
IMDb member since July 2017
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    2005 Oscars
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The Divide

Survival of the fittest no matter what
The movie is just a joke and huge disappointment. Right, cinematography and stuff is okay, but the idea is just a garbage. It kinda went in a way that survival of the fittest is most offtenly chosen path in extreme conditions, but we are still evolved humans and we need to keep civility in our choices. However, the plot twist in the end, no matter what, we are still selfish primates. Yes, there are reasons why this choice (remain selfish) was taken in this particular case, but no matter the angle, looks like meaningful ending was sacrificed to have some nice cinematic shots/views.


Ideology is still the centerpiece here
After viewing, there is no thought of evaluating the pluses or minuses of this film as science fiction due to the endless references to the Soviet relic. This piece is a documentary about still apparent Soviet propaganda of the 21st century, wrapped in an artistic guise. Not going for one star just because still some effort was given to make it not that obvious.


"Let's ruin our war drama movie idea and add some zombies"
Frankly, it's quite funny how more negative sided reviews gets downvoted here. The movie itself, to put it in a nice way, is somewhat mediocre at best. You can understand that for the Spanish people it may have a niuance with historical sentimentality, but that does not change anything in a value of the movie. Looks like it had a chance to be a decent war drama, until somebody just thought of putting zombies in it. The acting was okay, cinematography was also alright. But... Boy oh boy, the nowhere leading script, majorly awkward and rushed dalogues, chaotically incorporated intercaltural references, basic logical errors. So, all in all, we have some low-budget generic movie, which is not really an ideal option even for binge-watching.

Resident Evil

New twist on Resident Evil went sideways
In short, Netflix went for successful franchise, added majorly spoiled teenagers, immense amount of pointless drama, self-centered narcissistic characters, loads of unnecessary profanity, "2020 vibe" and sh** went sideways.

You can only give them credit for deeds to continue on Resident Evil's legacy.

Iron Fist

Not everyone learns from past
Lately, Marvel TV shows became "legal money laundering schemes". Everything is build upon different characters using the same template. The Iron Fist is on the top of the Mountain Everest as with the most flat storyline. Constant shift in characters roles once being exemplary citizens to villains and repeatedly vice versa and both questioning their moral sanity tries to fill holes of a miserable storyline. Marvel should look back where they were with their uniqueness a decade ago.


It' so bad, you may want to cry afterwards
Being a fan of Marvel's marvellous masterpieces, after the movie these series were huge let down. The joke's on me, the toxic spill which caused Matt Murdock's blindness, has also flooded the whole TV Show. Long irrelevant to the story conversations, off-point moral questionings, unhealthy tension build ups becoming the new black in Marvel TV Shows environment.

Red Notice

Dwayne Johnson is a train wreck
Well, nothing new. When putting Dwayne Johnson in a comedy you can expect nothing less than a train wreck. Other than that, movie is okay for a binge watching, but not worthy for a friday night.

The Harder They Fall

The cinematography and story was spot on. However, the shootings. Ffs, sometimes people were gunned down with one pistol bullet from a great distance and other times whole chamber had no damage in close shootings. Also, the soundtracks were really lame because half of the movie it was some pop rap crap.

The Unforgivable

Could been better
Looked really promising and heart-touching from the beginning but it was ruined by note of spoiledness throught second part of the movie. As European watcher, you can't apprehend American spoiledness which appears firstly as destruction of construction site. Then it reappears several time as selfishness without taking in mind consequences it caused, compulsivness and lack of patience. Either way, the ending was nice.

The Matrix Resurrections

Abysmal piece of garbage
From the early appearing trailers of movie it looked somewhat promising, but extremely risky to continue with sequel on such spectacular trilogy. And yet, to put in short, the choice for continuing with the sequel was a cardinal sin. Matrix 4 was worse than Home Alone 4. If it is a beginning of another trilogy, oh boy, I can't even apprehend what utter garbages awaits us in the future.

The Blacklist

After 5th season, it's unwatchable
It was really interesting and easy show to watch till season 5 end. After that, the show is full of unhealthy tension build ups, where you start skimming episodes to get that 5 minutes long resolution, knowing another one comes for 5 - 6 episodes straight. Also, the main charecters gets stupidier and more retarded after each season. However, one of the main characters, Elizabeth's miraculous stupidity grows beyond reach at exponential rate. I'm just truly lost, how quite adventurous show with healthy tension sprinkles went to utter garbage. All in all, my sincere suggestion for screen writer would be to look for retirement ASAP!


Has potential to be improved in upcoming seasons
Came here after the Frontier and got myself quite dissapointed. Well, from the begging I was looking to give it a solid 9/10 but at the end, I was left with 7/10. Visual side and acting was quite spectacular, but the plot seemed dull and unappealing. As right now, series left me at the point, were season 3 would serve as a last choice for unintentional binge-watching indulgency.

Occupation: Rainfall

Utterly inconsistent
First impressions after 20 minutes or so into the movie and it's utterly inconsistent, starting from acting, plot to CGI. It's obvious that this "masterpiece" is low budget one, but incompetencies appears in every aspect of this movie. Without having humiliating expressions for this idiocracy, it could serve well as an example, what should be avoided while making a movie, because it might take several pages worth of research to point out what's wrong with this chaotic creation.

Redemption Day

Ordinary idea, poor execution
Right, it's somewhat watchable. Even though, the plot has many holes in it and you can feel it. But the shooting scene in the end is so ridiculous ... Guy gets shot in a leg and asks to be left behind. Patches himself up to blow some s*** up, despite the fact that safe flight home is right about the corner. Yet, gets left behind once again.

Overall, the idea of ex-military soldier's family/family member gets kiddnaped didn't work out on this movie.


One star and that's pretty much it.
You would be barely keeping yourself together while watching this movie. The story is below mediocre. However, the most unbearable thing of this movie is its characters. The team of mall security is portrayed as a bunch of idiots, lacking the most basic/essential survival skills.


The mixture of everything, where everything falls apart in resolution
The storyline parts of this movie doesn't add up. Basically, it is a somewhat mixture of Cube and The Signal. Not going through the plot, which has major holes in it, but keeps trying to hold it together, the most disappoint part of a story is resolution. It is so secluded from the whole movie that everything you saw previously, worked just as a prologue to those few last minutes of a movie. It has many similarities for its ending with The Signal's, yet it has somewhat of a silver-lining for the characters. But that's it. Hypothetically speaking, are the main character going start a collony on a remote planet? Are those aliens going to put all humanity through the maze of suffering for "a better life"? It is fun how Inception left the choice for a viewer to decide the end of a story. This movie leaves you on an only question mark, whether you have wasted time on it or not.

SAS: Red Notice

As good as cheap school project
I can't stress enough how hideous this movie is. The both plot and script looks like written by 12 years old lad, who watched some of Hitman's stuff and made cheap rip-off for his school project.


Painfully boring
The plot of movie and its execution is awful. After 1 hour, it just looked like mixture of nowhere leading, unestablished ideas.

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