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The Responder

Engrossing but flawed
Both series of The Responder have been a good entertaining and engrossing watch. All parts are superbly played and the script carries it along nicely. So many ouch and what the whatever moments along with superb observations of human nature.

However it manages to carry one significant flaw although that flaw does let it down badly. That is the very way he works. I realise it's a drama and not a documentary but even leaving aside the nature of his work no one would be able to sustain his level of activity on his permanent nights no daytime sleeping routine underpinned with incredible stress. That's also leaving aside that how you see him disappearing off the work radar for hours at a time just wouldn't happen.

Overall though on balance a flawed but entertaining and well played story.

Bay of Fires

Overall very entertaining just as a TV series should be
Absolute cracker of a series although anyone who judges it on episodes 1 & 2 may not think so, it only really starts to pick up in 3 and after that, great going.

It's another of those dramas that is a mix of things. Dark at times, tense at others and brutal at others. Sprinkled along the way with some great flashes of humour and some great characters ( once they develop ep 3 onwards as they and the plot start running properly) .

Whilst I liked that mix it can always be a bit of a showstopper for some who are looking for maybe 100% reservoir dogs or 100% dark humour.

Yes it is clichéd in parts but it is a story after all and it is overall very entertaining.

I've knocked one of the review because of the slow start, I did almost give up, and of course those clichés. Maybe a few too many.

No spoilers here so sorry some descriptions are a bit vague but stick with it and you may enjoy it.

Spacey Unmasked

If the accounts are correct and to be believed it would apear that Spacey may well have sexually harassed individuals . However the problem with this documenttary isn't that it hasn't been well researched nor is it lacking apparently credible victims and witnesses , its more the fact that its the same old same old . By that I mean it doesn't provide anything new , I feel heartily sorry for the alleged victims but it's the same "news" repeated over and over. Cathartic for them.

But for the viewer it plods along and doesn't do much more than support theories and ideas about Spacey we've heard before and and accepted .

To be fair the insight of his childhood was interesting as was the interview with his brother although that was a little inconclusive.

Clarkson's Farm

Humorous , uplifting , emotional , sad , engrossing , informative and more . Isn't that what good TV is about ?
It's very interesting that a lot of the negative reviews hark back to the Clarkson of old or the reviewer just doesn't like him. They're wrong , those days have gone and they're missing a whole load of relevant points. The third series is continuing the trait of Clarkson stripped back. Yes the humour and daftness can be there but the body language and the facial expressions show the real man. He cares , he worries and more to the point he's trying hard. Warts and all we see him and his team trying to make good. A clear indicator or example of the new Clarkson comes with the birth of the piglets. Would the old character have sat wet and muddy (covered in pig whatever) on the leather in his range rover wearing his expensive jacket trying to feed a dribbling new born piglet with his sole concern being that it survives , then the clear upset when it doesn't survive ? I think not.

Fine he bought the farm and land as an investment and took over the running upon the managers retirement for whatever reason . But what an ongoing expensive investment it's become as he cheerfully describes how if he didn't have additional income streams it would fold. That's a strong message for everyone regarding the state of the UKs farming industry and its easy to see how he's become an award winning high profile voice for UK farmers. He is lucky to have money to throw into producing crops that sell for less than it costs him to produce on the day . Others are not so lucky and that's when they go under and the much maligned London emigrants , which he is not , move in and play laird of the Manor.

Brilliant screenplay backing up what I say isn't hard to find . He's out all times of the day and night in mud and rain as well as sunshine . The emotions run high Series 2 ending with "you've got a pet cow" . Series three first half ending with tears from all at the death of the piglets and sow. Charlie and Kaleb as always keeping him right as well intentioned errors threaten to cause problems such as jam making or dam fixing / potential flooding . All the while his rebel wife who won't accept authority from the council keeps the shop going amongst other things. The ongoing saga of the well trained dogs provide a smile. Some parts clearly staged such as the new Farm Manager competition and done very well, other parts however you couldn't make it up let alone write the script a good example being the daily beaurocray they're forced to submit to.

An absolute gem . It deserves a lot more than 10 stars. As for the local council , a new phrase should be remembered. " fight them and hammer them into the ground like a tentpeg". I wish the Clarkson team all the best.


