
IMDb member since May 2017
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The Royal Hotel

This movie was marketed very well because the trailer made it look like a good thriller. It is not a thriller nor is it a psychological thriller as advertised. It is a boring drama. I'm not surprised critics liked it. Critics always like movies I hate. They always think boring movies that go nowhere have some artsy deeper meaning that only they can appreciate. I kept waiting for something to happen. I kept asking myself when is this going to turn into a thriller. Once there was only about 30 minutes left, I realized it was never going to happen. I was too far in to not finish it, but I wish I never started it.

Apparently it's based on a true story. This story would have been better told as a short documentary.

Totally Killer

Considering the fact that I love horror, comedy and time travel, it would be almost impossible for me to hate any movie that combines all three. That said, this movie was excellent regardless of that fact.

It was very well written. At no point was I confused by the plot line. They explained everything well, but it still kept me guessing the whole time who the killer was and why did he or she do it. It's also very well paced. I was never bored.

It's obviously hard for Hollywood to keep coming up with new ideas, but they did with this. The story was unique and very entertaining. I'm not sure how they could have done it any better.

Crimes Gone Viral

Garbage editing
As others have said, the editing is terrible. I actually watched the first 3 episodes and thought it was pretty bad editing, but for some reason I kept watching. I got to the 4th episode, which covers a man who stole a phone from a kickboxing instructor. He tries to take off on a bicycle, but she grabs him and gets her phone back. That's literally all that happens.

They keep showing an interview with a witness who is in her class who talks about the "beatdown" she gave this criminal. I'm thinking, okay let's see the beatdown. So far all I've seen is her grab him and get her phone back, which is about a 5 second clip they show about 100 times. Somehow they filled a 30 minute episode with a 5 second clip combined with dramatic interviews and narrating. Finally, they show the rest of the video footage, but nothing happens. They just let the guy ride away on his bike. This entire incident at this kickboxing studio was something a lot of people probably saw covered on a 1 minute local news segment if you live in that area. It wasn't eventful enough to spend more than 1 or 2 minutes on it, but yet this show stretched it to 30 minutes. I understand that it went viral, but something going viral doesn't take much. It just means a lot of people watched the short clip while scrolling on social media and gave it a like and maybe a comment, then moved on to something else. It definitely didn't warrant being the subject of an entire true crime episode.

I was done watching this show after that. I can't believe I made it through 4 episodes. It could have been a good show if they covered multiple viral videos in each episode and showed each one in their entirety the first time. Instead, they chose to show bits and pieces over and over for dramatic effect, but all that does is frustrate and annoy the viewer. I watched this on Max with no commercials, which is probably the only reason I made it through 4 episodes. You can tell this show was made to have commercials by the way it drags on, hoping the viewer will stick around and watch the commercials so they can finally see the entire outcome they keep teasing. I give it 1 star, but if I had to watch this garbage with commercials I would give it zero stars if possible.

The Price We Pay

Not meant to be taken too seriously
I gave it 10/10 to offset the ridiculous 1 star reviews. My actual rating is 6/10. This is a horror movie with over the top unrealistic gore. That's what it is and that's all it tries to be. I am a fan of that type of horror. If you are too, this will definitely entertain you for an hour and 25 minutes. Another reviewer said it's a rip-off of From Dusk Till Dawn, but the badder bad guys are a different type of evil. I can see what they mean by that, but I don't see why that's a problem. I watch a different horror movie almost every night and most are not very good. It's extremely hard to find one I haven't already seen that I enjoy. This one I enjoyed.

Brahms: The Boy II

Totally different premise than the first
This is one of the few times i would ever say this, but this might actually be a be a better movie if you haven't seen the first one. I don't do spoilers, but let's just say this movie didn't make any sense based on the premise of the first movie.


The show I've been waiting for
It's very creepy and has a "Lost" type vibe. Each episode leaves you immediately wanting the next. My only regret is not waiting for the entire season to release before starting it. It's definitely binge worthy. If you like science fiction horror and have been waiting for something new in that genre, it doesn't get better than this.


It isn't very good acting and bad decisions are made, but isn't that practically every horror movie? If you like scary movies, this one is worth a watch. My girlfriend and I found it entertaining, especially the last act.

Out of Death

Bruce Willis Phones it in
Horrible movie with terrible acting. Bruce Willis isn't even trying. He shows no emotion or personality whatsoever. It's like he's just saying his lines to get a paycheck. He must be falling on hard times.

Ray Donovan: The Movie

This is a must watch for fans of the series. It gives us a look back at Ray's early relationship with Mickey and how it went sour and ties everything perfectly to the present time. This is not a movie that stands on it's own. I rated this a 10 for fans of the series. If you haven't seen the series, don't watch this movie. We never got closure when Ray Donovan abruptly ended. Now we have it.


Laughing at bad reviews
The bad reviews are funny. They're all pretty much like "so I watched this show that's supposed to be ridiculously vulgar and inappropriately funny, but I hated it due to it being exactly those things." I'm sure those reviewers are the life of every party.


Worth a watch
To the person who said they only watched this because of Vaughn, but were disappointed he didn't get enough screen time: IMDB lists the cast in order of screen time. Vaughn is #36 on the list. It should be obvious before you watch that he barely appears in it. In fact, I had no idea he was in this movie at all until I read your review. I don't typically scroll that far down on the cast list. Anyway, this is an entertaining movie and worth a watch.

Follow Me

It's actually about a 6 or 7, but gave it a 10 to offset the 1's and 2's. Anyone who ranks this a 1 or 2 has overly high expectations. I've watched probably 100 movies since the pandemic started and over half of them were worse than this. I found it entertaining.

Win It All

There's a scene at the big poker game where a player bets, then the main character says, "I'll raise." The guy who bet says "it's better to fold." The main character then thinks about it and says "alright I fold." Anyone who plays poker (especially those kind of stakes) knows you are obligated to raise once you verbally say you raise. In a real game the dealer would have called that out and forced him to raise.

This may seem like a minor flaw, but it really bothers me when a movie about gambling is written by someone who doesn't actually know gambling.

American Horror Stories

It's not bad
-ruegnueg July 15, 2021 "If the show follows this path I'm out."

"I developed a zero woke tolerance, which I actually didn't have a few years ago. TV forced me."

---person who can't just admit they're homophobic.

The King of Queens

Still funny today
I have seen every episode more than once and still watch it all the time to this day. It's one of those classic comedies that never gets old. It belongs on the same level as Seinfeld, Cheers, etc..

The Misery Index

It's entertaining. I don't think it deserves the 10 rating I gave it and I actually feel like it should be a 6 or 7. I gave it a 10 to help even out the overall rating since it has so many undeserved 1 ratings. A lot of these bad reviews talk about how the index ratings are based on opinions and people handle things differently. Yes that's true, but this is based on an average score of a panel of shrinks that are rating it based on the average person. To complain about this is like complaining about Family Feud.

Wrong Turn

A lot of reviews on here complain that it's not related to the original. Who cares, just enjoy it for what it is. It's an entertaining scary movie that has not just jump scares, but is also suspenseful and chilling. It has a lot of brutal violence and is also an interesting story with a lot of twists. I did not find it predictable at all and definitely don't regret the $5.99 I paid to rent it.

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