Reviews (5)

  • So this was the first season? Sixteen episodes, three addtional. Because, quote "We want to run original episodes continuously in the first quarter of 2019 without any repeats, (and Manifest's) ambitious storytelling means taking the time to get it right in the writers' room and in production."

    Ambitious storytelling, to get it right!!! Hummm, after third episode just a string along of episodes with vague 'callings' and alot off relational soap drama, no mystery solving, leading to a reason why/how this is happening. Not gonna watch second season, because it will become like the last 13 episodes season1,boring to the point of irritation, pace of storytelling too slow. Probally cancellation after that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Seen all three cloverfield films now, loved the first one and after seeing this third one i'm left with the feeling that the last two movies maded after the Original are just marketing fill ups. Oh the first is succesfull lets make more, but turn out not be as good.

    10 cloverfield lane, instead of big monsters more like smaller aliens with spaceships, although the buid up to the end of the movie in the bunker was very enjoyable.

    Now the third one cloverfield paradox, which felt like prequel to cloverfield, a explanation how the monsters came to earth. This movie doesn't add anything. After they end up in the other dimension and the first indication of monsters on earth are visible you already know the ending, there attemps to correct the problem will fail, hence cloverfield the first movie. So could have been a extra five minutes in the Original.

    In away have to agree with an other review most part of movie was a space survival flick, lets kill most part of the crew, in a ridiculous way (all worms in one body, arm getting sucked into wall - no blood was so ever, then later on pipe sealend gets pulled to the wall by magnetism and pulls the guy back to the other wall and kills him but its not affected by this magnetism anymore).

    Then also later on, the cliche of a crew member sacrificing himself, but first they have to clear debris to open a door, which seemed to go effortless, in zero gravity those pieces would have floated away. And eventually there two left, who manage to get back. To finish it off an roar of a godzilla like monster when are entering the atmosphere. Overall weak movie and unnecessary
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well what to say about this first episode, the introduction to this story, seen it so often in other horror tv show/movies, some strange presence killing people. The mirror element also used before. Mathilda's triggered memory of a dark place where she sees the missing kid. Nothing new there.

    There have not been a lot of good horror shows for quit some time, so no surprise that this one probally will be disappointment aswell. Weak horror effect achieved with the music used, also a bit too much.

    One eyebrow raiser, they are going to check it out for a few days and mathilda brings her cello, yeah sure!! who does that.

    We'll see what next episodes brings to the story, i fear not much. But he maybe they will surprise me.
  • The x-files, a show you wanted to see the next episode straight away, the mystery "who, what is behind it all, why?". Now i am talking about the older seasons, not the latest seasons 10 and 11. They stopped, thus leaving a lot of fans with unanswered questions.

    I thought the reboot was to give the fans those answers, working towards an ending of x-files, that fans deserve. But seriously, after seeing season 10 and the 4th episode of season 11, do you think that is going to happen, i am not anymore. Really season 10 total garbage. First episodes of season 11 i thought yeah they are on the right path again woohoo. Now after seeing episode 4, i am so disappointed, what an insult to the great show it was.

    If this is the path the writers are going to continue on, they shouldn't have restarted this show, let the show be for what it WAS, a excellent, one of kind, tv show of '90s
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The rating of 4 is for season 3 so far First off, season 1 and 2 never had the feeling of irritation watching the episodes, rather loved watching combined with Arrow, the Flash etc. But now since the beginning of the season, this making everything worse theme in the most childish, dumb way possible before they fixing the anachronism is getting annoying. What a bad story writing.

    Spoilers: Episode 2, e.g. the way Ray enlarges the sabertooth instead of shrinking. There more of these aaargghhh seriously moments

    Now in the latest episode 6 this switch between Dr martin and Jefferson, jeez what a bad acting and therefore lame twist in the story.

    Will not shed a tear when this gets cancelled, especially with his level of writing