
IMDb member since October 2017
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Sorry to say I hated it . As a gay man i love a bit of camp and irony and adore stories like Toy Story and Shrek and one of my favourite films ever is Baz Lurman's Moulin Rouge but this was just vacuous and appalling scripted and mediocre at best .

It wasn't oily and savage enough for a Brit like me who grew up on Monty Python and ridiculous comedy or satire enough , satire has to be dead pan to make it credible whereas this pile of poo meandered around endlessly looking for a joke and misfiring on many occasions . As a gay man i did like Ken's cowboy hat and could appreciate the ludicrous nature of the urban cowboy and had that one laugh at that moment but the rest i endured . I rarely walk out of a movie but really had to try hard to stay to the bitter end .

The Days

I suspect cultural differences make the Japanese style of acting a little bit unemotional and wooden . I binge watched 7 episodes but found it hard going and uneventful .

The interaction of officials and deferring to superiors to keep honour and face was interesting compared to western behaviour but really there wasn't enough action or events to keep interest levels up through 7 episodes . Seeing the evacuation of the towns and personal impact would have been better . One more episode remains . All a bit dull really and wooden acting makes Crossroads look dynamic and emotional . I give it a 6 but ultimately very disappointing .

Master of Photography

Harsh reviews
As a photographer I love this show and have been hoping a season 5 would be made now that Covid restrictions have gone . The tasks are varied but have become a little repetitive over the four seasons . The format needs changing a little

The only change I would make would be to keep all of the contestants across the entire season but for three to be chosen for the final . One contestant may have a bad day and leave when they could have improved over the course of the season . Some have described the judges as pretentious but this is an arts programme and the tasks should be challenging academically as well as visually .

Please please Sky Arts revive this show .

Don't Look Up

Runs out of steam
Great start but runs a bit thin as the movie progresses . Neither really funny or savage enough . Worth a watch if you have nothing better to do 7/10 .


Perfect 1st Episode
On the cusp of an alien invasion a range of characters wrestle with life . Despair , regret , loneliness , revenge , love and then the lights go out .

Marvellous .


I wished they had been brave enough to make a 5 hour movie because this abruptly ends . I expect Dune will become a Trilogy . I cannot wait because this was amazing .

No Time to Die

I am not a huge Bond fan but loved many of the 60s movies but times have changed yet Bond retains all the cliche and , sexist attitude . The movies repeat the same formula over and over again . I went because it was pouring with rain . Time to completely rethink .


First episode was spectacular and a definite 10 , the second a slow burn 8 .

Reading the bad reviews , they seem to come form readers of the novels . Do not expect a carbon copy or even close , just sit back and enjoy .

The Walking Dead

Season 11
Season 11 so far it is outstanding . The filming has changed , claustrophbic , dark , menacing . One of the best seasons so far in my opinion . Intrigued as to how the show will end .

9/11: One Day in America

Gripping and emotional . I cried frequently , harrowing but a few moments of humour . The guy in his Marriot Hotel room worrying about his schedule and meetings and protecting his papers and then the South Tower came down .


For a big budget movie this ranks as one of the worst ever made . Drivel and bad script and bad CGI .


My only complaint is just 6 episodes and perhaps the story moved too fast . I want more .


Why so hated ?
A mesmerising mystery , beautifully filmed , not your usual horror flick , rather thought provoking psychology . I thought it was great .

10.0 Earthquake

Truly one of the worst movies ever . Good for a laugh for a short while but I gave up about 15 minutes before the end ,

It's a Sin

I came out in 1982 and this bought all the memories flooding back , good and bad . From discovering my sexuality , discovering my parents were homophobes . Going out on the scene seemed like an adventure , alluring but underground , away from straight society . I visited San Francisco and the Castro in 1981 but was underage for the bars and unaware of the bath houses etc . I am glad of my naivety . I look back now almost 40 years and remember those who I have lost . 5 Episodes I wish it had been 12 .


Terrible dubbing
Watching on Amazon Prime and you have no choice but a dubbed version . I always prefer original audio and subtitles . Terrible mawkish music . I quickly became bored and switched off .

Undir trénu

Dark as dark can be
I loved it . How people's grief and idiosyncracies can escalate . The last scene made me smile .

Death to 2020

I love Black Mirror for its darkness and subtlety but this missed the mark for me. A bit too crudely done . A few moments of brilliance but overall not funny at all .

Jojo Rabbit

After hearing so many say how brilliant this film was I paid to view . For me it felt a bit flat and didn't quite Gell . For me the comedy wasn't as subtle or savage as I would have liked . The pathos a bit too schmaltzy . It felt like Disney making a comedy whereas I would have preferred Black Mirror . 6/10


I sat waiting for episodes 5-8 thinking it strange it has disappeared not realising episode 4 was the end !


I lasted 40 minutes before switching off . Completely awful in every way . Not even funny awful .

Black Mirror: San Junipero
Episode 4, Season 3

I suppose I am affected by this as a gay man of a certain generation born in 1964 . The realisation of growing old , of beautiful moments in history , but also of a loss , moments that will not return . Just beautiful .

Chyornyy tsvetok

Just dire .... Watch the HBO series instead . Hammy acting , terrible music


I hope a 2nd viewing will help
The dialogue was very difficult to follow but most everything else was superb if you like twisty mind bending . Just that struggle to follow the dialogue disappointed .

The Rain

Season 1 got off to a bad start but it gets a lot better . Season 1 6/10 Season 2 9/10 I am glad I kept watching

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