
IMDb member since December 2005
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The Four Feathers

Four Feathers Short
"The Four Feathers", directed by Shekhar Kapur is the sixth film version of the classic novel by A. E. W. Mason. The many reviews of this film can be grouped into two prominent points of view. One half of the reviewers rated the film based on the technical aspects (such as how well this movie portrayed actual history, accuracy to the book and how well it reenacted Mason's ideas). The other group reviewed this film from simply an entertainment point of view and rated it on how much they enjoyed it. The group that looked at the movie from a technical point of view, disliked it. Those that ignored the technical aspects seemed to be happily entertained.

From a technical point of view, I feel that Kate Hudson was an unfortunate choice of actress for this character. She didn't have the right personality and mannerisms to fit the role and seemed too "American" for the role of this English lady. Also I believe that the film did not spend enough time developing the characters. This made it hard for me to understand their decisions and empathize with their feelings.

I really enjoyed the settings in this film and the beauty of the shots. Although there were some lulls in the pace, the storyline kept a decent tempo. I had the feeling that some sections had too much of a melodramatic feel. The action sequences were quite exiting and the story itself was entertaining but did not have much depth.

I agree with the arguments made by both sides. It would have been nice if the characters had been more developed, if some of the scenes had been cut a bit shorter and, if possible, some of the melodrama removed. I was happy with how it was beautifully filmed.

Overall I enjoyed this film and I would recommend it to those who are looking for simple, unchallenging entertainment.

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