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Fear the Walking Dead: Sanctuary
Episode 9, Season 8

Half-decent episode that could have been better
LOVED the first 5 or so minutes of the episode. Dwight is such a good character but Sherry drags him down. Unfortunately Dwight isnt alone for long but while he is he makes a solo trip back into the Sanctuary to retrieve some stolen supplies. This is easily the best part of the episode.

It quickly goes downhill when Sherry, June and Odessa arrive all the way in Virginia. I can put up with Sherry, but Odessa was pretty unbearable this week, and she and her storyline dragged this episode down. If it had been entirely focused on Dwight, with just a little bit of Sherry and June, it could have been much better.

Overall though, I had a lot of fun. But mostly because of the callbacks to the Sanctuary, Negan and the Saviors, and also because Dwight might be my favourite character left on Fear.

Madison, Daniel, Strand and Troy just aren't doing it for me lately. They don't even feel like their old selves anymore. I'm not super excited for the next episode because tbh, I just want more Dwight.

Also - Its ridiculous that Dwight went all the way back to his old home in Virginia and the Sancutary but didn't stop in at Alexandria. COME ON.

Fear the Walking Dead: King County
Episode 4, Season 8

This one was actually decent
Actually not as terrible as the rest of the season so far. Definitely the best episode we've seen from this show in a long time, maybe since Season 6. Great character for development for Dwight, Grace and Morgan. I really enjoy Dwight and Morgan's friendship and this episode did a good job of selling it.

The only downside is that the main arc (Morgan putting his past to rest) did kind of get dragged out but the payoff was somewhat decent so Im willing to look past it. Bonus points for revisiting the house from the pilot, it looked exactly the same as it did 10+ years ago.

The next episode actually looks half-decent too, but I wont get my hopes up just yet. This season has had a rough start.

House of the Dragon: The Green Council
Episode 9, Season 1

Great but the ending may have jumped the shark
Rhaenys and Meleys bursting through the floor of Baelor's Sept in the middle of Aegon's coronation ceremony is a HUUUGE artistic liberty taken by the writers and the showrunners. It was pretty cool, sure but it had massive GoT season 8 vibes. Rhaenys was literally one step short of going full Daenerys and probably killed hundreds of peasants, but the show (and most of the fans) have presented and seen it as this awesome epic badass girlboss moment. Whereas I feel like if anyone from the Green's side, like Aemond, Aegon even Heleana or Daeron had done something like that they'd be villainized by both the writers and most of the fans.

This is the first big issue I've had with the show so far. It just raises too many questions: Why wouldn't Aemond or Aegon chase down Rhaenys, they both have very powerful dragons and are literally right near the Dragonpit.

Also, how the hell did Rhaenys get down to the Dragonpit alone, was there no guards at all?

And how did she find armour? Like no one noticed one of the most famous dragonriders in the world sneaking in to the Dragonpit, getting changed into armour and then riding her flying her dragon up to the Sept??

I just really feel as if it would have been a better ending if Rhaenys was seen flying off in the distance by the Greens, it would have had nearly the same effect of embarrassing them without feeling like a scene from a superhero movie.

House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides
Episode 8, Season 1

The cast is superb (despite some ageing concerns)
It was sad to say goodbye to the child Actors behind Aegon, Aemond, The Strong Boys, Baela, Rhaena and Helaena. But the new ones are so good I all of my concerns are gone. I am so excited about the portrayals of Aegon and Aemond in particular I already love them, despite how nasty they are.

The scene where Viserys marches up to the Throne to that rousing music has to be one of the best in this show or in Game of Thrones. A real goosebumps scene that nearly had me in tears. I forgot how much I hated Viserys for being so weak as king. He had my respect and my pity in this episode, and Paddy Considine is THE MAN. One of the best performances I have seen in any TV Show. A true masterclass.

I'm as excited now about this show as I was about GoT at its peak (seasons 3-4). It just gets better every week and when the war really starts it's going to be intense.

PS: I love that they already building the Daemon/Aemond Rivalry but also showing their similarities. These guys are the two biggest badasses alive. Aemond is already my equal favourite with Daemon. I just want more and more of him.

The Walking Dead: A New Deal
Episode 18, Season 11

Great episode fell flat at the end
There were some genuinely touching moments between certain characters this episode: Rosita and Gabe, Zeke and Carol, Daryl and Judith.

However it was the action-packed ending which fell flat and was nonsensical at times. Walkers are let loose on a crowd and hilariously they mostly only go for the main characters despite there being hundreds of living people around them. Also its hilarious that one walker can kill any unnamed background character with ease but as soon as a main character gets grabbed the walkers are useless all of a sudden. Like Stephanie (who never sees any action) can easily hold off a walker but Sebastian gets easily killed by one only because the Plot needs him to die.

