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Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War
Episode 4, Season 7

Holy Grail of Season 7
With only 3 More episodes remaining, The spoils of War was simply the coffin selector. Brilliantly Executed Battle Sequences, Precisely conquered camera work and Crew hard work gave us the EPIC of the season 7. The VFX team along with the pyrotechnics used within the episode was by far the best I've ever seen. If you watch the making of' for the Episode you would know that it is the first time they actually burnt 20 stuntmen without the use of any CGI; The charcoal , fire, wagons, battleground was superbly designed. Hats-off to the production designing team as they pulled out a blister.

By far the best Appearance and role-play for Bronn giving the best expression and joy of war. Although the war, which seems to be happened between around 100 - 200 men was over exaggerated but the camera angles were brilliantly planned. They Actually used, Drones, Buggy, Suspension Cars, Spider Cams and Rail cams for the shots.

Increasing the Level of anticipation, this is by far best of season 7. I would rate it 9.9 but its GOT so lets give them what they deserve its a full 10, two thumbs and limbs up!!!

Game of Thrones: Stormborn
Episode 2, Season 7

Superb Direction & Character Progression Nicely written Episode
I could have written this review in valyrian but it would have been hard to find Missandie translating it for you. :)

It's My First Review Ever & Few Fools who just want to write bad' forced me to write this; I would suggest to ignore the Bullshit Reviews written by so called Fan Boys or Book dumbs, who not only compare things with their dumb-ass visualization but also OVER ANTICIPATE things as they are the directors.

The Episode was simply a marvel with great direction and scripting, The Show has to move quicker now as considering the fact that it has cut down from 10 to 7 Episodes and Another 6 Episodes in next season, Its Obvious to move things and align the characters for their role. The Creators had to join the missing pieces to set up character progression, keeping an 'On the Edge' phenomenon which the show has maintained so far. It is one of the Greatest Shows Ever on the Television history comparing it to the greatest movies and shows of all time. The Directors and Creators must be in a great pressure to keep things up to the mark and few dipshits ruin things by such idiotic and over anticipated reviews which is as bad and seems like they ran out of toilet paper.

Talking about the Episode 2 StormBorn the Starting with thunderstorm and heavy rain was precisely superb justifying the title. Regarding the Character Progression, I was amazed to see Sir Jorah is finally on the move, and Sam is playing his role well. Decision taken by Arya for Re-uniting was also a good one and well shown at the right time when things get moving precisely as they got to be.

Its Obvious for the Clans Unite in order to set alliances for the Great battle, so "Raven-Postal Services have to be quicker. The story is going in right direction and it gives a more edgy feeling episode by episode that viewers are gonna run out of chairs. I really feel great that the Writers and Directors are keeping the Scale High, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are Indeed the best Creators and they have proved it making the GOT a Phenomenon' in the history of Television.

Episode Rating: 9.9 Character Progression: Tombstone Piledriver" Anticipation Level: Double On the Edge: 11.67 MM away Falling off chair Missandei: HOT Yara Greyjoy: Holy-Sh*t

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