
IMDb member since October 2017
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Trigger Warning

Don't expect too much....
Another movie from the Netflix bargain table. If you switch off your mind, it is still reasonably entertaining. Some of the fight scenes are well realized. But on the whole, in my opinion, the production is only mediocre. The thin story is predictable and you can save yourself the last quarter of an hour, there are no more surprises. In terms of acting, the whole thing is pretty mixed to very bad. So this movie fits in with the typical Netflix productions. It's not about quality but about content. If it goes on like this, I'll have to cancel my Netflix subscription too. If you have nothing else to do, you can watch the movie, but don't expect too much.

The Acolyte

It's so sad...
I'm starting to wonder what this is all about... I mean, there are logic ans plot holes in the script that you have to catch, even if you're scrolling on your smartphone at the same time. I've rarely experienced that to this extent. Just one example: How can you say that no one survived the crash of the ship? As Jedi, you hopefully came up with the idea of checking the empty(!) prison cell first, right? RIGHT? Either all these actions will lead to a huge plot twist at some point in the series or....'ll spare me the rest. I can't list it here without spoiling it, but honestly, who wants to watch this piece of work? Then to claim that the people who criticize it aren't real fans, that really takes the cake. Sorry but this was it for me... As long as nothing changes regarding the quality of the series, I won't be watching anything else from Disney.

Sous la Seine

This time it's personal...
Now I'm positively surprised. The movie is neither "Jaws" nor "Sharknado" but a really well-made change from the usual disaster movies. The effects are somewhat mixed in terms of quality, but the shark scenes in the water are really well done. The story sounds, please always keep in mind what kind of movie you are watching here, plausible throughout. The characters are well narrated and the story develops slowly, but remains exciting all the way through. There are a few scenes in the last third that spoil the overall impression somewhat, but that's not tragic. If there were to be a sequel now, and it almost looks like there will be, I wouldn't be sad. Please also bear in mind that this is a French film and that viewing habits are different. It's not a mega blockbuster movie. On the other hand, the story and the characters are coherent. All in all, a recommendable movie for fans of the genre.

Gojira -1.0

This movie didn't pick me up at all....
Of course, you have to give the film credit for the fact that it had to make do with a relatively small budget. But how it could win an Oscar for visual effects remains a mystery to me. I had to switch off after the scene with the tanks at the latest. Of course there are cultural differences in viewing habits that have to be taken into account and I don't want to compare this movie with the other current Godzilla films, but I have to admit to myself that I can't follow the hype surrounding this movie. I'm deliberately leaving out the historical aspect and how they deal with it. However, it should be remembered that the story of Godzilla goes back to a real event in the 1950s. After Castle Bravo was detonated, a Japanese fishing boat was unfortunately caught in the danger zone of the hydrogen bomb explosion. The crew was severely contaminated with radiation and there were also fatalities. This disaster inspired the creation of the Godzilla creature. But why is it not possible to find a middle way between the different interpretations of the Godzilla films? A movie that respects the cultural aspect and at the same time can entertain intelligently. I'm not the type to simply follow hype uncritically. Unfortunately, this movie didn't pick me up at all.


Unfortunately not a good movie...again.
That was one of the movies where I'm glad I wasn't sitting in the theater. Otherwise I would have mourned my money and left the theater before the last half hour, or maybe even earlier. I was able to fast-forward and wasn't surprised in the end because the ending was predictable, just like the whole movie. Doesn't anyone bother to write a coherent story anymore? A few action sequences and some CGI were still reasonably well done, but they don't make up for the bad story, the lousy dialog and the plot holes. In the beginning I still had hope that the movie would be reasonably good, but as the story progressed this hope also faded. A movie to forget...unfortunately. I give it 4 stars because the beginning was still reasonably entertaining.


