
IMDb member since January 2018
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    6 years


Stay Close

Started Dumb
And got progressively dumber. Had some unique and promising moments. For example, ex-wife is detective's partner. The cute as a button singing and dancing killer duo. But other than that it was just stupid. A lot of plot holes. Bordering on incoherent. And that opening song. Just kill that cat already.


I only got through the first episode and it was awful. Everything. Bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad editing . . . Now my only concern is that I seem the same producers are involved with making Artemis. But at least they are not making Project Hail Mary, which was a better book.


WTF Am I Watching?
Watched this after seeing it on a top 10 list. Waiting for it to get to some point. Watched it all the way through. Seems like the filmmakers just setup a camera, took the resulting footage and with minimal editing slapped it together for an hours and half long movie. What a waste of time.


This movie is way too long. But it did give me ample time to puzzle over whether it was the atrocious writing that made the acting seem so bad or the wooden acting that made the writing so dull. Quite the conundrum. I find it hard to believe that Christopher Nolan birthed this BS. However, I am keeping the faith in Nolan by assuming that, as a lark, he got together a room full of 8 year old boys, had them "write" a movie, slapped together all their disparate thoughts and voila . . . We got ourselves an action movie.

The Feed

Interesting concept. Good trailer. But I couldn't get past the first episode. Extremely boring. Couldn't care less what happened to anyone. Poor writing and over-wrought direction.

Sacred Games

I loved the book and really wanted to like the series. The book had excellent pacing and had me captivated from start to finish. I made it thru the 3rd episode of the series before I gave up. It is style over substance, boring and illogical; huge sections that just don't make any sense. However, it does have me interested in re-reading the book.


Fan of Payne and willing to giving him the benefit of the doubt. I read the reviews and tempered my expectations. It was worse than the already low expectations I had. It is just flat out boring. I am going to assume that there was too much meddling by the studio and what ended up on the screen wasn't wholly Payne's vision. Sad!!

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