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Chicago Med: What a Tangled Web We Weave
Episode 13, Season 6

Completely, moronic & unrealistic episode
The writers have completely lost it in this episode. Miss Goodwin hits a kid with her car. Both end up in the hospital. No sign of any police anywhere. In which world does the police not get involved when a car runs down a 10yo kid???? No alcohol-/drugtest for the driver. And the way she get's involved with the treatment of the kid!!!! I know it's a dramaseries, but the lack of any realism makes this episode irritating and annoying!


Dutch equivalent of Top Gun????
Big Dutch production with very improbable storyline. All the flyers seem to be able to do their one thing. Whenever a pilot feels like flying, he or she takes a plane up into the sky without any form of approval. The Dutch airforce is depicted as a bunch of rogue cowboys. There seems to be no command structure. There's a lot of overacting. I wouldn't recommend watching this series.


Absolute disaster
Don't bother watching this. It's full of grotesk characters, which makes it almost unwatchable.


What a wate of time!
This seems to be written by morons for morons. The policework is totally incredible. If I were a cop, I would be seriously offended by they way policework is portrayed. Last but not least, the humor is completely childish. So, skip this if it's not too late!

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