Plus, Daryl and Judith talk about saving and protecting everyone, but are firing guns into a stampeding crowd. I might be nitpicking but the whole action sequence at the end just was full of problems, it kind of broke the immersion.

In any case, it was a decent episode and I'm glad they are wrapping up the Commonwealth plotline soon. It has run its course and we either need a time jump or a location change before the end to keep things fresh.

Also, all the references to Rick are very annoying when it seems pretty clear that he won't show up in the main series, only in the spin-off. So yeah, if they could stop baiting us with Rick that would be nice.

The Walking Dead: Lockdown
Episode 17, Season 11

Good, but still not great
I'll admit, my expectations were low. The final season had had some great episodes but has fell pretty flat sometimes too.

This episode was action-packed and fast-paced, and its great to see the Commonwealth story coming to an end soon. It leaves the door open for more fresh, new story not from the comics. Daryl and Negan teamed up, which is great to see but I wish we had gotten it sooner! There was also plenty of blood and gore, which is what we love.

That being said, there were still many eye-roll moments, as is typical of TWD.

The Commonwealth soldiers have pinpoint accuracy against walkers but not the main characters, of course. Daryl got shot at like 100 times this episode, and never even looked like he might get hit. HIs invincibility is getting out of hand. Not only is he bullet-proof but apparently head-on car crashes don't even phase him.

Also, for the love of God, stop baiting us with flashbacks of Rick. It seems pretty clear that he won't show up until the spin-off, so it bothers me that the main series is still baiting us with the hope that Rick will show up.

Also, Lance is not a great villain. He was useless in this episode, and all he does is get ambushed and shot up by the main characters without ever achieving anything. Its a bit of a waste of a great actor and an interesting character, he just seems like a cartoon villain now. So do the Commonwealth soldiers.

However, we got some more Negan scenes. I don't care what he does, but everytime that man is on screen I am excited. We really need to see more of him.

All that being said, it was a promising start and I really hope they keep it up, but I doubt it. TWD always starts strong and then loses steam in the middle.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

A melancholic, period-accurate Revisionist Western
Incredible acting from Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt here. Both give really great dark and enigmatic performances. Sam Rockwell and Paul Schneider are also worth mentioning too.

The musical score is at times uplifting and also beautifully tragic, another masterpiece by the genius that is Nick Cave (who also gets a fun cameo at the end of the movie).

The film is however very long and not for everyone but it is worth seeing through to the end as I think the final 30 minutes are some of the best scenes.

What makes this movie really great I think is the historical accuracy. Everything from the outfits, the weapons and technology and especially the dialogue are all very true to the period. This movie is as much an ode to the old West and a revision of old Western movies as it is a Biopic of Jesse James or Robert Ford. Like all Westerns though it is also a story about America. If you are interested in American History or you like Westerns, you will love this movie.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: A Shadow of the Past
Episode 1, Season 1

I'll admits first up that I had serious doubts about this series for a long time now. I've also been a long time fan of Tolkien's literature so I knew I would have some issues with it but I think the efforts the cast & crew have made here is admirable. This show actually feels like lots of love and devotion went into it.

Anyway, the pros are the musical score (Howard Shore and Bear McReary have done a great job), the visual aspect and the Cinematography are top notch, and I mean it when I say that - it may be the most visually gorgeous TV series ever created. The lead actors have so far proven to be more than up for the job (especially those playing Galadriel, Elwood, Durin). Honestly, I didn't cringe nearly as hard as I thought I did at the sometimes overly-earnest Tolkien dialogue. Lines were delivered well and the overall cringe factor was far less than anticipated. The locations like Lindon, Khazad-Dum and even Valinor look great, costumes and weapons also look stunning for the most part.

If there are any serious problems with this series, I did not pick up on them in the first two episodes. In fact, I only intended to watch the first 20 or so minutes to get a feel for it - I was that sure this series was going to bomb. But I ended up watching both episodes back to back because I was immersed and enthralled - the world of this series truly does feel like Tolkien's world for the most part.

Any loyal fan should give this series an honest chance. Don't listen to toxic fans complainingthis show is 'too woke'. Simply watch and make up your own mind (But make sure you can watch it in 4K and with good quality audio).

Westworld: Que Será, Será
Episode 8, Season 4

What a waste of a season, and of a great show
I would rather this show have just ended after season 2. Damn even season 3 was better than this hot garbage. People who have been saying this season was an "improvement" on season 3 must be blind or tasteless because this show is just an empty shell of what it once was. At least season 3 felt new and original.

