
IMDb member since July 2017
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    6 years


The Piano

Timeless Masterpiece
Sometimes is hard to express with words the power and influence a film can have over you years after you watched it for the first time. In counted and rare occasions a masterpiece the size of The Piano is born: the original soundtrack composed by Michael Nyman transport you to a different Universe, Holly Hunter's brilliant performance of Ada and Anna Paquin's mature performance of her daughter, which led both of them to win an Oscar for their respective roles in the film, the cinematography and visual beauty literally immerses you in the muddy and dirty environment in New Zeland in the mid-19th century and the brilliant script which narrates one of the saddest and most wonderful stories ever told. Every single detail about the film is genius and Ada's magic will live forever.

I still remember the first time I watched The Piano, I was still a kid in the 90s and it was aired on television. I was so absolutely hypnotized by the whole story and specially by the character of Ada, that I had to record it on a VHS video tape because I had to go to bed early to go to school the next morning, so I couldn't finish watching it that night. The next day I couldn't stop thinking about the film and how it would end while I was in class, so when I got back home, I ran directly to see the recording from the VHS tape. I lost count of how many times I have watched this classic masterpiece since then, thanks Jane Campion for this timeless piece of art from the bottom of my heart.

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