Boring and predictable
The beginning was still somewhat bearable, but everything that came after that was impossible to watch. The story of the movie is similar to "The Lost City", but this version is even more annoying. At no point do you buy the actors' roles. It's just sad to watch this spectacle. It's also not entertaining because the whole movie is predictable. Even the show values are low because again most of the action takes place in front of a green screen. The lines are lame and the jokes don't work. I fast-forwarded the last half hour and didn't miss anything. The only positive thing about it is that I didn't pay extra for it...except for the Apple TV subscription.

Madame Web

Not as bad as most people claim...
I don't understand what the big problem is. Yes, the movie may not be the best superhero movie, but the low ratings aren't justified either. Overall, the story is sometimes told in a rushed manner and the script doesn't deserve an Oscar, but overall the movie was entertaining. To be honest, I was expecting the worst and I was biased because of the negative ratings. After watching the movie, I couldn't understand all the hate for the movie at all. I'm already reasonably discerning when it comes to movies, but guys, let's be honest, this isn't an art house movie, this is popcorn cinema. The movie is supposed to entertain and it did. Even if it was a bit bumpy in places. Overall, I can recommend the movie to people who just want to be entertained. Not more and not less.

Poor Things

Not my cup of tea, this movie...
I really tried to like the movie. It's also most likely one of those movies that you either think is super great or just really bad. But I had so many problems with so many aspects of the movie that I had a hard time finding the artistic aspect of it. Normally the camera should either be a passive observer or actively capture the moods of the protagonists. The camera in the movie can also convey emotions and add that extra dimension to the narrative in certain situations. But I never really knew what the director and the cinematographer were trying to tell us. The fisheye lens was used in scenes where I asked myself why? What is the director trying to say? Then black and white shots alternate with color. Extreme close-ups with the wide-angle lens and all that colorful confusion gave me a headache. At some point, enervated, I stopped asking myself this question. I could understand some of the overacting because it fits in with the concept, but overall it was terribly tiring and annoying for me. I think I have to be honest with myself, and even if the general public found the film outstanding, I don't have to share their opinion. And to be honest, I often asked myself what kind of nonsense I was watching... But, if you like this kind of movie, you are welcome to watch it and enjoy it.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Oh no...from hero to zero
It's a shame, but I have to revise my criticism of the series downwards. It started out really interesting but what I saw in the last few episodes was more than disappointing. It's possible that it will get better, but from what I've heard from critics who have seen a few more episodes, unfortunately it won't. Of course, it is and remains a matter of taste. I still find the characters interesting and likeable, but a monster series without monsters (well, that's not quite right, there are some token monsters) is difficult to convey to viewers. And then all the chatter again, as so often in series. Let people talk, that's OK, but then at least let them say something relevant. There are people sitting in rooms staring at the usual monitors and rambling on about seismic swings here and there or dragging out family stories and tragic memories to infinite lengths. Sorry, guys, nobody cares after 10 minutes. It's been said and we got please bring us Godzilla.

Leave the World Behind

Best movie of the year imho...
The best movie of the year. You have to want to understand the movie. It's not about a specific event, it's about what drives people and what we perceive as our reality and how thin the line is that our civilization is built on. It's about how we tend to lie to ourselves and how we try to forget that the line between us and chaos is not very wide. We take everything for granted, that our smartphones and computers work, that the lights come on when we flip the switch, and that clean water comes out of the tap. We take it for granted that everything runs in an orderly fashion and can hardly imagine that it could be any different. This movie shows that it is not a matter of course... The movie is extremely intelligent and exciting. Despite its excessive length, I didn't get bored. It's very rare for a movie to captivate me like this.

Secret Invasion

Very good show. Completely underrated.
It's a mystery to me why the series has received such bad reviews. The production is of a very high quality and there is nothing wrong with the acting. There have been far worse series on Disney Plus. It's not non-stop action and rather a bit slow but thoroughly entertaining. Especially the cinematography and the restrained special effects are very well done. The de-aging in particular is very nice. Better than in some cinema blockbusters. It looks really good. The story itself is not particularly innovative, but I find it quite coherent. I've seen worse. In my eyes the negative rating is not justified. Watch it and form your own opinion. I found the show was very good.

