
IMDb member since November 2017
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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

B movies at it finnest
This is exactly what it looks like: A low-budget "horror" movie from the 50s with an interesting premise and a decent yet kind of disapointing execution. The biggest problem I found was the short runtime and how most of it is waste on the set up. Because yeah, 2/3 of the movie are spend on Nancy, her husband and his lover, and it isn't interesting enough to make you care, and the pay-off ends up being too short to make it worth it. But, regardless, if you like old B low budget sci-fi/horror movies (or just want to see some giant babes) then you can't miss this cult classic.

Giantess Attack

This movie is like the foreplay witch means is fun as hell. Is so over the top and self aware that I actually enjoy it. Granted, is a bad movie overall but you can't have a bad time watching it.

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