Interesting and well paced.
This was a very watchable drama , not least to watch Gillian Anderson , on this occasion in English mode".

The program itself could have flopped big time with people wondering "so what" because its usually the story and not getting the story thays entertaining. However this one carried it off .

In some ways it was a plod along and clearly predictable because we all know the result and how Maytlis got the glory and Andrew was vilified for the absolute car crash he thought went well.

The characters are well cast and well played but quite one dimensional , they're all simply turning up and doing the job even though the producers rousing speech was meant to motivate everyone .

Good but not great.

Red Eye

Entertaining , good storyline but what a shambles
This was an entertaining series that left you wanting to know what happens even though so much of it was totally implausible. In fact the first ten minutes and the last ten minutes contained laughable rubbish that just wouldn't happen .

At the start for example the doc is detained by border force and told he has no rights as he hasnt entered the country whilst they're busy ripping the sticking plaster off his stab wound. Wrong about representation and the sticking plaster just wouldn't happen . At the end , the CIA chief pursues and shoots a Brit in the Chinese embassy garden without realising where he is . Again utter tosh.

There's so much more as our hero wanders through the story quite forgetting most of the time that he has a debilitating wound that would floor most of us, as he tackles a US mercenary hiding in the cargo hold or dealing with the second American mercenary pretending to be a Chinese sky marshall having smuggled a pistol in a shoulder holster on board . I can't even "smuggle " a can of Coke onto long haul lol.

If you watch you will also see the world's worst sniper and the worst prepared MI6 agent ever being shot at. You'll see what I mean when you watch it, it's hilarious.

Those and more oversights and innacuracies along with the implausible story nuances they cause , show sloppy or indifferent research with the writers just making it up as they go and it does detract from the viewing.

Having said all of that the tension builds overall and its difficult to keep track of who's who and where their loyalties lay as people are steadily killed off .

The loyalties and politics back in the uk add to the mix with the same questions of who's the baddie .

It is a great story and all in all well worth a viewing but it'll never make classic status.


Series 2 . A mixed bag of tricks .
Series 1 was fine, but series 2 seems to lag a little . Its a mixed bag of tricks but it does manage to fall on the entertaining side of the line. Just.

The problem with series 2 seemed to be it was fairly one dimensional despite fervent but lacklustre dead end attempts to make it otherwise. Some characters were strong and well played , others were just drips. The central theme of tracking down the bomber was good and well paced particularly towards the end, though how it never detonated when he had control of the switches when tackled we will never know.

Along the way the clichés and inaccuracies became extremely irritating . The forensic scientist seemed to be doing basic detective work in order to keep the DCI in a job as well as well as thinking . She was spouting forth presumptive rubbish on numerous occasions. The forensic and police processes were embarrassingly bad. The collection of senior cops sat in an office (as opposed to a command room should have happened in the final episode if not earlier ) was an embarrassment with the SB man offering nothing but "shoot him" to the tactical plan. I can assure you production team they dont all sit around a whiteboard on a massive job like this.

On a good note the much underused Macafee clan disappeared around the middle of the series . They didn't add a single thing to it apart from help develop the one dimensional aspect. I suppose at least the DCI and the Prof got to play their love scene at the end , however arkward they looked doing it .

Make your own mind up about it but when the inevitable series 3 arrives you'll be more hmmmmm than yeehah bring it on.

The Gentlemen

A chicken with a shotgun ........isn't that always how these things kick off
Implausible , even impossible in some areas and a bit far fetched at times but totally entertaining from begining to end. The characters are well cast , well developed , memorable and the actors playing them seem to bounce well off each other .

Some absolute classic lines and scenarios (no spoilers ) all underpinned and carried along with a mixture of wanting to know what happens next , dark humour and a feeling of foreboding or "oh no".

I think some people who want this to be a specific genre alone ie either a dark comedy , a drama , a gangster or a drug dealer series will be disappointed because it has a good mixture of all elements and you've got to accept your favourite parts you'd avidly watch are mixed equally with the bits you'd like to fast forward .

Personally I loved it from begining to end and can't wait for the rumoured next series .

Guy Ritchie has cracked it with this one.

