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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Yesterday's Enterprise
Episode 15, Season 3

Simply going to say it as it is, this episode
Simply going to say it as it is, this episode made absolutely no sense.

No explanation as to why the El-Aurians can sense temporal fluctuations.

Federation losing almost every battle against the Klingons something that would have never been possible 50 years earlier, for crying over diced onions the PHASERSs set at maximum intensity could not even penetrate the shields of a Bird of Prey or weaken them for that matter.

There simply was very little realism to the plot of this episode at all.


Insane script written by insane people
Just what kind of extremely potent mind altering drugs are people who write such stupid storylines on?, inhaling DMT must result in reactions far milder than what they refer to as high concept art experience.


Seriously average score a meager 6.5
Seriously a meager 6.5, besides Lord of War 8 MM was 1 of Nicolas Coppola's best movie character portrayals ever.

I challenge anyone to present any irrefutable evidence as to any movie character portrayal by Nicolas Coppola that was better, none exists to this date.


If you are confused about the difference between
If you are confused between the difference between Science Fiction and Fantasy you might have found this seriously poorly written movie script entertaining.

A pill that allows 1 to travel through time, not going to use the acronym LOL, and certainly not ROFLMAO because having any faith in the effects of a mind altering drug being able to transport you backward and forward in time means your mind will soon be severely damaged from whatever real mind altering drugs you are on.

Disturbing the Peace

Not only a stupid as in unbelievable plot the
Not only a stupid as in unbelievable plot the Technical advisors are idiots as well, just how do you knock out 4G and 5G LTE transmissions short of blowing up all the Cell towers in the area, stupid local cop stopping for that motorcyclist laying in the road, especially after his Smart phone and radio ceased working.

Yes the actress in the role of the cafe waitress was/is smoking hot but even if I could have transported her into where I reside and she were wholeheartedly agreeable to doing everything imaginable to satisfy my sexual desires this movie still would not have received a good review from me, the writing sucked, the technical portrayal completely phony as in sucked just an all around poorly made movie.

Hawaii Five-0

The rehash/remake was a shameful substitute
The rehash/remake was a shameful substitute and excuse for the original.

How pathetically sad that drama schools have Indoctrinators rather than Educators and do not teach their students to use creativity to use the mind they were born with, creativity in the arts is dead.

If I see another another remake an abomination of a classic movie or television show I am going to go ballistic.

Knives Out

Sorry!, I felt sorry for both the characters of
Sorry!, I felt sorry for the character of Harlan until I discovered that the man was clearly feeble minded, why would he write Walt out of the will or his granddaughter Meg, the rest I could to a degree understand, that is unless he knew that his grandson through Walt and Walt's worthless wife who spoiled Walt's son and turned him into a whackjob would in turn get a good part of that money, but still giving that amount of financial wealth to the daughter of an illegal alien, by the way would that not also make Marta an illegal alien, rhetorical question because Birthright Citizenship is a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Stupid plot approved of by even more stupid people.

Space Force

Damn!, perfect example of how mindless our
Damn!, perfect example of how way too many within our society have minds that are in a perpetual state of being scattered across numerous planes of existence with absolutely no grasp on any one reality and the result of them being vaporized Dimethyltryptamine inhaling junkies.

How could anyone have rated such a stupid plot for a series any higher than 1?


If those Nanites could replicate cell tissue as
If those Nanites could replicate cell tissue as efficiently as the Spec. Effects portray the replication then why is it he still had those nasty scars on his back, should the Nanites not have completely healed any damaged tissue.

What was the deal with the first assassination of the falsely accused Martin Axe, why could he not have just punched a hole right through window or even the door for that matter?, how unrealistic just as in the case of his scars not healing up.

Color Out of Space

Other than I hate Lovecraft's Cyberfunk
Other than I hate Lovecraft's dark themed Cyberpunk style writing is there not enough fear being spread by those who adhere to and embrace the principles of which Communistcapitalistshariazionhasidism are based those inhumane abominations such as the Globalists, their politician lieutenants and their mouthpiece deceit disseminating Bobblehead commentators.

I have seen 3 movies based on the plots of H. P. Lovecraft novels first Dagon, then Necronomicon : The Book of the Dead and Color Out of Space and of the 3 I only liked Necronomicon: The Book of the Dead, the other 2 sucked.

Night Stalker

Why is it those no talent drug addicted
Why is it that those no talent drug addicted Hollyweird whackjobs feel compelled to either effeminize all scripts and change the geographical location to from where it was in the original story line to CaliCommieMeccaJerusalemMexifornia, the original Kochak: The Night Stalker was a small Chicago Newspaper and although even back in the 1970s and 1980s those people had far more of a psychotic mindset they were not nearly as insane as they are now and far less crazy than any and all from CA.

The Cloverfield Paradox

How tragic, yet another
How tragic yet another case of Chicken Little Syndrome on the part of the Screen Writers.

Our energy supplies are not running out Abrams and all the other SWs involved in writing the script of this movie know this fact to be apparent, guess they wished to appeal to the psychotic mindset of complete whackjobs such as Greta Thunberg, oh that is right I forgot in Greta's mind we should not be using fossil fuels at all to create energy, in all honesty we should completely eliminate coal, because transitioning automated ground transportation alone to electric will require an extreme increase in the amount of electrical energy produced meaning far more coal being burnt and much more CO2 being emitted into the environment.

Is that 10 lines because just as is the case with 99% of all movies made these days it should have been rated SS for Seriously Sucked.


Seriously stupid movie
They thought they were borrowing bits and pieces of Event Horizon, you know Blackhole opening up a doorway to a hell dimension except the science was more like fantasy, blackouts I would imagine due to intense electromagnetic fields well would that not have caused all engines relying on electricity to continue to run to die, rhetorical question, just how did Alan's whole vehicle get through that tiny little portal and how did those people at that 911 Center who did not voluntarily walk through that portal disappear and the same for those cars in that parking ramp in Jakarta, I repeat a seriously stupid script.


