
IMDb member since July 2017
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Dark Blood

Dark Blood Film - River's role as "Boy"
Within the film, in his acting role as "Boy", River reminded me of his considerable ability to capture the moment and simultaneously get the audience to see the film in his character's eyes without intruding on the director's vision through quality of worthiness that withstands the test of time. River's role as "Boy" is a conflicted one where the character is caught between the right and wrong aspects of actions taken when in a crisis situation. His role evolves throughout the film, starting with a curious and concerned citizen turning into a one sided and obsessed futuristic reformed resident. There is a mystical element to this character in the fact that he does believe in the things unseen and has courage in the face of hardship. In his portrayal of the character, he exudes a guided hand approach where he never ventures into instilling too much fear towards others, but rather a controlled sense of command, almost foolish in some ways, yet wise in other ways.

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