The Imposter

You couldn't make it up.
Before we watched this I had no idea about the story so no preconceived ideas or knowledge of the conclusion. It's the ultimate con story , it's well presented although I've knocked it down from 10 to 8 because at some points it does start to plod a little and repeats itself. That said it's still engrossing and carries you along with disbelief.

The con man is skilled and the family gullible to put it mildly. I was quite surprised that people who should have questioned him such as the family with questions along the lines of " have you had a head swap or something " didn't , they just said welcome home whereas people you may have expected to just go along and say "well if you say so " didn't and started looking closer .

Well worth watching .


A real mish mash
A very odd production that for various reasons seems to try a little too hard at being mysterious and stylish. Sadly it flops. I must add the caveat I only made it as far as episode 4 before I gave up. I didn't really consciously stop watching it, there were just more entertaining dramas available.

I like a whole range of dramas from your X Files type mysteries through to humorous odd productions like The Gentlemen and I don't mind having to think about what's going on.

Passenger however doesn't really hit the mark for any genre and is too much like hard work to really enjoy .

There's some bizarre things that just leave you wondering "why?" good example is they're all driving cars from the 1980s or theabouts yet using smartphones whilst there's not a computer in sight. I'm sure there's an answer buried later on but I lost the will to sit it out to see if that answer was actually there .

To be fair it is engrossing for a couple of episodes until holes appear in the road yet the mysterious part isn't played out well and just plods along .

Not for me though I appreciate some will immerse themselves in it .

Finders Keepers

Good but not wonderful
Overall an entertaining mini series worth watching once . The cast performed well and the storyline , although implausible at points was generally engaging and entertaining. The reasons for not scoring it higher are based aroind the script and plot . Whilst entertaining , bits of it were almost waiting to get going on a more involved and new tack. The kidnap , the very rich collector and the missing business partner to name just three. The portrayal of the police and some other aspects , were with a sort of comic edge but not wildly funny and it left you wondering is this trying to be comedy or drama because it didn't really sit comfortably with the level of mix.

Despite this it was definitely entertaining .

Too Good to be True

Strangely entertaining . But .......
This series is a strange one . It's fairly predictable and throughout you feel that the tension and intrigue could and should have been ramped up a few notches to make better use of the lead characters abilities .

The story plodded along as you waited for it build up which never happened but as everyone was introduced the plot still lent itself to wondering where they'd come from and what would happen to them .

Unfortunately the final episode was more like a documentary recording what happened than a dramatic conclusion . One surprise was Simone turning up with a chunky cheque just as you thought the family would be slipping back into poverty but of course it was a sadly cliched surprise.

The Grand Tour: The Grand Tour: Sand Job
Episode 3, Season 5

On the downhill again
I've praised and criticised the Grand Tour specials in equal measures . That's because they do vary in quality and content . Ultimately ,as a fan, that saddens me . As a rule of thumb they can be assessed to a degree by asking yourself "will I watch this one again". Some I've watched several times , this one won't make a second screening.

The problem is they've lost their zap, their spontaneous humour and behaviour. They seemed on this to have turned up for work , done as much as they have to then looked forwards to going home. Yes it's always been scripted or more relevantly ,organised but the scripted parts seem to be overtaking the rest. Speculating a little they also seem to have ran out of ideas with nothing really new appearing on screen apart from stupid rather than amusing moments like filling James Mays car with sand . Ho ho ho how funny . Not. It achieved nothing , nothing linked to it and no consequences . Yawn. That sadly is how much of the program went. Yes there were amusing moments such as the possessed Aston but that couldn't carry the whole thing.

Let's hope the next effort is a little better and they can retire on a high rather than splutter off screen with another misfire .

Love Rat

I thought I'd stumbled into a comedy.
This was a terrible production. The first episode wasnt bad but there again we were waiting for things to pick up. Pick up the pace never happened and it was downhill from ep 2 . Sally Lindsey and Neil Morrissey were not good as pivotal characters . The insincerity of her emotions and the clenched teeth speech at one point killed off any potential gripping drama . I say potential as nothing gripping really happened . George , Niko and the Police Sgt played their parts well but the poor script and plot restricted severely their efforts .

The over played but simplistic plot was cringe worthy and old hat . We guessed who the real baddy was by ep 2 and the great reveal and high drama on the building site in ep 4 were total non events.

