
IMDb member since June 2017
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Star Trek: Discovery

Oh! Give it a rest! This show is great!
It's all about perspective and expectations. So, let me start with (my) recap of ST series. First was Captain Kirk's Star Trek. Basically a western made into Sci-Fi. When it came out we were all neophytes to technology. Basically it taught us how to embrace and accept new ideas. Second was Captain Picard's Star Trek. Unbearably arrogant and self-righteous. Every character was clean, perfect, and... boring. Along comes DS9. At least in DS9 it wasn't all candy floss and lolly-pops. Voyager was a little grittier, but still perfect people living a perfect life. For all its flaws Star Trek Enterprise at least tried to show us that humans 'had to work...and work hard at being idealistic and noble'. Its biggest flaw was embracing the 'sex sells philosophy'. Sorry all, my thoughts are running so much faster than my ability to type! I think the biggest problem people are having is trying to place each series in a chain...all being relevant to each other. Myself, I watch each one by itself...I don't even consider comparing one to just doesn't work! Unlike some, I do not see the shows as being about love and peace, and everyone getting along. Almost every episode of each series suspends the ST moral code, to be replaced by unparalleled violence and fighting. Sooo, this current show - has quite good acting, maybe not the best, but like all previous shows many of the actors are for the most part, new to the game...learning their craft as they go. I'm alright with that. The effects are stunning. What technology has done to film making is sad, really. But to not make use of the tools is naïve at best, at least in Sci-Fi. I think it is wrong to vilify the series because it has tech that wasn't seen in other shows. I think it is wrong to vilify the portrayal of characters (Klingons, specifically) because they aren't like other versions. This is this...and that was that. Guess what I'm saying is watch but don't expect it to be the same. For myself, what grabbed me first was the intro theme. Just listening to it put me into Star Trek mode. New characters, new ideals, new dilemmas, new attitude. For me, the excitement is seeing the development...the growth of each character. Not trying to peg them into a rigid framework. Just watch the damn thing and enjoy...or hate it and don't watch it. It's really that simple. Finally, I'll say this - The writers/producers, to some extant, try to input some slant to the message they create with the story. Its up to us to accept, refute or ignore it. I think a lot of the nastiness being hurled at this show reflects the nastiness building in society today.

The Handmaid's Tale

You think you have seen horror films?
If I may start 'off-topic' for a moment. I am male, mid sixties, and have watched, like many others, all the great (and not-so-great) horror films. After watching the ten episodes of 'The Handmaid's Tale' I can safely say that THIS is a real horror story. It makes the entire horror genre seem like cotton candy. After each episode I find myself shaking, often with tears in my eyes. I'm not going to talk about the story. I am going to tell you that the acting is beyond reproach. In almost every movie, every TV series, there are at least one or two characters that don't fit or are poorly portrayed. Not so here. I simply cannot find fault with the performances of the entire cast. Stellar! The sets, the direction, the camera work, the intensity all fit together seamlessly. This is a story of a good world...gone very wrong. This is a story about faith, twisted by evil intent, then thrust upon the common people. For me it is truly horrifying. I'm sorry I can't find better words to describe how this show affects me. I will say this: My daughter is currently attending university in the U.S. and I can tell you I fear for her safety every hour of every day. Not because this story is happening now...but because it is so close.

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