
IMDb member since May 2017
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Interview with the Antichrist

from the same filmmakers of 'The Islands'
If you haven't seen 'The Islands', that was an amazing film about an island chiefs who came to Christ in 1823 and won the entire island to Christ.

This new film 'Interview with the Antichrist' is really stunning and powerful. You just need to read all the reviews on Facebook to see how it's changing people for Christ in these last days.

The film is so powerful that it was actually banned on Facebook I hear. Just google 'facebook bans 'interview with the antichrist' if you want more information.

There are a lot of people who don't like this film because it calls out luke-warm Christians. by their fruits you will know them. When you see people giving the film a '1' just click their name and see the films they reviewed. This should be enough of an indication.

God bless everyone on this!

The Islands

one of the few movies i felt connected to....
Just saw the film on Wednesday night.

.....looking solely at the film, it was done excellently. I dont know many of the details about the Hawaiian history, etc. but I got the sense that they were well researched and accurate. The acting even though in Hawaiian was outstanding. With regard to the way the film was shot and edited, again I think the editor did an excellent job. He used some special effects which I thought were really effective.

Surprisingly, I cried during this movie which doesn't happen that often. (Im a guy and the last time was Good Will Hunting when I was 14). It wasn't during a "religious" moment either. It was at a point that simply showed the love of a friend for another. It was done so well that it had that effect on me.

Because of people's biases and beliefs, you may hear conflicting things about this movie but as an objective viewer, no matter what you believe, its a good, powerful film. Glad my friends took me to see it.

The Simpsons

Getting old
Since the talented voice cast has remained the same low these many years, I put all the blame on this squarely with the Fox network who refused to let this show go out gracefully when Groening siphoned off his role to work on his dream project, the now far superior 'Futurama'. In Fox's race to claim this endurance record they have turned a once edgy and visionary show into an institution with an assembly line production and revolving door of writers to match any of the other lame shows on TV. Behind the scenes, maybe the condescending we-can-do-no-wrong attitude of Maxton-Graham has dealt the show its biggest death blow, while producer Mike Scully sat back and ineptly let Maxton-Graham run it into the ground.

In the end, the biggest blame may actually land with the "die-hard fans" that embolden the show by letting it get away with this junk. Yes, "The Simpsons" was ground-breaking and every adult animation in the future owns it a bit of gratitude, but blind loyalty to a show only for how it performed in the past isn't healthy.

Since it has hit long-running status the critical bandwagon jumping has begun and "Simpsons" is more popular than ever amongst critics that want to be on the inside of history. We've now reached a point where the bad episodes and bad entire seasons outweigh the good and that, I'm afraid, is going to be the sad legacy of "Simpsons" . A train-wreck of crass, childish humor, grainy animation, oddly misplaced satire and forced parodies of only the most obvious pop culture targets.

10 years ago I didn't know what I would do without "The Simpsons" but now, particularly with the emergence of satisfying new adult animated shows ('Futurama', 'Family Guy' and 'South Park'), living without it might be pretty good.

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