The Mother

Well done...
Have you seen it all before? Yes. Does the film have boring passages? Yes. But on the whole, it's a well-made action film. The camera work is well done (there seems to be some left that can illuminate dark scenes well). Yes, the camera work isn't perfect either, but that's due to the digital technology and the fact that it has to be filmed quickly and easily instead of making an effort in the choreography. Camera assistants get their camera and afterwards everything is quickly cut together from different angles and suggests a high dynamic. Films like John Wick show how it can be done better. But in The Mother it is still done reasonably well. The film is not perfect but deserves more than the average rating.


What a mess...
What could have been done with this story... I have to admit, I saw the movie in German and the dubbing is the worst in a long time. But apart from that, you can literally feel how uncomfortable Adam Driver must feel in the role. At least that's my feeling when I look at the acting there. Even the dinosaurs are poorly animated and come more from a fantastic fantasy mind instead of current scientific knowledge. The only good thing is that the movie is over relatively quickly. There are no 2 hours of gap filler. But even these short 90 minutes are hard to bear. There would even be enough material for a whole series. You could even see which civilization travels through the galaxy and how the main character adapts to the new environment and which traces he leaves behind. There would be enough ideas for several hours of entertainment. But instead theres only a big disappointment remaining in view of the wasted chances. A good idea is the one with the meteorite. But that's it.


Please stop...
Who thinks up such nonsense? If only the producers could finally decide whether the series should be funny or serious. In one scene, the main actress "operates" on a bullet with surgical instruments, sews the wound with sutures, but on the other hand has to use vodka to disinfect hurts so much to listen to the dialogue and fall from one logic hole to another. Acting is weak and staged without any suspense. I can give the show 4 stars, also because it does not last too long.... and hoping that the quality will get better with time. Please dear producers, make some effort and produce some decent shows. One really has the impression that mass instead of class is the order of the day here.

Star Trek: Picard: Võx
Episode 9, Season 3

Make it so.
Aye, Sir!

The best Star Trek episode in a long time. The next generation is the best generation. Too bad the series will be canceled after the 3rd season.

Everything is just right here. I hope that the finale of this season can hold a candle to it. This is real Star Trek feeling again. Even if it sounds nostalgic, but here the creators have landed a big hit.

After all the bad series that are currently running on the many different channels, this episode, as well as the rest of the 3rd season was a real boon. Even if the 2nd season has weakened a bit, Star Trek Piccard is still a great show. Entertainment as it should be.



From hero to zero....
What a weak performance from the top director who just shot Top Gun. It really makes you wonder what's going on. Based on the story and the director's talent, it could have been a really good film. So it's has become a unintentionally funny debacle.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Wanda in the Multiverse of Madness
At the very end, you can see the skills of a Sam Raimi flash. The rest was probably screwed up by the management. The film actually looks as if three or four directors had worked on it. There were scenes, especially towards the end, where even the camera angles deviated significantly from the rest of the film. It probably could have been a good film if the director had been given free hand.

Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer
Episode 1, Season 2

By far better than...

You can exaggerate everything. There are reviews that mock the fact that the label on the wine bottle (Grand vin de Bordeaux) does not match Captain Picard's vineyard (La Barre, Burgundy). Then there are the Trekkies, for whom everything was better in the past. But then there are also the people who have a life besides Star Trek and who can also like a show that doesn't accurately take into account all the details of the Star Trek Universe and the preferences of all Trekkies out there. It would be good not to take everything too seriously. How can you judge an entire show by the first episode.

And honestly, if you look at some of the old NG episodes, there are some really awkward ones (from a today's point of view).

The Batman

The dark Dark Knight
The Batman is outstanding in every way. The camera work, the editing, the director, ... The only thing that could be criticized is the duration. It could have been shortened by a good 15 minutes without sacrificing quality. But even so, every minute is a pleasure, provided you have a comfortable seat in the cinema...and this is definitely a movie you have to see in the theater. The sound editing and score are fantastic. The film shows Batman as a detective and the story develops slowly but is extremely complex. I also find the confrontation of the hero and the villain brilliant. I found the moment, when Batman realizes that the line between heroism and madness is very narrow, outstanding.