I feel guilty posting such a negative review so here's a positive note. The scenery and locations were absolutely superb with great views at times of Ayia Napa and Protaras. Definitely the only real reason for keeping us watching apart from there being nothing else on.

Trigger Point

If you want some excitement then this may not the one for you but if you need a laugh....
This series is terible. The plot line is implausible and the set piece scenarios and situations completely unrealistic. That's even allowing leeway for poetic licence . The acting is quite wooden and extremely cliched. Let's be clear from the start . Bomb squads do not hunt down terrorists , they neutralise their products. The series climax was not a climax. A simplistic call divert (good job they were on a network that allowed it lol ) let the terrorists have a gormless moment as the penny dropped and they got blown up rather than cancelling the call when they knew something was wrong. Speaking of gormless , male terrorist trying to be mean protecting his boss against angry bomb woman using a shotgun that had he discharged would have taken both their heads off 😂

May be exciting if you find queueing at the ice cream van a tense adventurous outing otherwise give it a miss.

The Traitors Australia

Series 2 , one of the best .
I like the concept of traitors and most episodes I've seen ( Aus, UK & US ) are very entertaining. However Aus series 2 stands out above so many of the others .

That for me is due to various reasons. The competitors speak more bluntly and the humour , at times a little hard , is very much to my taste . It's well presented and the quips and comments do give a chuckle.

As with all the traitors series some of the challenges can be a little bit "it's a knockout" and tedious but the real fun is people watching.

Aus series 2 has to go down as the one with the highest proportion of gullible easily led faithfuls ever and that makes for fascinating viewing . They formulate a plan , one persuasive person speaks up at the round table and it all goes out of the window with some random faithful faithful getting booted. Frustrating , amusing and entertaining all in one breath.

That brings me to the traitors . Sam in particular is probably the least likeable traitor you don't want to take the cash ever. His arrogance and self belief knows no bounds. Amusingly in the nail biting last10 min of the finale he fails big time , his downfall , at the hands of the recruited traitor he was seeking to use and abuse but judged so badly . His bemused petulance and the fact he couldn't believe he'd failed whilst trying to blame his nemesis for that failure was the best ending ever and still gives me a chuckle.

Even the closing narrative referred to it as a warning.

Great fun to watch . I've only knocked it down from 10 to 9 because I usually go get a cup of tea during the uninteresting screamathons that are called challenges .

Dio: Dreamers Never Die

Superb portrait of a music great
This is an excellent documentary and a must watch for any Dio fan or fan of heavy rock from a certain era. Dio , to coin a cheesy term, was a rock god . He was musically everywhere in my youth and his voice remains a firm.favourote . This program manages to tell that story without going OTT or smarmy . It is peppered with stories and testimony from more famous names than we're used to seeing in a single program . It also manages to show that whilst not a saint Dio was also a good nice guy. The fact that a benificiary of his last ever recording is a cancer charity and the engineer who produced it with him cannot , all these years on, contain his tears says it in one. He climbed that silver mountain and anyone who watches the last 10 minutes without a lump in their throat or a tear in their eye has a heart of stone .

The background music throughout is of course fantastic .

The program has lots of standout moments and quotes . No spoilers , watch it yourself .

Cocaine Bear

Fairly entertaining
A strange film . It's a sort of gangster / comedy / slapstick / horror mix . The problem is it doesn't really excel in any of those areas . Each attempt leads onto another and on again all held together by the slimmest of storylines . You end up watching out of morbid curiosity to see what happens next rather than being engrossed by the plot.

Some of the hammed up acting and characters made me think of the original Aeroplane type comedy characters though not quite as well played.

I'm no park ranger or bear expert but I would have thought that at such close range early on the bear would have been shot dead . Then I suppose there'd have been nothing to watch for the next hour .

This is a bit of a fill in film to watch out of curiosity when there's not a lot else on.

After the Flood

A good tale
Strange one . The police process , stereotyping of certain characters and the handling of or response to the flooding in ep 1 werent the best and almost suggest it wouldn't be worth watching, although some parts were spot on which kept the attention . A real mix .

As it develops those police glitches remain which does detract , same shift always at work which probably explains why they're so wooden , but the story certainly develops .

