
IMDb member since August 2017
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Dont get why this has so many bad reviews
I love this show and the acting isnt bad at all. Interesting look at how a brilliant idea can go so bad. Interesting and entertaining and jared leto Is very convincing as a foreigner. Worth the watch.


Wow ... talent is off the charts
I love this show. Everyone works so hard and is so supportive and interesting. Very fun to watch minus all of the Lexi interviews. She sounds high or something but thats just my speculation.


Great ... primo ... bueno
I really enjoyed this. The plot was steady without lag despite the extended runtime, I never felt bored. I would have loved less foreign language usage because I did feel like i was reading more than watching at times. Well acted although Hillary Swank doesnt look old enough to really sell the part 100%. I really enjoyed the actor who played Primo. He was a very good choice despite my overwhelming feeling that this was the roll Vincent Gallo was born to play. It could have been very interesting if they could have cast Balthazar Getty as Primo as well, what awkward historical juxtaposition would that have made. Southerland was great as expected and JPG3 was paired perfectly with him as there was nothing at all that ever made me feel like they could pass for family. That worked well because JPG3 was intended to be such an overwhelming black sheep and if he had fit in at all it would have taken away from that aspect of the film. Totally worth watching despite the long runtime ... good weekend binge series.

El Hijo

Did they forget the last 10 minutes?
This movie was decent until the end. It cut off with no resolution, conclusion, or explanation at all. Would have been good if they didn't forget to give the movie an ending.


Good but...
I really enjoyed this show ... liked season 1 & 2 despite the low s2 reviews. I think there are a few holes that either were poorly explained or that I missed and those are my main complaints:

1) why does manx need to find the shorter way in the first place?

2) why did the hourglass have to look so similar to manx?

3) why does manx never stay in christmasland when he gave up his soul to get it and be with his kid?

4) how did the children live so long without food off each other?

5) why do maggies seizures not occur at first but happen every time the tiles are used later in the show?

I really liked this ... somethings you just have to take the way they are presented i guess. I would have liked it to be a little easier to pick up everything.


Way better then reviews state....
I don't understand how this movie is so poorly rated! My initial guess is that most people watching were expecting a ghost story and got a bit butt hurt when the movie concluded without any supernatural elements to blame. This movie is actually really good and i enjoyed it very much.

The Postcard Killings

Cutting room disaster?
I feel like this could have been really good but wasn't. The acting is good, the plot is solid at first glance but could give more to scene and character development, the imagery is beautiful and nauseating at the same time and not given the time it deserved. It feels like a movie that died on the cutting room floor. More time could have been spend reviewing the crime scene. They put a hell of a lot of work into the special effects of the victims and the bodies could have been shown more. That may sound gruesome but when they are stating that each crime scene is a recreation of a famous artwork then you need to really be able to see and study the body posing. Also the fact that they all have specific knowledge of every work of art didn't feel like it rang true. If they had to work more to figure out what art was being referenced and had to research and dig to figure some of them out it would have seemed more likely. They showed all of the crime scenes very very briefly and it made finding the art/crime imagery parallels nearly impossible. More time spent developing the details of the art and the possible meanings and motives would have helped to round all of it out. It feels like this was good originally and cut badly. If not that then the script writer got lazy with the details. They should had made the transitions of Canon meeting and working with people shown in more depth because it felt like every new cop/reporter he began to collaborate with was introduced too briefly and it gave the movie a choppy feel. This could be great, but it wasn't.

Pieces of a Woman

35 millimeters of depression
This movie was anticlimactic, morose, depressing, and just a notch above your average Lifetime or Hallmark Channel movie. I watched it because I love Shia LaBeouf but he wasn't even able to make it interesting. This was a solid first 30 minutes that trailed off and diluted into lack of a plot. More detail given in regards to the ending relationship or court case could have given it some backbone that it lacked. Good movie if you need something to help you fall asleep.

The Mountain

This feels like every Vincent Gallo movie that's ever been made

Criminal: Spain

Good show
Love all the plot twists that remain pretty unexpected. Cervantes would make a fantastic prince harry in the future.

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