Anyone who rated this movie higher than a 4
Anyone who rated this movie higher than a 4 is a miracle of modern science because some how they carry on basic bodily functions without a brain.

Yes, continue with the nonsense about Arthur which made for an interesting fable for the ancient Brits and the deviant minded Screen Writers for this movie just heaped on far more nonsense with an all powerful witch, giants, and all kinds of nasty demons, as I said nothing but total balderdash, malarkey, poppycock, and a variety of other synonyms that mean complete gibberish.

Hall Pass

It is there wives who had the emotional
It is their wives who had the emotional problems, so they ogled other women, "big! deal," unless a man's wife has evidence of their infidelity there is nothing wrong with them looking, if women did not have photographic memories of numerous men to fantasize off of they would be just as conspicuous as men in their staring at members of the opposite sex.

Enterprise: In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II
Episode 19, Season 4

Most stupid episode of the series
Seriously ensign Sato kills off all the most experienced and skilled command officers and takes control of the Constitution class starship, those Screen Writers must have seriously been tripping as is the idiot who claims this was the best episode of the series.

Let us now talk about the other unrealistic aspects of this story line, it appears humans conquered the planet Vulcan so humans would also have used their technology and not developed the inferior technology incorporated in to the NX-01.

Enterprise: Regeneration
Episode 23, Season 2

I would imagine this will be another one of my reviews that will receive no views and no upvotes not only because of my heading but because it contains spoilers and being most of those who have rated the episode and/or left reviews are totally delusional leaves me fighting against a psychotic bunch of people.

Borg would not need environmental suits for one, as soon as they had regenerated enough they would have immediately figured out a way to get a message through to the Borg collective and the Borg would have invaded the Alpha quadrant with no way to stop them from assimilating every sentient being.

In all honesty just as the Stargate franchise I enjoyed the way the roles were portrayed and some of the episodes were not bad but the overall storyline made no sense often altering history to meet a narrative that appealed to irrational minds after all what do warped minds know about Federation history or actually factual history too many poisoned into believing that eventually you will be able to be of no benefit to anyone else but yourself, completely nonproductive and get financially rewarded for it.

Star Trek: Voyager: Muse
Episode 22, Season 6

Theater drama without the nonsense of cast
Theater drama without the nonsense of people breaking into song and/or dance most captivatingly entertaining, but then the technical aspects took a fake science turn as in Energy Matter Transporters can only beam up and down to transport someone over terrain or the curvature/horizon of a planet would require receiver/emitter stations not to mention just how did that race understand our language and vice versa?

I do wish the science and technical advisors would stick to at least believable scientific and technical principles.

Mile 22

Being that the movie revolved
Being that the movie revolved around an alleged terrorist attack using Caesium 139 and the claim made by Wahlberg's charachter Jimmy and the method of delivery compared to the lethality of the element is fake science any substance that Radioactive cannot be delivered to target site in an envelope.

If the plot was not centered around a terrorist attempt using an Radioactive element or device and their deadly effects based on scientific facts I may have rated the movie as high as an 8, but the masses spoke and although I rarely agree with the opinions of the average IMDb subscriber this time I must concur a 6 is all I felt it deserved.

Bad Times at the El Royale

Only psychotic individuals would have found the
Only psychotic individuals would have found the plot of this movie captivating after they killed off the Laramie Seymour Sullivan character and the movie focused on the psychotic cult members only an equally delusional person to those portraying such mentally disturbed people would have enjoyed watching the rest of the storyline play out.

I heard reviews with movie descriptions like: "A cracker of a movie," if that is their viewpoint obviously they are Free Basing Crack Cocaine, another description read: "Crazy good," no, just completely crazy opinion, and another description read: "Stupendous," no simply the opinion of a totally stupid person.


Sounds like a lame and pathetically sad
Sounds like a lame and pathetically sad movie that was a rip off the Critters franchise, how could anyone have paid to watch such a cheesy movie, but then again I forget some people find movies with the worst plots and poor to mediocre acting entertaining, just proves how mentally unstable much of society is.

The Meg

major pseudoscience
Only Bathyscaphes can dive to depths over 5 or 6 thousand feet without being crushed by the great pressure and no living creature can compress and decompress in a matter of minutes it takes hours, the Megalodons would have exploded the people would have imploded, if it were not for the portrayals of the characters there would have been nothing redeeming about the movie.

Star Trek: Discovery

Talk about a stupid story line.
Why was my review only reviewed 42 times and only 26 found my comments relevant?

Someone asked how could this piece of garbage television show have an average rating of 7.5, apparently they know little of the sanity of your average IMDb member I would say most have taste for cucka but that would be flattery.

Besides Fleet Captain Garth no other Federation starship captain was ever mentioned other than those who were in command of the NX-01 and the NCC-1701 Constitution Class U.S.S. Enterprise, Robert April, Christopher Pike, and James Tiberius Kirk the latter commanding the NCC-1701 A there is no Philippa Georgiou or Gabriel Lorca or their heroic deeds ever mentioned in the annals of Starfleet history.

I know some are going to say what about Matt Decker, sorry!, he was the rank that no longer exists which was a Commodore, now his rank would be Rear Admiral Lower Half.

What is with redoing the physical appearance of the Klingon race giving them a porcelain enamel appearance how unrealistic, seeing the pilot episode I had no clue as to what race I was seeing until it was actually stated in the dialogue.

Anyone who rated this series any higher than a 1 has no taste in cinematic art style and is delusional because to them Spec. F/X means more than storyline.

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