
IMDb member since August 2017
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Starship Troopers

I hate that I love this movie
Why is this movie so good. I regrettably have gone 26 years without ever hearing about this movie before and decided to put it on with the assumption that it would be 90's sci-fi shlock.

Oh how I was wrong.

This movie has EVERYTHING. The special effects SHOOK me. The acting was FUN. The script was CLEVER. And for a movie that built its own world and rules - it was SO easy to follow. It's in my top 3 favourite sci-fi movies of all time and I hate that I loved it that much.

This isn't even my kind of movie but I sat through 2 hours of this with pure goddamn joy.

Would watch again, goddamnit.

The Last of Us: Part II

It's painfully obvious that people who are giving this game a low rating, didn't play/finish the game and are simply going off of the leaks or some nasty word of mouth. The Last of Us 1 introduced us to some amazing characters and gave them character and depth. This phenomenal sequel has done that same thing, in a different light. Ellie, is still Ellie (and she has always been gay, I don't see how people think this is new news), but now she has grown up and continues to grow through this story, just without Joel. This game isn't supposed to be light-hearted or even fun to watch. It's supposed to make you angry, sad and confused. Joels death is sudden and heartbreaking, which is the brutal truth of what life is like, especially in a post apocalytpic setting. Joel killed lots of innocent people in his quest to protect Ellie, and the consequence of doing do eventually caught up with him. Now Ellie is following down that same dark path, as well as Abby, and in the end? Ellie loses everything. Her family, even her goddamn fingers which were used to play the guitar (one of the most important things Joel ever taught her). Her quest for vengeance, costed her her humanity. As for Abby, she was forunate enough to pull through in the end with Lev, only because Lev showed her that she didnt have to kill or get revenge to be happy. Sure, Abby's story was obviously a retcon, but Naughty Dog clearly didn't account for The Last of Us 1 to gain such a cult following that they had an opportunity to make a sequel. The Last of Us 2 showed us that even our most beloved characters are only human, and can become the monsters of their own stories. I mean take a look at Tommy at the end. Ellie BECAME him. He lost his sight in one eye and will never walk properly again, yet is STILL out for revenge and in the end? He lost it all. Maria, his community, his self respect. Self destruction is the biggest killer in this game. Its an extremely mature story for an immature audience who dont want to take the time of day to really THINK about why these things happen. Why did Ellie let Abby live? Because she finally realised that no matter what she does to Abby, Joel will still be dead. No matter how many people she kills, Joel will not come back. So she lets her go, and moves on, but at what cost? Give the game a chance. Grow with it. Learn from it. Its a masterpiece.


Not given enough credit
The reviews here don't give this movie and it's makers the recognition they deserve. People these days only want to watch things that are easy to watch - NEWS FLASH, that is NOT what this movie is supposed to be. It's a dark folk fairytale. The flash scenes of gore in this movie have this fantastic shock factor that made me want to look away, but not miss a thing at the same time. This film is not a film you can walk into and expect things from, because that is not the idea of it. It's a story that unfolds and becomes more intricate and develops this dark depth to it with each passing scene. It made me angry, happy, disgusted and thrilled all at the same time. DO NOT watch this film if you are somebody who likes to sit down and enjoy movies or watch movies that are EASY to watch, because I do not believe this is a movie that is supposed to be thoroughly enjoyed. It it supposed to make you leave the film feeling angry, confused and upset. It is not easy to watch at times and it made me really THINK - a trait that I cannot associate with many movies these days.

Doom Patrol

NOT another superhero show
I'm always skeptical of superhero movies and shows, because nowadays they're overmade and often get way too much hype than they deserve. However, I couldn't even put doom patrol onto the same level as your everyday superhero show. The character development is phenomenal, and there isn't a moment where I feel like the actors performances are weak. Even the episodes that you know are fillers, feel necessary. The entire show is narrated by the "villain" of the show, Mr.Nobody, who often breaks the 4th wall. Typically, I would consider this lazy writing, but in this case it isn't. His comedic timing is on point, and the fact that he mentions several times that he is aware he is in a show and states that he is prepared for the show to receive bad reviews, is hilarious. Coming toward the end of season, it becomes apparent that Mr. Nobody isn't really evil in the traditional way that DC villains are. He's just angry, and kind of a bully, but ends up doing what he can to fix what he's destroyed. Doom Patrol is fun, and I can't imagine any other show being able to successfully write/introduce such tragic and complicated characters into it's PILOT episode, but Doom Patrol does it. It's focus on it's characters and wholeheartedness as a story is what differentiates it from other superhero shows. It deserves it's high rating.

Breaking Bad

This is the most thought out show I have ever watched. Every single character is 100% necessary; every character has so much depth and so many layers of personality. They left it at 5 seasons for a good reason, to give it's viewers short and sweet QUALITY entertainment.

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