I remember this was once the best show on television, it was thought-provoking, unpredictable and masterfully written and acted. Now its like no one involved even cares anymore, not the writers, not the actors. The only thing that hasn't progressively deteriorated with each season is Ramin Djawadi's music.

I genuinely feel sorry for all the actors here. They are incredibly talented but they all seem bored with the story and embarrassed to be reading such dull dialogue and storylines. So much wasted potential. Just when I thought some characters were getting their due, all my hopes were dashed. It seems as if half of them just asked to be killed off in this finale. Or did they? Because everyone just dies and gets revived all the time in this show, so how do the writers expect us to care when the main characters die? There are no stakes anymore, and so important plot points aren't even explained because the writers are either lazy or just don't care anymore.

Basically, I give up. I'm done with this show. I don't understand why people are defending it because I feel like I've wasted so many hours watching this pointless season. It had glimmers of hope in it, one or two interesting ideas, but overall it was a failure and this show is now officially dead. I'm struggling to put my disappointment into words.

The Boys: Herogasm
Episode 6, Season 3

The Best Episode Yet.
This was incredible and not for the reasons you suspect. It has two of the best fight scenes in the entire show and one of the best fight scenes in any superhero series or movie EVER.

Every character got a moment to shine too. Starlight, Homelander, A-Train, Ashley, MM, Soldier Boy, Hughie, Frenchie and Kimiko.

This is the Episode everyone has been waiting for since day 1.

Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution
Episode 7, Season 6

I am speechless
I'm not even going to try and review this episode because there is nothing to say other than it was phenomenal. Brilliant acting, suspense, Comedy and drama all rolled into one. You go from laughing at loud in one scene to picking your jaw up off the floor and screaming at the television in the next.

This episode was perfection.

Fear the Walking Dead: Amina
Episode 15, Season 7

I keep thinking It will get better...
I was wrong. Even though it was the 100th episode they still bungled it. It was like episode 9 which was atrocious because of the dream sequences and Alycia acting like a complete idiot the whole episode and constantly passing out and waking up in the next scene which was already getting old back in ep 9.

There were a few solid moments but nothing to redeem this dumptster fire episode. We literally see Alycia realise after a whole episode of following a little girl around that the girl is just herself and not real. Great. Massive facepalm moment.

Strand's goodbye to Alycia was emotional and well-acted but it would have actually been better if we didn't see so much back-and-forth and impulsive and bi-polar behaviour from them already this season. I think it was a good moment in an otherwise terrible season.

Also the ending gave us essentially what we wanted for Alycia but in the completely wrong context. THEY FINALLLY brought ALycia back to normal with no more sickness and fever dreams but of course, that was her last scene. I really hope she comes back to see Madison eventually.

BEST PART of the episode: the promo that came AFTER the episode where he see Madison FINALLY. But the salt in the wound is that Alycia might never actually see her mom again. What a cop-out that was.

I can confidently say however that the finale WILL BE THE BEST THIS SEASON. They are finally out of the radiated zone (thank god) and Madison is interacting with Morgan. The show just can't get any worse, can it?

Better Call Saul: Axe and Grind
Episode 6, Season 6

Just Wow.
This show is such a rollercoaster of emotion and this episode was a perfect example of that. Great scenes all round for all the main characters (minus Gus, who doesn't appear this episode).

Seeing Mike have such a wholesome moment with his family nearly brought me to tears knowing what happens to him eventually in BB. We also got some more of Howard's perspective and meet who I assume Is his wife and his home situation and her cold attitude towards him made me feel more sympathetic towards him.

This was Jimmy and Kim's episode though and despite not knowing much at all about their latest scheme I was panicking the whole way through over whether it would work and the vibe the ending gives off is not a good one. I am genuinely terrified of what will happen in the mid-season finale now and I can't wait to see it.

My prediction for Kim this season is that her career will somehow be ruined. Whether or not she dies or has to disappear (there was a little easter egg where she discovers Mr Vacuum-cleaner man), I'm calling it - her career is definitely going to be ruined and it will be heartbreaking to see.

Overall, I'm just amazed at how this show can make me feel so many emotions over the course of 45-odd minutes. This season has really been something special and I've enjoyed every second of it.

Fear the Walking Dead: Divine Providence
Episode 14, Season 7

Another disapppointment.
This episode actually looked good from the promos all week but it was the most lackluster 'battle' ever. A whole episode of Alycia and Strand running around making stupid decisions and acting like idiots because the writers have ruined their characters.

