
IMDb member since December 2017
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The Son

Great watch, especially for parents of teens
I'm a retired school teacher and principal. I have worked with teenagers for all of my adult life. I have mentored and counseled many. Mental illness is a very real issue across America and I'm sure in the entire world. This movie addresses a very serious issue that parents face with their teens. The love of a parent can be so strong that sometimes we hurt our kids unintentionally. This movie sends out a very strong message and parents need to pay attention.

The acting is excellent even though I wasn't impressed with the young man playing the son. Hugh Jackman is amazing. Of course, my wife and I are big fans of his. Some reviewers said that it was a tough watch but I recommend it as a necessary watch.

Father of the Bride

Stop comparing and learn to appreciate the Cuban culture!
This movie is not to be compared to previous movies. I am a Cuban-American born in Miami and maybe that's why I get the movie. However, non-Cubans can enjoy it too if they keep an open mind. Lt isn't the best movie I've seen but it was very entertaining. Give yourself a chance and even if you don't like it, you will have a better understanding of the Cuban-American culture.


Don't read the low number reviews!
This is one of the best series I have watched for entertainment. The cinematography and the music are exquisite. The actors are visually appealing and also do a good job with their characters. There are a few that are really outstanding. My wife and I are of Spanish descent. Ironically, we have never been interested in Spanish movies or foreign films for that matter. This series has changed my mind. The dialogues are great. They speak very fast so you need to pay attention even if you speak Spanish or read the subtitles. If you understand Spanish, you can appreciate the awesome idioms. If you are looking for beautiful entertainment without getting technical with the plot or trying to analyze the film, this is a great watch!

The Healer

Spiritually inspiring!
Great feel good movie. We need to pray for people that didn't like it.


Don't analyze. Just enjoy!!!
It always amazes me when people get so uptight about any show. This is the type of show that you watch for entertainment and not for some brilliant plot or story. I actually liked the story but the best part is the acting. I love Rene as much as everyone else but she wasn't the only star. Jane Levy is amazing and the other actors are also quite good. Even the demented doctor had some good acting in him. I liked the way each little story within the show resolved itself and I thought the ending was very good. I don't think we need another season. Netflix should just leave it alone. It's not easy to keep my attention and this show certainly did!

Free Dance

Beautiful and Extremely Entertaining!
This is one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. The music, the dancing, the characters, and the choreography were all amazing. I am a retired high school teacher/principal and I worked with teenagers my entire career. I've heard all of the bad language and wild things that kids say and do. This movie is so refreshing in that respect. I'm no prude by any means but I thoroughly enjoyed the wholesomeness of this movie. What a beautiful way for young people to be introduced to the arts and see some positive and clean entertainment. Kudos to the writers and producers of this movie!

Instant Family

Review from an educator
This heart warming film was inspired by a true story. It is very realistic and an eye opener for people that haven't been exposed to foster children. I have been an educator for over 40 years and I have taught students from elementary to high school. I've worked in inner city schools as well as rural schools. Regardless of social class, the common thread is the same. Children in foster homes have a very challenging life. Moving from home to home can be very traumatic for children of any age. The sad thing is, as the film points out, that the "system" is over loaded and there are not enough foster parents to take care of these kids. Our government needs to step up and pour some serious money into the Department of Children Services so that the system is not so overloaded. I've been in homes where children are living in deplorable conditions and I was told that DCS would not take these children because the case was not severe enough. That is a real shame!

A Star Is Born

People need to stop comparing to previous movies!
All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. After reading the reviews, I realized that people either loved it or hated it. I thought that the acting was excellent. I loved the music and cinematography. The dialogue was amazing. If people would just chill and watch a movie for entertainment and not get so technical, they would enjoy this movie. My wife and I both enjoyed it and we always watch very different types of movies.

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