
IMDb member since October 2005
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Taxi No. 9 2 11: Nau Do Gyarah

A Good Package
Actors - Nana Patekar is the best, although John Abraham and Sameera Reddy have also started to learn. Nana's dialogue delivery is superb. John Abraham has been, finally, given a role he would match. Sameera Reddy, Kurush Deboo, and Shivaji Satam have strong roles.

Story - The story is well written, but the screenplay could have been better. For those who haven't seen the film, go take a look, and expect a few twists in the storyline.

Music - The music is pretty good. Look out for Bappi Lahiri's Song Bambayi Nagariya, Adnan Sami's Meter Down, and Aazmaale Aazmaale, probably from K.K.. Don't miss the music video of Meter Down.

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