Daniel had some cool scenes but he too, unfortunately has been ruined. This episode felt like it was supposed to be one for the OG Fear fans by having Alycia, Daniel and Strand as the focus but it fell flat and did not deliver.

Best moment from the episode was Wes getting killed by Victor. It was pretty in-character for Strand to do it but the death felt rushed as hell, bit of a waste of a character. I wonder if the writers have got more ballsy with killing people off or if the actors are trying to leave a sinking ship...

Not really excited for episode 15 (100th episode) at all after this.

Dead in the Water: A Fear the Walking Dead Story

Actually pretty great
I thoroughly enjoyed this as a twd fan but I can see why this wouldn't be for everyone. What makes it so great is the little titbits of information it gives us about the world and lore of twd universe. Also Nick Stahl was really solid in this and managed to make Riley a really likable decent character. I wish there was more of John Glovers Teddy, but his Cameo was done pretty well I think.

Overall, this was better than just about every episode we have had so far in Fear Season 7 so far. However I would recommend watching it as 1 whole 40 min regular episode and not in little 5 minute webisodes.

Fear the Walking Dead: The Raft
Episode 13, Season 7

Best Episode this season (Still Bad Though)
It feels so good to be back with Dwighty Boy. He is the most underrated character in this show. Hands down. The writers did him SOME justice in seasons 5+6 but I hate that we have barely seen him this season, its such a waste of a great character. He has been a sweet-heart since he came to Fear which is nice to see but Im glad the writers remembered he can also be a badass too (he was Negan's top soldier after all) which they showed in this episode. I was overall quite happy about how they portrayed Dwight this episode, especially given how the writers have been ruining a lot of the characters this season (Daniel, Strand, John Sr., Charlie, to name a few).

Which brings me to Sherry. Add her to the list. She was such a retard in this episode it was almost unbearable. Why the hell does she tell Dwight to run away like he is some child she needs protection? He has been through way more and killed more people than her? He had his damn face burned off, so I dont think much would phase him after that, or have the writers forgotten that too? And Sherry tries to tell him to leave and abandon her when she knows she is pregnant? What the hell is wrong with her? Why are the writers trying to make us hate the main characters so much??

Other problems with this episode:
  • There was a shot of a dead rotting horse in one scene and it just looked AWFUL. Not disgusting, or gory, but unrealistic and soooo obviously fake.

  • How the hell did the zombie horde catch up to Morgan that easily?? Some explaining would be good here seeing as it makes ZERO SENSE you idiots
  • In one scene Dwight and Wes are fighting on the ground after Dwight killed two rangers but then the scene cuts away and we dont even get to see it, which could have actually been an interesting scene. But of course these writers are too stupid to realise that.

At least next episode (14) looks like it could be a banger and for the first time since the terrible episode 9 I'm actually excited for Fear to come back.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

I guess it's not awful and the acting is always going to be great with such a cast like that.

It just didn't feel like much of a game-changer as it was hyped up to be. Dr Strange 1 was better.

Fear the Walking Dead: Sonny Boy
Episode 12, Season 7

Started well but ended up as another failure
This show is just exhausting lately. I struggle to get through every episode and Im honestly sad about how low it has fallen. Two of the only interesting characters left on the show are written off so easily. One of the deaths was kind of satisfying but the other one was so poorly executed it was almost insulting.

John Sr carried this episode really well in the 1st half of the episode which I actually thought was the best part. It is sad to see him go and in that way too it was just too dumb

Morgan really doesnt even try to help John Sr and just let's him get eaten? Really?

Plus that armour they dressed John up in was just stupid, ugly and corny as hell. Of course he got bitten how the hell was that going to protect him.

So far in Season 7B the writers have managed to ruin almost every character on the show and make them incredibly annoying.

Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place
Episode 3, Season 6

It just keeps getting better and better
My God. I have no words after this episode. Safe to say Im heartbroken but I cant Deny how much of a rollercoaster of emotions this episode sent me on. I dont think Ive ever been so stressed out for a character before but the affect this episode had on me was astounding.

This show just outdoes itself with every new episode. Ive been saying this since Season 5 but this show really is better than Breakong Bad. Its perfect. 10/10 well deserved.

Fear the Walking Dead: Ofelia
Episode 11, Season 7

A slight improvement, but still not great
Was great to see the gang together this episode, I love seeing Dwight and Morgan together. Luciana, Daniel and Wes got some much-needed character development this episode which is good because they have been seriously neglected by the showrunners the last few seasons. Wes now has an interesting evil arc which is cool to see, one of the few interesting character arcs to come out of this season. Luciana almost has more screen time and dialogue this episode than in all of seasons 4-6 combined.

