
IMDb member since August 2017
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    6 years


Het gouden uur

The power of hatred
This is a great story about hatred, ignorance and prejudice and leaves no side unsullied. In a world where whole races of people are considered good or bad because of their birthplace, skin colour and religion, it's refreshing to see the hypocrisy of those a westerner like myself is expected to feel "one of us". Innocence, trust and the implicit sense of safety enjoyed by most of us Europeans is challenged violently here.

The acting I felt was very credible, good casting very good script and the production was also very good. I imagine it was quite low budget but the was little indication of that, very well worth watching. I became engaged quickly with the characters, I think because the subtitling seemed to be reasonably true.

The only failing being the wait I have now for season 2.

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