Reviews (5)

  • A good heavy metal theme; scenes and references tie in together nicely, occult themed, loved some symbolism, atmosphere not too eerie but more creepy cringe, some stylish shots, modern horror. It was a great 1:20, Ethan Embry seems to constantly transform himself as an actor. I don't know about the background production but I enjoyed it, very entertaining. Some loud scenes due to the awesome metal music so make sure you can watch it with the volume up.
  • A little glimpse into backpacking through Thailand - some common themes you encounter there ie being in the rain, drinking buckets, and talking about someone in the club who the night before kissed a ladyboy by accident. Drinking shroom shakes and haggling with the street market ladies.

    If you've been there you will find this movie entertaining because of the subject matter. The horror theme tied it all together - I guess it is kind of Saw like - but nothing really happened and it was all unexplained. Kind of just some nice holiday visuals sprinkled with some backpackers drinking chang laced together with a psychopath being a psychopath for no reason.
  • It was well done, well shot, had all the elements of a slightly entertaining formatted Hollywood movie. There was some suspense. I guess there were some quasi ethnic themes and the horror bit was necessary to tie it all together. Acting was good.

    Mainly I'm using IMDb to keep track of my own thoughts so that in my declining prime I forget a few past movies nights and accidentally rewatch some uninspiring movies. Wouldn't watch this a second time although had an entertained 90 minutes in the theatre. They all laughed at the wrong bits, I think a lot of people thought it was a comedy because of Peele the director.
  • This movie is cheap and funny. Lots of mean but funny interactions between characters reminiscent of Return to Sleepaway Camp. A few party montages and even some nipples, see it with your buddies and you'll be quoting for days.

    Who knew you needed 10 lines to submit? No respect between friends just like a typical high school crew. Funny. Cliché clown resurrection was brief, back to the party. Good soundtrack.

    "Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." ― Charles Bukowski
  • Very re-watchable. The score is great and will stay with you.

    Hella eerie the entire time. The soundtrack is so way creepy and some movie nerds might even consider it a character in its own. Very similar use of music as that of Requiem for a Dream. O man the very ending is so shockingly awesome. Nothing really jump out thrills but all around very horror suspenseful. I now get some thrills in public by asking people if they can see me. Its hard to tell if its real or not, much like most stories about awesome torture daemons. See it yo! With the lights off!

    "Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." ― Charles Bukowski