Thats about all I can say that was good in this episode. Cant say I like what the writers have done to Daniel, who is becoming an annoying character despite being one of the best things about seasons 1-3. Also, Why couldnt we follow Dwight and Sherry instead?? The characters mention that they have gone on a run to retrieve a cache of weapons surrounded by a herd of walkers, but instead we have to watch Daniel just act like an idiot for an entire episode? Really? It would have been a much better episode if it had focused on Dwight and Sherrys adventure instead.

Not sure how much more of this season I can take. I really hope next episode steps things up big time.

The Northman

An Immersive experience
Wow. This film was spectacular in so many ways. Most of all however, the Soundtrack does this story so many favours it was incredible from start to finish especially with its Norse chanting and classical instruments. There is one scene involving a battle dance with Norse chanting and throat singing that is just spectacular and something that has to be seen on the big screen.

The Cinematography is also incredible, unsurprisingly. Battle scenes are impeccable and almost perfect. Skarsgard also does a great job of physical acting here. In fact, all the lead cast were terrific but extra credit goes to Skarsgard, Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe and Claes Bang. Dafoes role was quite small bit he owned it in the few scenes he had.

I dont understand why people are knocking this movie so hard, saying its hard to follow and the ending was bad. I thought the ending was perfect and I wouldnt change a thing.

Better Call Saul: Carrot and Stick
Episode 2, Season 6

Incredible Episode
My god. What a way to kick off a season with two incredible episodes with action, Comedy, intense drama and even horror.

So great to see the Kettlemans again. They were hysterical this episode and always have been the kind of characters you love to hate but they were so much fun this episode. Kim was a deadly weapon and absolutely tore them a new one. We got to see a glimpse of the evil Kim that as teased last season too, but that ending? Not sure who was following them. At first I thought it was Mike because it looked like his car but then my heart dropped thinking it might be Lalo...

The scene with Gus and Hector was brilliant knowing the history they have. This was Nacho's episode though and the revelation he makes that someone is watching him across the Street was terrifying and turned into an awesome action scene.

Mike even had a brilliant standoff scene with Gus that just makes you love him even more.

Everything in this episode was fantastic. I would place it in the top 10 best ever BCS episodes. This season really is going to be a masterpiece.

Better Call Saul: Wine and Roses
Episode 1, Season 6

Awesome set up for the final season
This episode was perfect in the way it set up whats to come later this season but also giving us another awesome slippin Jimmy moment. I almost feel sorry for Howard because things are clearly going to get worse for him this season.

Was also great to see Kim and Jimmy relatively happy together. Even though Jimmy is obviously stressed about the Lalo situation, it feels like we rarely get to see them both happy together and i love it.

All of Nacho and Lalos scenes this episode were the highlight though, so much tension and anxiety in every moment they were on screen. Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould really have become masters of their craft by now.

Cant wait to see where this season heads because I honestly have no idea what will happen next at this point, no predictions yet. Time to just sit back and enjoy this masterpiece of a show as it heats things up big time for the final season.

Fear the Walking Dead: Mourning Cloak
Episode 10, Season 7

An improvement on last week, which isnt saying much
After the disaster that was episode 9, one of the worst Walking Dead universe episodes I have ever seen, this episode felt like a breath of fresh air.

Finally, Charlie got some character development for the first time since season 4. Its just a shame the actress who plays her is so wooden and stiff. Ali was a likeable character so his death was actually pretty dark and brutal even if it was predictable. One weakness of this show is introducing these random-ass NPC characters and killing them off in one episode, like the dude last week. Its getting very repetitive.

The real redeeming quality of this episode is that June, Howard and John Sr. All got some of the best scenes and owned them. June was a badass at the end and put Howard in his place, Howard was crazy and evil as hell this episode. Plus John was pretty cool too.

Looking forward to seeing my boys Dwight, Daniel and Morgan next week though.

Fear the Walking Dead: Follow Me
Episode 9, Season 7

I expected so so so much more
This has to be the weakest mid-season premiere and one of the weakest episodes in the walking dead universe. Such a strange one, and not in a good way. 90% of this episode felt so pointless, I fell asleep within about 20 mins despite being super excited about Fear coming back all week. When I woke up and rewinded I realised that I barely missed a thing.

Basically, only the last 5-6 minutes were worthwhile and added to the plot but Im already sick of the Padre storyline. That and the bottle episodes are really making this season feel like a drag, I want to see more of the gang together and more of Dwight, June and Strand.

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