The Jo character is a little implausible , doing her own thing and the habit of giving a synopsis to anyone who will listen just in case you're not following becomes a bit irritating but maybe useful for some .

However the story overall is a great one with a few twists as it unravels in front of you . I had no idea who the meanest bad guy was going to turn out to be and he is sinister . (No spoilers )

Worth watching.

The Tourist

Hopefully there'll be a season 3 because .....
Typically I can't remember much detail of series 1 other than I thought it was great , and had to look up a detailed synopsis before watching this. No need . 3 of the central characters from series 1 carry on the story and they're memorable so it flows nicely . Well not nicely , it's violent and bizarre .

Speaking of that I read a few pieces before watching it that said viewers were "all saying one thing " and that was that the story had lost the plot . I couldn't disagree more , I think it's more the fact that the first series almost laid the grounds for this and as you watch series 2 you start to realise that things disclosed previously about Elliot may not be the whole story and small details you noticed become very relevant . You're not getting more of the same old , it's the next chapter . Although pointed out by several people throughout Elliot does have a knack of dropping himself in it .

The introduction of rival but intertwined families is cleverly done as loyalties and rivalries are disclosed and tested right up until the last moment .

It has drifted even more towards a Fargo style and tbh is getting better for it. The dark even cynical humour is superbly delivered by very strong and well cast characters . There's no slackers in this from the mad cop and his skeletons on the closet , through to the gangster with the not really that funny name that makes Elliot laugh. Some parts are almost subtle slap stick . The talking display at the museum , classic error . Or the question "has Kostas sent you "? Quickly replied by the not too bright gangster "Why would a coffee shop want you killed" .But those make you smile moments are quickly swept away as the result is always brooding potential menace or back into the action.

The ending , not surpringly although you need to watch the burning paperwork carefully , lends itself perfectly to series 3 the next chapter .

Not one boring moment and I'm hooked .

Fool Me Once

Don't bother
Harlen Coben stories are generally very good. Perhaps this one is but I for one will have to read the book rather than watching this terrible production to find out. I gave up on it after 3 episodes.

One of the main problems is Michelle Keegan as the female lead. She simply cannot deliver the on screen personna or character she wants to be or should be . Her tough woman stance against the football bully for example is laughable rather than admirable or setting her as someone to be wary of. The argument between her and her brother in law is frankly pathetic culminating in a brief laughable fight backing up her lack of presence .the "car chase" is probably one of the worst attempts at covert tracking ever shown in a drama where shes blocked by a van due to her terrible spatial awareness , a van she doesn't have to be anywhere near , this of course from an experiemced apache oilot ? She isn't helped overall tbh by the appalling technical inadequacies of military and helicopter details to name just two examples or the pathetic lines she has to deliver during these sequences. She seems to play any part in the same old way which often works but it doesn't fit on this occasion . A lot , but not all of the supporting acting is quite methodical and wooden . Perhaps it's the lack lustre but earnest script ?

The production is meant to show exciting switches between scenes and flashbacks. It could work if the overbearing music and effects were turned down several notches so you could hear the dialogue without getting ear ache.

I can not think of any reason to rate this above a 1 star.

Mr Bates vs. The Post Office

Television drama as it should be.
This drama and the supporting documentary are television at it's very best. I count myself amongst the ill informed general public who thought in 2019 when the ruling was passed that the disgraceful situation was all sorted . Nothing could be further from the truth and that gives the whole series it's bitter sweet finish.

The whole thing is well written , well cast and well played. There's not one implausible casting or character in it and when you view the documentary it's quite spooky how they managed to get lookalikes for many of the roles as well as being great actors. That strength is built upon by the accuracy of the script . Again quite spooky when you see the real life Vennalls being question by a very determined MP at the select committee then refer back to the series and they play it pretty much word and emotion perfect. Those strengths just keep on building with all the relevant points and nuances thrown in along the way such as the visitors book Mike signed happens to be the only one Fujitsu lost.

Another example is the standard of investigation and the attitude of the investigators , you watch it thinking surely they just can't do it that way, surely they've spotted a dodgy pattern but they just plough ahead driven by pound signs.

