
IMDb member since November 2005
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Scott's become an old bore, just like Scorcese
There are two (near-)octogenarians trying to become president of the USA again, even though even most of their most ardent fans agree, that they are way past their prime. There are also octogenarian film directors who once dazzled us with with their youthful force ("Taxi driver", "Blade Runner"), who are today only a shadow of their former selves. Ridley Scott and his "Napoleon" is a prime example of this sad decline. He commits the ultimate sin for a film maker : he bores! Nothing in this rushed retelling of Napoleon's 20-year rise and fall feels either new or interesting. Hopefully all of these old geezers will soon enjoy their more or less deserved pensions and make room for a new generation!

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live

For fans only!
Years ago, I tried to get involved with TWD. Twice! It just wasn't for me. I just watched the first episode of this latest spinoff. Well - it still isn't! If you're not a fan of the original series, just stay away. I still can't fathom, how the endlessly repeated scenes of undead people getting squished can glue so many people to the screen. If you've watched this series from day one and are invested in the original characters you might get some mileage or closure or whatever from this "new" series. To everybody else, again: just stay away! It (still) isn't worth your/our time. Enough said!!!!

Evil: U Is for U.F.O.
Episode 9, Season 2

Open up your heart and let the sunshine in...
One of the weaker episodes but then, right at the end, when Leland sits Sheryl down for dinner there is this song playing that took me back some 50 years. At first I couldn't place it, but a search on youtube quickly revealed that it was featured on an episode of the Flintstones with Pebbles and BamBam singing in perfect harmony (Just search for "Pebbles sunshine") . Loved it as a kid and still brought a smile to my face today. Thank you "Evil" for reminding of this! Oh, and the devil turns up several times in the lyrics so it all makes sense ;-)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Children of the Comet
Episode 2, Season 1

The clairvoyant watering can
So there is this giant clairvoyant watering can with a crazy light show inside, flying through space and pretending to hit a planet because it knows that Spock will fly out and correct its course. Which of course he wouldn't have had to do if the can hadn't pretended to be on a destructive collision course in the first place. Wow! And why exactly does this omnipotent "holy" can need to be followed by some crazy space monks as "protectors"? Many people here are jubilant to finally see episodic star trek again. Really?!? Is that all that was/is wrong with Discovery and Picard? What we need is a good crew (still on the sidelines with this one) and intelligent, credible stories! The writers who came up with this pathetic nonsense should be kicked out into space without oxygen!

1883: The Crossing
Episode 4, Season 1

Made me cry!
This episode deserves 10 points for the river crossing alone. Having Elsa play Beethoven's mournful and beautiful "moonshine sonata" and contrasting it to the horrifying scenes at the river crossing was pure genius. Sure, you can get all cynical and accuse the writers of being manipulative, as some people here do. But I am not ashamed to say that in the end I was crying with Elsa, overcome by emotion. And the next moment I was laughing out loud when Ennis quipped "Don't know any happy ones?!". So good!

Battlestar Galactica: Water
Episode 2, Season 1

Very sloppy writing
I just saw this for the first time and was appalled by the sloppy writing. At 10:12 it is said "We have enough water for several years before replenishing." Then several bombs destroy some of the water tanks. "How much water did we lose?" "Almost 60% of total potable water reserves." "How long will our water supplies last?" "About six days." So by loosing less than 60% of the water, reserves went from several years down to just 6 days! Stupid beyond compare! I notice user ziggy has already pointed this out and he was voted down - why?? Do people not understand the most basic math or do they just not care? If writers can't be bothered to get even these simple facts right, how can they be expected to create logical and plausible story lines?

Save Yourselves!

Please adjust your expectations!
Many people here seem to hate this movie even though it's so cute and inoffensive as the baby Su and Jack pick up towards the end. I can only guess that the haters expected a serious alien invasion flick with "Independence Day" effects and heroics. Well, it's not! The alien invasion is mostly just background noise to the story of Su and Jack and their often hilarious but relatable ineptitude in the face of first their own little problems and later the big alien problem. Just expect the quintessential "small" movie, have a glass of wine and maybe you too can enjoy this little gem, with beautiful scenery and cinematography and the cutest couple since "Harry and Sally".

Avenue 5: He's Only There to Stop His Skeleton from Falling Over
Episode 5, Season 1

Going down
I thought the quality of the show was gradually improving. But this episode crushed all my hopes. It was about as funny as Jordan Hatwall's standup comedy. You'll know what i mean if you've seen the episode. This show is in desparate need of better writing. And better jokes!!!

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