
IMDb member since November 2017
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Dead Weekend

Stephen Baldwin stars as Agent Weed in this Skinamax lite sci-fi erotic thriller about an alien who shapeshifts every time she has sex.

The 4k remastering actually looks good but the movie itself is terrible. Baldwin sucks as the lead and Tom Kenny is extremely annoying. Rasche at least tries.

Dark Side of Genius

A very forgettable and bland erotic thriller about a troubled artist. The cast is good but the script and direction is generic.

Battle Star Wars

Unbearably bad
Shut it off after the first 20 minutes, Terrible acting and special effects.

The Hunger: Fly by Night
Episode 15, Season 1

Gemma Files is actually a good writer. But this episode sucks.
I've read some of her stuff in the horror anthology books i used to collect, I haven't read the original story so i don't know if this was a bad adaptation or if the story just didn't translate well to film.

Giancarlo Esposito has proven himself to be a great actor but he's completely over the top in this role. In contrast Kim Feeney (who's acting was better in the other two episodes she was in) gives a very dull and wooden performance.

Wild Horses

Horrible acting
With the exception of James Franco, Robert Duvall, Josh Hartnett, Adriana Barraza, and Jim Parrack the acting was horrible across the board. Duvall's wife can't act at all.

The Hunger

My review of the first season.
These were my thoughts as i watched the show on dvd. First two episodes: Great, Very strong acting and directing. Next four episodes: Not as good acting and directing, But still not terrible and very watchable. Episode 7: Mediocre and boring despite some good acting. Episode 8: Terrible Episodes 9-10: Same as episode 7 Episode 11: As good as the first two. Episodes 12-14: Same as episode 8. Episode 15: Gus Fring should make this episode interesting but no, Also the lead actress wasn't very good. Episode 16: Same as episode 8 Episode 17: Kinda confusing but i like Bruce Davison Episode 18: Stephen McHattie tries but he can't save it, Bad but in a more entertaining and fun way. Episode 19: Worst episode Episode 20: Average, I liked the acting and the host segment. Episode 21: same as episode 11. Episode 22: same as episode 8.

Overall i think the second season was better which why i give it a 8.

Anna Nicole Smith: Exposed

Best softcore movie ever
Anna Nicole Smith is so sexy in this and her scene with Chris Gann (which is extended in the spanish version) is the hottest one ever.

I'm surprised she didn't do more like this. She should've done a Private Screenings/Marilyn Chambers production. That would have been hot.

The Outer Limits

Very good and thought provoking science fiction. The first six seasons ran on showtime and then the last was on the Sci-fi Channel (before they sold out and changed their name Syfy and started airing CSI reruns).

Top five episodes you should start with. 1. The Sandkings 2. A Stitch in Time 3. Afterlife 4. Quality of Mercy 5. Valerie 23

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