
IMDb member since November 2017
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Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies

It took her 10 years for her most elaborate lie yet
This "documentary" was the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed and I'm ashamed my curiosity got the better of me and I chose to watch all 3 episodes. But here we are.

The first lie was when the interviewer said that Casey wouldn't have creative control. What a load of crap that was. When I heard that in the promo I was hopeful they would be asking her the tough questions and rebutting her statements with proven evidence. But that didn't happen. Instead they let her go on and on about this made up world she created in her head.

"I rarely go out because I have social anxiety now". As a Floridian myself, there's constant pictures of her out & partying around different parts of FL on the regular. Maybe it's not as common to hear about in other parts of the US, but it's pretty normal to hear about a friend or someone you know talking about seeing her.

"They never looked up George's cell phone data". This was an attempt to try and swat that the searches for "chloroform" and "fool-proof suffocation" could've been made by George and not Casey. And while thats correct, we don't have his cell phone ping data, what we DO have is time slot records that show that he was at work at the time those searches were being made. Same goes for Cindy. The ONLY one home during that time was Casey.

So much was conveniently left out by Peacock and the shameful producers of this program. Like my title said, she's only speaking now because this is how long it took for her to come up with yet another lie to try and scheme her way out of the public's utter hate for her.

The most disgusting thing about this for me was that it was never about Caylee. While Casey can never be tried again, George could be. Let's play make believe for a second and say she was telling the truth for the first time in her life. That she was going along with whatever George told her, the SECOND she found out for sure that Caylee had died & her body has been found, she could've talked to the police. If it were my child, I wouldn't rest until their murderer paid for their crime. Immediately given an interview calling him out, begging for the police and public's help. She did nothing of the sort. This was never about or for that poor little girl who lost her life. Instead, it was for that diarrhea crapstain of a human being begging for sympathy.

I'm ashamed of myself for watching it. I'm ashamed of all those involved in it. The only thing I'm proud of is the fact that I cancelled my subscription and deleted the peacock app in its entirety. Shame on me for watching, shame on them for making it, shame on the jury who didn't know the difference between all doubt and reasonable doubt and thought they were in an episode of CSI, and shame on everyone who had any part in letting that monster walk amongst us.

Casey, if you're reading this (which wouldn't be a surprise considering how much of a narcissist you are). Your little plan didn't work. You may have convinced 12 idiot jurors and a handful of viewers but you'll never convince the majority of us. We always have, and always will hate you. I hope you have the life you deserve.

Dexter: New Blood

I think ya'll are confused.
I'm going to be specifically referring to the finale in this. This was and always had been planned to only be one season. A do-over for the previous finale because it left us on a cliffhanger so uncharacteristic of our lead. That is all this season was. A new finale, and I think they did (while not perfect) a much better job this time around. A lot of these reviews are upset that Dexter wasn't as careful. Our old Dexter had plenty of screw ups in his time, so after 10 years without a kill a little sloppiness seems pretty understandable to me. I was worried this was a set up for Harrison to be the new Dexter, and I was pleasantly surprised at the different route they took. Just creating a "new Dexter" would've been cheap. And if you didn't know that Dexter was going to die, well Im sorry. But that was the only way this could end. I know you wanted the ending later and wanted more Dexter, but that was never what this was and Im sorry you weren't paying attention I guess? And as far as the cop girlfriend? Ok, you got me there. She's the worst.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Actors nailed it, story line lacked engagement
Was so excited for this to come out. I must say foremost, Zac nailed it. He really looked and felt the part. He was still charming, because well Ted was also charming, but he had a sinister way about him. But the story line was jumbled and all over the place. I wanted more recognition to the victims for the viewers to understand how manipulative and despicable this man was. Zac tried but the story line wasn't there. We go from Liz and Ted first meeting to immediately they're in love and living together. No scenes of any of the atrocities he committed while coming home to Liz at night. There wasn't any build up whatsoever. I'm really disappointed because this film could've been so much more. I wanted it to show just how wicked, evil, and vile Ted Bundy really was.

The Meg

The best acting came from Pippin
Cringy. Predictable. CGI wasn't bad. That's the only good thing I can say about this film. If you're forced to sit through this movie, 15 minutes in you'll wish the shark would just eat you to put you out of your misery. This should've been a strait to SyFy network TV movie. Ruby Rose, you magnificent human- I'm disappointed in you.

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