However, you should keep in mind that this is not a pure action movie, but a dark detective story into the abysses of humanity. It is not a colorful comic adventure, but a dark tale.

The King's Man

Underrated, entertaining and funny
The movie is not perfect but entertaining and also a little underrated. After all the bad reviews I was prepared for anything and yet I was surprised and well entertained. Some scenes are a bit over the top weird and somehow don't fit into the overall picture, but on the whole I found the movie really entertaining. Some historical interpretations were hard on the border of insipidity but as an adult you should be able to classify it somehow and you should not take the movie too seriously.

The Empty Man

Very dark an complex.
Attention, this is my interpretation of the film and it contains spoilers! The film is very complex and certainly not easy to understand. It is a dark film that starts as a mystery and horror film and ends as a parable about guilt. At least that's how I interpret the film. You learn little at the beginning about the exact circumstances of the deaths of the group of adventurers. You can now think that they have become victims of an evil entity. However, in my eyes, this is only a paraphrase of one's own guilt or fault and the fact that guilt can be so great that you can no longer live with it. So it is possible that the group were victims of an accident in the beginning and the leader of the group was to blame. It could have maybe been an accident on the bridge over the gorge. Just like the ex-policeman who was with his lover when his wife and son had a car accident and died as they felt down a bridge.

The Silent Sea

I have seen worse...
It's a story that doesn't really tell anything new. The show is nevertheless quite entertaining and in places really exciting. However, the story is not quite convincing, especially since there are some rough plot-holes and logic errors, and the ending is not really satisfying either. Some effects and also the set can't always convince. But since it was not a boring story, I can give 6 stars.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

I'm maybe too old for this.... (a really honest review)
After reading a few reviews, I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably too old for these kind of movies. I am a big fan of the Marvel movies, so I know the whole series. Admittedly, I've never been a big fan of the Spider-Man movies, with the exception of the first two with Tobey Maguire. But let's face it, this movie is a smorgasbord of stupid decisions, starting with the very first one that carries the whole movie. How can Dr. Strange recite that absolutely stupid spell that everyone warned him about and do it without questioning anything? That's what the whole movie is built on, and also the consequence of it at the end. Whereby the final punchline makes no sense at all. Attention spoilers: If everyone forgets "who Spider-Man is", in the sense that no one associates Peter Parker with Spider-Man anymore, then everyone doesn't necessarily have to forget who Peter Parker is. Nobody forgets Spiderman either. In my opinion, this twist was only built in so that the dramaturgy of the film works. But it remains totally illogical and leads the whole thing ad absurdum. The special effects are also really bad in parts. The train scene in the mirror dimension remains especially negativ in memory (oh come on, you can manage the Green Screen better than this)...and it is a key scene at the same time. I'm probably pretty alone with my opinion, but I can not give more than 6 stars (and that's already generous). If you liked this movie, it's fine, enjoy it.

Invasion: First Day
Episode 10, Season 1

What a celebration of boredom
Nothing really happens in over 50 minutes....really, there is nothing to spoil. But what the heck, I still put a warning.

The characters are looking meaningfully in to camera for minutes but I can't really find out what they are actually trying to tell us. I mean, it was clear that shooting down the alien spaceship was not the end. Who really believes that an extraterrestrial species can be defeated so easily. So the appearance of the spaceship at the end was only logical. (two points for the interesting spaceship design....)


Very nice but not perfect....
The actors are all likeable and the show overall is really good. But what has been bothering me extremely, is the sometimes sloppy production. I don't know if it's because of the current situation, but attention should be paid to good camera work and professional acting. If the green screen is used beyond all measure, then the money and time saved should be put into a good cinematic realization. In addition, the special effects should also look good. That is not always the case here.

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