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You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

It's hokey but really OK!
Very familiar story but cute film! Think diary of a wimpy kid but female. I liked the Sandler girls in this movie! I thought Sunny was great in her role as Stacy. I thought the role of Andy G ("factssss") was perfect for what this role was going for. I know this is an Adam Sandler movie but it's also feeling like a hand off of comedic career to his daughters. His eldest was very funny in it even though i felt more of her was needed. It is touching to see him older as dad and the focus on his daughter. It's a young teen vibe and movie. The actress playing Lydia was very good too as was the friend Kyle. He was ADORABLE! But we didn't see enough of him unfortunately. The Mateo kid I didn't really get , he is awkwardly younger and the flirting between him and the lead felt just as awkward as the accent they have him trying to use. But if they were going for awkward i guess they hit it? I also loved the character of the rabbi- the actress is from SNL and she was really fun to watch. The story has been done in different ways and I found it interesting they did the "dear god..." thing like in the Margaret film/books but overall it's a film where the chemistry between the two leading actresses as well as the sisters felt very authentic. I thought Adam as dad was sweet and honestly it was also sweet that he took a backseat to his daughter. She really did a great job!

Ginny & Georgia

Very binge worthy!
How did we not know about this incredible show?????? It's funny it's action it's Thriller it's defamation. I like the various story lines. From each family member. It's really a great well written series. The Flash backs are even good as the story line fillers. The acting is spot on too. Georgia storyline is very interesting and her progression into being a mother is great. Ginnie , typical teen going through the motions. Younger brother even has his own storyline. Great cast of characters and a Great writing team for this one. Bravo. Can easily be binged in a weekend. I am hoping Netflix keeps this one going for a bit. It's nice to see another series with a draw in.


I was surprised I loved it this much
I'm not sure what I expected but this is one of the best series Netflix has. It's a great mix of comedy, creepy, nostalgia and the graphics music etc are all entertaining. This is a home run for Netflix.

Jenna Ortega nails this role. I'm not sure that's good for Catherine Zeta Jones though. Here's the deal about the 'Family' (and I get that the show needs Wednesday to be strongest but).... Anjelica Huston Was legit the BEST morticia since the original on tv. But Catherine doesn't have that morticia Adam's feel. Luiz Guzman doesn't feel like Gomez. I'm just not feeling him and the kid playing Pugsley def isn't a fit. The other actors and actresses in the series are GREAT. Like legit everyone. In addition to Jenna- The actress from Game of Thrones who plays the head of the school is SO good. Her name escapes me at the moment but she's great. The two boys that like Wednesday and her have a really interesting and strong chemistry too. The actress playing her school dorm mate is really good too. Christina Ricci is great too but oddly looks like an older wednesday lol. All the other cast of characters- on point.

I really am surprised by the entire thing and really found myself enjoying it. Thanks to Netflix and they need to keep this one going a free seasons. It's like one of their best series.

Armageddon Time

Authentic vibe but open ended
I liked the film a lot. Saw it in NY. The whole cast is perfect. I like that some are not people but vibes and others are people. It wasn't overload. Nothing bad to say except the ending felt a little cold. I like that you feel like you are watching it from the boy's point of view. The Johnny actor is so good too. Brings back a lot of memories about growing up in sheepshead bay though it is set in queens. You want Johnny to come out on top but you get a sense that is not the case. I think people will like this one. It is not what I thought it was going to be based on the trailers. I thought they were going to make all of us feel guilt but its like a reminder that we are all the decision makers in the road we choose to walk. It was nice to see it in a theater too. This was our first movie in a theater since 2019.

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