
IMDb member since October 2005
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    18 years


David Copperfield

Fond Childhood Memories
I still have yet to read the actual novel, David Copperfield by Charles Dickens but I do realize now as teenager that the animated movie was heavily adapted for children with all those "feel good" morals, ideas and good versus evil plot lines.

Like someone else said, I don't care but this movie was a lot of fun to watch as a kid! I loved it and need to dig out my old copy of it recorded onto a cassette before I forget about it once more. I loved the anthropomorphic characters, kitties are always my favourite. Yes, the movie could be considered a blasphemy but it's for children! I hate the animated movie for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh but others probably love it. Maybe these adaptations from novel to animated film is a bad influence on children and result in future ignorance of all these great works of literary merit. Or maybe some people are taking it a little too seriously. Give children a break, not everyone turns out ignorant. Let them have fun, let them watch their kitties singing in a factory and falling in love with all that clichéd sappiness. It's good to have dreams and a generally balanced idea of right and wrong before you are forced to grow up and accept all the grey areas of life. Now excuse me while I go watch Olive the Other Reindeer and the animated version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

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