
IMDb member since August 2017
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Madhavan was the saving grace but the real Shaitaan is Dhruv
If not for Madhavan, this movie would have been worse! It's his tremendous acting that kept the movie engaging.

The real Shaitaan in the movie is honestly the kid, Dhruv. If he survived breaking his head on the stairs, not being given any medical treatment and then pushed off an upper level roof all the way to the ground, onto a cement/concrete surface and STILL survived - there's only one way - HE is the Shaitaan 🤣 Between all the head injuries caused and the insane amount of blood loss the kid went through, surviving all of that and asking his dad to get his sister back is really something. 👏🏽🤣😂


I have never, I will never and NO HUMAN can ever watch anything worse than this movie unless it's a remake of this movie.

DISGUSTING. I literally threw up and needed to watch a few episodes of Seinfeld to even get myself to write this.

Don't call this a movie, don't call it anything but toxic garbage. I need therapy after watching this nightmare.

Whoever thinks this piece of garbage is good needs to see a doctor. I am appalled, disgusted, angry and sick to the stomach from watching this vomit of a "story".

I don't know how many more ways I can describe the disgust that this "movie" is. Yuck.


Lowest point in Trisha's career and a colossal waste of time.
This is a movie that shouldn't have even made it past the script narration stage.

There are so many things wrong about this movie, it's a shame this movie was even made!

1. Trisha asking her niece's friend to get cosmetic surgery done to look beautiful.

2. Trisha always using her niece as bait without ever telling her what's going on.

3. Strip watching her niece to confirm she's not the nude girl in the video.

4. Sharing addresses, pictures, current locations with not just any stranger but a dangerous one!

5. Wishing she were her niece because she's developed a twisted relationship with a terrorist.

6. Terrorist flies in and out of a country without any issues whatsoever.

7. Covering up the hit on a minister by the prime minister as a plane crash.

8. Trisha's clueless actions about Alim's identity and field of work.

9. Claiming to take her niece on vacation to Libya and then abandoning her at the airport and again without actually telling her what's happening!

10. Niece doesn't question Trisha about why she's being asked to go by herself in a totally new country where English isn't even spoken, let alone Tamil.

11. Niece gets dropped off by a random taxi driver at a random place and she hands over a "holy thread" as a gift? To him?!

Literally every scene, every dialogue in the movie is absurd. If this isn't the worst movie that's ever been made and I've ever watched, I don't know what horror awaits!

I wish there was an option to take stars away from the ratings instead. JUST BAD.

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