesn't feel like Star Trek, it doesn't look like Star Trek, it doesn't smell like Star Trek. It does have the yearnings of a science fiction show that probably won't go away for at least 9 years and since it's on E pay-per-view status, as long as people are willing to pay to watch science fiction, CBS will keep it around probably reformatting to show every season just to keep it fresh. Acting is shallow but the special effects are fairly well done.

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