
IMDb member since August 2017
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Our Girl

so bad its awful
Im late to this as it started in 2014 and i feel i have had 5 years of bliss as this turgid dross only seeped into my brain today. its very funny but only because of the extremely bad acting and dire corny by the numbers script. i did manage to sit through the first episode but after an hour of cheese filled school play action i could not stomach another bite. this is a direct plea to the bbc.please stop,why are you hurting us with this dross did we hurt you in a previous life


not so much
I like oasis as much as i like cant belive its not butter seen them live in a few countries and as a live band average to poor but on the albums average to good but lets faceit they are the poor mans bootleg beatles not original,slightly tacky and incredibably embarassing.the doco was good but made it even more obvious these people have very limited talent and really should just be throwing tyres around for a living. this documentary is good to have on in the background while you do other things as the people involved and the whole story is not very interesting

Doctor Foster

3 stars for series 1 nothing for 2
Series 1 was a good dramatic entertaining tv program,nothing special but not the worst outthere.why oh why was series 2 comissioned,it made no sense was all over the place,acting was awful and seemed it was made just to fulfill certain contracts. at the end dr foster just came across as a very unhinged person as did her ex hubby and all involved,very unrealistic,poor execution.maybe the 3rd series should get foster involved with shipman then see the fireworks go off big time

Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy

tedium has found a new level
Saying random words with an inane grin does not a comedy not sure what they were trying to achieve but if it was boredom tinged with regret and depression then bingo they succeded. most real comedians must feel like they have been slapped in the face when noel is called a comedian.he comes across as a someone trying to be uber cool but failing because cool is not an act but inherent.trying to be funny but not saying anything remotely comedic.dont waste your time

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle

great for nightime
I had a hard time sleeping recently but just 10 minutes of this drivel and i was in a deep slumber.i think the worst thing is being boring and he has it in yourself a favour stay away unless you have insomnia. after seeing a few minutes of the aforementioned drivel i looked up lee and some of his reviews and fan reviews.uurrgghh so many people saying if you dont think he is funny then you dont get his humour.arrogant beyond belief.funny is just funny and this aint it


no need no effort no point
Carrie the original was a very good film and it always amazes me that film companies feel the need to try to replicate a film that needs no second run out.i feel the whole point of the original was sissy looked like a normal geeky teen who you could imagine getting bullied or taunted at cannot imagine that from the very pretty woman playing carrie on this version it just doesnt work.stop trying to get a fast buck and produce original clever material hollywood.or take a leaf out of uk films and the smal budget quality they churn out year after year

New Girl

no thanks
If you like your sitcoms to be funny,original,thoughtful,clever with great writing and fantastic acting then watch anything but this cheesefest. i have seen zooey in other projects and can safely say she is one of the worst actors thats ever graced the screen absolutly no chemistry,allways seems bored and has the acting range of a melted icepop add 3 stereotype male charachters and voila you have this mess

The Invention of Lying

1 trick pony
Nothing new to see here from gervais.its as boring as it is obvious.i must be the only one bored to see this pugnosed smugfaced man on tv and movies.shame as he was funny to start out but has now stooped lower and lower each year.

The End of the F***ing World

poor efort all round
I watched this as the idea seemed a good one,the actors were unknown to me which is a plus and i was excited to see where the show went.oh dear after episode 1 i knew where it went, down the plughole the acting dire,the direction poor.but props to the location person very nice scenery.if you are a 15 year old you might like this this,otherwise steer clear.a stinky and it could of been a very good mini series


absolute tripe
i signed up to IMDb just to warn others of this utter tripe,a cheesy script add a ton of cheddar acting mix with 2 servings of stilton characters and voila you have this mess.i struggled through to episode 4 but only because i kept thinking it cant be this bad every episode.boy was i not touch this stink fest with anyones bargepole i implore you,oh for the days of cracker

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