• I'm trying to figure out which massive-budget movie The Asylum is parodying in Devil's Triangle, probably for $US10,000 to 15,000...

    The usual C-grade actors, the cheapest possible CGI and yet another ROFL script.

    To all of the 1/10 reviewers (ie: "Worst stinker I have seen in my life!" 1/10), you obviously haven't seen other Asylum movies like Atlantic Rim versus Pacific Rim, etc, and there are more like "Super Tanker" or "Exploding Sun"...

    I have about 13-15 of these deliberately cheesy rip-offs from Asylum and its companion producers and when bored, I'll go and put one on just for the laughs.

    Just bought this movie very cheaply, along with "Airliner Sky Battle" and "Collision Earth (Game Over)". These are all distributed by Vendetta Films for Asylum and from memory, a few other of the B or C Grade movie producers.

    I mean, come on guys, if the cinema posters are like this one, or the artwork on DVD/BluRays, it should give you a pretty good clue as to the type of film being presented.

    If you still don't like a movie after the first 15-20 minutes, just leave or take it out of the DVD player - don't stay to the end and then whinge about how bad it was to "have to" sit through it and then post an excoriating review.

    Chalk it up to experience and just move on with your lives - those of us who are into Asylum or other Vendetta movies will carry on enjoying them and discussing them between ourselves.

    Happy days to all and enjoy your own tastes in movies :-)
  • Unlike "annie_marks" in her 8 September 2017 review, I love these silly, predictable and (usually very low-budget) disaster movies...!

    Anyone who has watched the big budget Pacific Rim, and then its cheap knock-off, Atlantic Rim (both with preposterous plots and IMO, similar levels of acting talent), will understand what I mean.

    Having seen about 3 dozen, as each new one comes along, I watch with gleeful anticipation for the next twist on how to deal with yet another "world ending disaster", be it by volcanoes, deadly storms, earthquakes or even sci-fi solar system calamities.

    I also know that the forces of good in humankind will always prevail, whether alive or killed-off in the process - all of them great for a bit of "suspended disbelief" entertainment.

    On the other hand, if you want wonderful acting and a story-line that will leave your mind fuller and satiated, watch a movie like The unbearable Lightness of Being, or a play on Broadway or London's West End such as Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

    All have their own places in the world of storytelling and drama. All have fans and critics.

    NB: This is my first review, for better or for worse.