Vennalls is played superbly and is shown as a weak and aloof sound bite loving leader, Her HR side kick is played brilliantly as the wicked witch of the set up. It's no wonder those victimised felt so helpless , that is until the big guns in the legal world took them on and showed them for what they were. All of those points mean the whole thing takes you from sadness and sympathy to anger then delight tinged with disappointment and wondering what is ahead whilst admiring the resilience and efforts of all those involved.

I've noticed a rather pretentious review where it's said the ratings for this drama are bizarre because all the tens put it as a "cinematic great" which the reviewer says it isn't . I doubt it set out to do that . What is and what isn't is almost entirely subjective and the question or point is more does this drama engross you, inform you , entertain you at different levels and was it worth watching ? I realise no program is for everyone but for most this is a must watch and I would happily award more than ten stars if I could. The fact it's showing a buoyant 9 on here says it all really.

The Crown

Let's set things out clearly here . This is a story not a documentary , no one knows what went on behind those closed doors despite some in the past claiming "exclusive access" . Bearing in mind that caveat this is superb drama . It is well cast and well played.

The trick they manage to achieve is capturing the spirit , the feel and the emotions of our history . They can't get the intricacies of detailed conversations for reasons mentioned above so that is filled in maybe correctly , maybe not but definitely well intended by the scriptwriters and no impact is lost .

There are some absolute stand out moments that are on record as impacting upon the late Queen and shaping further actions . One prime example being the Aberfan episode . The emotions and the story in that episode are as close to the record as can be achieved and cannot fail to move the viewer . That's what dramas like this are about.

They have decided there will be no more series of the crown and whilst that's disappointing it's understandable. The final episode is again brilliant drama and a fitting conclusion to the close of this particular era of Elizabethan history .

I'm not a carte blanche royalist but this series enthralled me .


Series 2, find some drying paint to watch instead of this.
I can't remember many details of series 1 but I do remember even with plot holes it was great viewing. Series 2 isn't.

The premis and the first part of the first episode are actually excellent. A drone went rogue and why was that. After that promising start though, it's downhill all the way.

The plot has more holes than the average cooks collander. The acting is wooden at times and without too many spoilers sees things happening that simply wouldn't. Sometimes in a drama that's great but in this one most scenes fizzle out so you're left thinking that wouldn't happen and anyway, why did they do it?

The plot stumbles. Potential clever twists such as the gay pilot just aren't clever and certain key points are easily predictable after heavy handed hints and weak presentation. As another example the cliff hanger at the end of ep 3 is that after the SIO follows a potential or suspected terrorist into a a part of town most wouldn't normally go to, accompanied only by one unarmed air force person who really doesn't seem to like her, an unfriendly looking chap with a gun taps on her car window wanting a word.. Well I never, who could have guessed that would happen? Perhaps he's actually a British agent and there to save the story line who knows, more relevantly who cares? Ths location has the slight feel of Homeland but doesn't carry it off anywhere near as well.

There's some inter service bickering but again, it happens with no impact or relevance to the overall story. What there's even more of is domestic discussion. The fact is the pregnant DI would not be on regular duties as she is and whilst there's no doubt and no problem that her partner, who happens to be the SIO, would be in regular contact and worried about her, it features too much in this series and is a distraction from an already weak story.

The producers claim the British Air Force rather than RAF is the organisation under scrutiny , what? I suspect it's an excuse to cover the mass of implausible and incorrect processes not to mention dodgy headgear. That alone wrong foots the whole thing with wooden stereotypical characters. In itself not a problem but the interaction of civvie police and military folk stumble because of it.

I really wanted this to be good and I think Suranne Jones has performed some brilliant roles but having watched all 3 available episodes I don't think I'll be bothering checking in for the next batch there just too many small things adding up to make a big mess . A shame really.


Entertaining from start to finish
The excellent story line does have a few holes in the plot but what drama doesn't? They do not however detract from the overall storyline.

The action does jump around a bit with flashbacks but once you get used to the style they are great. What they do is fill in parts of the mystery as you follow it either sending you off on a new train of thought or confirming what you suspected. Its not a particularly complex plot but it does have its twists, turns and whys .

The casting and characters are very good and they all look as though they are enjoying their parts. There are odd moments of humour including the closing credits.

Very watchable and well recommended, it's very rarely you want the bad guy to come out on top because he's not actually as bad as the other one, or feel sorry for a hit woman with a heart. It happens here.

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