
IMDb member since September 2017
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The Pregnancy Scheme

I cant say much more. The terrible terrible actors. Remember the old lifetime movies that had good actors. Odd one now with katie douglas are a dime a dozen and impacting. The script terrible or maybe the acting made it worse (likely). How do you make a true storey like a hallmark movie? They do. Hire the b list of hallmark movie actor? Stop it lifetime. It used to be so good these movies. The shows stepped up like #textmewhenyougethome. So annoyed. Also about the plot. Glorifies a woman using innocent people to commit her crimes. The pregnant woman! You can be vroke (bad house for the movie to show it in. Posh for the qverage home. But that requires brains). She ruined many a libes and i dodnt feel sorry for her. Just annoyed by the whole thing.

I, Tonya

Toyna is always trash
Tonya is always trash for a reason. But why own anything in this new age? Everyone is a victim afterall. Why own up to violence when it happened to you? Why do you think this movie protrayed her as the victim? I cant even kill weeds this generation without people saying i am a villian. So theres your logic. Only in this generation. Tonya if your reading this i am glad you are banned, imagine other outcomes. Still justifying your truth at your age. I am ashamed hollywood picked this up.you are trash and always will be. It didnt have to do with money it was your arrogance and candor. You recked a beautiful sport.

Anna Nicole Smith: You Don't Know Me

I am no more sympathetic now as when it happened
I am no more inclined to feel sympathy than years ago. There was no depth reqlly to her. Same storey but contrasted. You know the one about abuse but her brother said it didnt happen. I really wasnt convinced although i am sure something happened at some point that made her meaninglessly find identity in men or attention. I still loose respect her cutting qnd lying about the father of her child. You make mystakes, so you raised one on her own then to make it a goal for the other? I raised one on my own. Its not a goal and heaven forbid to repeat? Then add a dad and move somewhere to block another? All off. Like many things about her. What did she do to make an impact on this world? I came hopeful but felt less sympathy. She was always beautiful i will give her that. Better off bot made.

The Man from Toronto

Oh kev fart
Look kevin hear plays kevin heart for over a long hour. Look kevin hear plays kevin heart for over a long hour. Look kevin hear plays kevin heart for over a long hour.

The Lake

I liked the diversity and quick wit. Easily relatable as far a sibs go and cottage country- hey mine is 40 min north of there. I really hope theres a season two. Great cast as well! Cheers.

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

First 3 episodes were good
Then it got worse and gave up. It had potential in parts but idk flopped which was disappointing because it was so good at first. Dragged on. Should have been a shorter mini serie.

The English Patient

Sorry as a burn unit nurse couldnt get past the inaccuracy. From the initial to him struggling to breath and so forth. They need hydration and i tubation at that end immediately etc. I just couldnt. Undermines the horrible process.

The Wrong Cheerleader Coach

Cant stop laughing
These comments are the best! 9/10 are glasses comments. The dad and cheer coach (Johanna L) quit acting please. I have never saw such bad acting as that before. Quit your day job, it aint for you.

Harry & Meghan: Escaping the Palace

Meg the innocent
So so bad, even for terrible lifetime movie. Lifetime used to be so good qnd had somegreat actors. The acting, the white light they put around megs, everything is terrible. Theres trqsh and then theres this. So incredibly bad.

Past Never Dies

Does lifetime even try anymore?
Seriously? So bad. The 90s films were good with good actors. Total flop.

Mad Families

Literally the worst movie
I usually stick even a bad movie out. Even a terrible hallmark movie. This movie broke me. So so bad.


Liied it. Watched with my teen
Wanted something teen to watch with him since I made him watch my teen s show. Actually surprisingly not bad but and only but they went to far. They could have developed it more for the end and not went so criminally? Weird to say but even for a short series slightly too much. I enjoyed the acting. And wewatched in 3 to 4 days. Hes not a girl but he enjoyed it. I am overall glad i watched. Would recommend.

Ginny & Georgia

Really loved it, hear me out
I watched it sitting alone one night. My teenager is in a love hate war with me so this fits right in. I love a twisted plot. I dont get other reviews saying Ginny is ungrateful. First off she is a character and secondly all teenagers are. And who was she to know what her mom went through? Not many of us know fully our moms. I know my mom has closet secrets. I think they cast this whole thing extremely well. There is no character that isnt on par for what is asked. Go in with an open mind. They do reflect real life characters and really well. Cant say enough about the cast!

Good Girls Get High

I liked it
Funnier than expected. Not a bad debut for the actors. I would watch it again.

Prank Encounters

Dwserves a zero
Host is annoying.bad actors, spend mot of the showsetting up stupid lame pranks. So not good.


If you are a terible actor with no talent. Please apply to be onthis show. Bad actors only. Thank you.

Punky Brewster

Had hope
Love her. The kids are collectively annoying, worst youngest to oldest. They reck it. Should have been more about her. Bad plot side tracked by the sodeboard laughs and bad writing. I used to love this show dearly. I really wanted to like it.


Worst movie ever
I didnt think i could see something so bad that other bad movies i would rewatch to getthis time back. Leads were terrible. Plot was terrible. No point. Literally is a thanksgiving party. Thats it. Dragged out horrible acting.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Look forward to this every year
Best movie. The fact it lasted this long is incredible. Still relevent funny and awesome cast. Its my yearly must watch build up to and favorite.

Love Child

Started watching after my dad died and my mom slept over on the weekends. We didnt get the whole thing at times and it was hard to catch in Canada so I ordered all 4seasons from amazon Australia. I cant watch this in the entirety. Its relateable and classy. It tells a big picture with many secrets but not far fetched. Gravity in friendship. All actors are amazing. Honestly its incredible. So fortu eate to have this video. Cant wait to pass it around. Better than netflix series.


Just ok
Had its moments. Started really funny then meh. Bit too chiche

Pieces of a Woman

Just okay
Lagged a lot honestly. Acting was pretty good just not a great script. And i was meh about the ending. I think they thought it was more powerful than it was or maybe i just moved on before that. Idk

A Simple Favor

I actually enjoyed it. I was iffy about Blake Lively going in but she actually impressed me. Anna did great too. Worth the watch.

Saved by the Bell

So funny similar to "Not another teen movie"
Either you get the jabs or dont. Its meant to be different and make fun of the norm 90s sitcom. My 14 year old watched all the OG with me even (unfortuneatly) the colege years. He likes this better than the original. Wouldnt go that far as I loved that era but for this era totally can see it. You almost have to watch it twice to get all the jokes. Brilliant. Sorry I thought it was great. By the way Not another teen movie was totally underrated. If you liked it you woll love this. Watched again layers of jokes. Just love it

Tiny Pretty Things

Oh Netflix....
Had potential. Dancing and pressure aspect was a good focus but instead its mostly about sex with vivid scenes (they are 16 on the show so why are we seeing it. Just imply it I guess). They focus on this event of this girl that fell off the roof which to cops are too stupid to solve and persue properly. The school covers up for but there's adult on kid sex. Honestly its just about sex and stupid adults. Its not that good or well written. You can figure out the ending by which I mean who did it. There was a few characters that were okay. Adults were good actors. Should have developed the characters more. Almost but not.

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